Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine is the oldest and largest faculty in the University. Today it is comprised of 45 chairs, teaching hospitals, and research laboratories.

The Faculty of Medicine provides undergraduate education in General Medicine. Graduates receive the degree of Medical Doctor. It is granted to medical students after the completion of their degree program, which lasts 6 years for full-time studies or 7 years in case of part-time studies. About 600 students graduate each year.


The Faculty of Medicine also provides postgraduate training. Depending on the branch of medicine, this can be a 1-year internship, 2-3-year residency or a combination of both.

Some chairs also offer PhD fellowships, with the PhD program lasting 3-4 years, as well as other doctoral programs.

The faculty is headed by the Dean Prof. Marina A. Kinkulkina, M.D.

Chairs are headed by professors, academicians and corresponding members of Russian Academies of Sciences, Medical Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Education. Most faculty members have PhD or Doctor of Medicine research degrees.

The Faculty of Medicine provides training in patient care at the MSMU teaching hospitals, affiliated hospitals, maternity hospitals, veterans hospitals and 14 out-patient clinics in Moscow.                                           

Chairs are headed by professors, members and corresponding members of the Russian Academies of Sciences, Medical Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Education. Most faculty members have PhD or Doctor of Medicine research degrees.

The Faculty of Medicine provides training in patient care at the MSMU teaching hospitals, affiliated hospitals, maternity hospitals, veterans hospitals and 14 out-patient clinics in Moscow.

Training at the Faculty of Medicine of the University ensures the opportunity to become a highly qualified specialist, obtain the most advanced knowledge and professional competencies. Academic staff is represented by leaders of the Russian and global science and clinical practice.

Alumni of the Faculty are outstanding clinicians, researchers, science and healthcare professionals in Russia and majority of countries worldwide.

  1. Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology No.1
  2. Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology No.2
  3. Chair of Human Anatomy
  4. Chair of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  5. Chair of Biological Chemistry
  6. Chair of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
  7. Chair of Histology, Cytology and Embryology
  8. Chair of Ophthalmology
  9. Chair of Internal Medicine No.1
  10. Chair of Internal Medicine No.2
  11. Chair of Surgery No.1
  12. Chair of Surgery No.2
  13. Chair of Pediatrics
  14. Chair of Foreign Languages
  15. Chair of Clinical Pharmacology and Introduction to Internal Medicine
  16. Chair of Dermatology and Venerology
  17. Chair of the Latin Language and Medical Terminology
  18. Chair of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
  19. Chair of Radiology and Radiotherapy
  20. Chair of Medical Genetics
  21. Chair of Neurology
  22. Chair of Physiology
  23. Chair of General Biology, General Genetics and Parasitology
  24. Chair of General Surgery
  25. Chair of Oncology
  26. Chair of Operative Surgery and Surgical Anatomy
  27. Chair of Pathological Anatomy
  28. Chair of Pathophysiology
  29. Chair of Primary Care
  30. Chair of Introduction to Internal Medicine
  31. Chair of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology
  32. Chair of Forensic Medicine
  33. Chair of Trauma, Orthopedics and Disaster Surgery
  34. Chair of Transplantation and Artificial Organs
  35. Chair of Urology
  36. Chair of Internal Medicine No.3
  37. Chair of Internal Medicine No.4
  38. Chair of Surgery No.3
  39. Chair of Surgery No.4
  40. Chair of Pharmacology
  41. Chair of Physical Training
  42. Chair of Philosophy and Political Science
  43. Chair of Phthisiopulmonology
  44. Chair of Endocrinology
  45. Chair of Civil Defense and Management of Disaster Medical Care