Specialization "Computer modeling in pharmacology"
Within the framework of 09.04.02 Information Systems and Technologies program, Sechenov University provides you with the unique opportunity to master Computer modeling in pharmacology.
The educational program is aimed at preparing masters for work in the high-tech fields of modern pharmacology and computer drug development, collecting, analyzing and storing data on chemical compounds, for classifying and designing new molecular structures with specified properties, including for chemical industry enterprises, materials science, etc.
The training is practice-oriented and is aimed at the formation of professional competencies that allow solving specific tasks of managing medical organizations and carrying out scientific and pedagogical activities.
Program support personnel: doctors and candidates of sciences, leading local and foreign specialists in the field of drag design, bio-and chemoinformatics.
Implementation features:
* Internships and practices in local and foreign pharmaceutical companies;
* Participation of students in research work (bioinformatics laboratory);
* The Master's program will be implemented in cooperation with the University of Paris (Université Paris). The University of Paris, which has become a partner of the program, is one of the leading universities in France in the field of medicine, exact sciences and humanities. In the Times Higher Education 2021 world rankings of the best universities it ranks the 136th, QS WUR 2021 in the field of medicine and life sciences – 66nd place.
Potential and real business partners:
* Local and foreign pharmaceutical companies;
* contract organizations;
* research institutes and laboratories engaged in the development of innovative medicines, new materials, conducting research and development in the field of chemistry and pharmacology;
The program will prepare masters for work in the high-tech fields of modern pharmacology and computer drug development, computational chemistry and computer prediction and design of properties of compounds, collection, analysis and storage of data on chemical compounds, for classification and design of new molecular structures with specified properties. Graduates of the program have the opportunity to continue their studies in postgraduate education (Phd program).
The training period: 2 years
The form of training: full-time
For more information, please contact:
Center for Master's Programs,
Moscow, Trubetskaya str., 8, p. 2, room 417
tel.: (495) 622-96-47, (495) 622-98-85
e-mail: centrmp2013@mail.ru
web: sechenov.ru/eng/