The Institute of Pharmacy was established in 1936. Today it is comprised of 10 chairs.


Photo: In 1910 on Nikitsky Boulevard 13 by the architect Karl Karlovich Kaiser was founded a four-storey building special for the studying. 

The Head of Institute is Professor Ramenskaya Galina V., Pharm.D.


The Institute includes professors, members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Most faculty members have PhD, Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Pharmacy research degrees. In the Institute there are almost works foreign scientists. Besides, another faculties and institutes taking part in educational process. Among them, there are some chairs of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Preventive Medicine. In addition, there are some invited specialists from laboratories of Science and Technology Park for Biomedicine, another profile organizations and foreign universities.


There are three educational program provided by the Institute: Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Bioengineering&Bioinformatics. The Specialist Degrees in Pharmacy and Bioengineering&Bioinformatics are granted to students after the completion of their degree program, which lasts 5 years in full-time, part-time or distance learning arrangements. The Bachelor Degree program in Biotechnology lasts 4 years and Master Degree program lasts 2 years. About 300 students graduate Institute of Pharmacy each year.

Institute of Pharmacy also provides postgraduate training (1-year internship) in pharmacoeconomics and management, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy.

The Institute of Pharmacy also offers PhD fellowships, with the PhD program lasting 3-4 years, other doctoral programs and continuing education courses.

Since 2016 first time in Russia in Sechenov University have started educational program called “Pharmacy and Translational Medicine” due to which students acquiring profound knowledges in the fields of molecular and cellular biology, medical genetics, bioinformatics, pharmaceutical drug development and other.

For foreign students in the Institute exists education on English and French. Every chair has their books on foreign language.

Besides Russian Pharmaceutical Companies, students have their practice in foreign Universities such as Medical University Varna (Buigaria), Belarusian state Medical University, South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and another. Institute of Pharmacy always looking forward for the new types of partnerships with foreign universities, companies, scientific centers, laboratories.


1.    Chair of Analytical, Physical and Colloid Chemistry

2.    Chair of Chemistry

3.    Chair of Pathology

4.    Chair of Organization and Economy of Pharmacy

5.    Chair of Pharmacology

6.    Chair of Natural Science in Pharmacy

7.    A.P. Arzamastsev Chair of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry

8.    Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology

9.    Chair of Pharmacy

10. Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology

1.            Chair of Analytical, Physical and Colloid Chemistry

Every year there are more than 1200 students studies in this chair. The department trains students of 1, 2 and 3 courses of Institute of Pharmacy, Medical and Prophylactic faculty, Medical faculty, as well as foreign students at these courses. They studies chemistry, general and inorganic chemistry, physical and colloid chemistry, analytical chemistry, chemistry of biogenic elements, bioorganic, bioinorganic and biophysical chemistry.

In the 2017-2018 academic year department of Analytical, Physical and Colloid Chemistry consists of 17 people: the head of the department, 3 professors, 12 associate professors and 2 teachers. One professor is a Doctor in chemistry, two - Doctors of pharmaceutical sciences. All associate professors have Ph.D. degrees. Famous scientists in the past and present: prof. F.M. Shemyakin, prof. B.A. Rudenko, prof. Y.Y. Kharitonov, prof. I.K. Kershtens, prof. Y.S. Przheborovsky, prof. O.G. Cherkasova, prof. Y.A. Ershov. Currently, the department is headed by Professor Ivan I. Krasnyuk (Jr.).

Laboratories equipped with modern laboratory furniture and provided with reagents and laboratory utensils, which allows each student to carry out their laboratory practical work. The laboratory equipment includes spectrophotometers, photoelectrocolorimeters, fluorimeters, ionometers, coulometry devices, polarimeters, analytical scales, muffle furnaces, drying cabinets, centrifuges, equipment for gravimetry, potentiometry, chromatography, titrimetry, cryometry, thermal analysis, etc.

Scientific activity of this chair conducts research in the following areas:

·                    "Research and production of new medicinal products with magnetic fillers. Development of methods and techniques for drug analysis. "

·                    "Quantitative models of toxic processes and predicting the stability of medical materials".

·                    "Solid dispersion in medicine."

2.            Chair of Chemistry

The Head of the Department is Professor Nesterova O.V., Pharm.D. In the 2017-2018 academic year department of Chemistry consists of 32 people: the head of the department, 3 professors, 11 associate professors, 9 teachers, 2 assistants and 6 laboratory assistants. All Professors are Doctors of pharmaceutical sciences and all associate professors have PhD degrees.

There are two main research areas in the chair:

1.            Development of approaches to analysis, standardization, quality assessment, certification of biologically active compounds of synthetic and natural origin, drugs and medical products (technological and environmental aspects);

2.            Development and implementation of innovative technologies in the educational process in chemistry in medical universities and medical and biological classes.

The aim of the research work is an in-depth study of biologically active substances by the content of valuable substances, contained in various types of plant raw materials, including vegetable waste from the food industry. Next aim is the development of methods for identification and quantification of these valuable substances for inclusion in the development of normative documentation, as well as the analysis of the quality of various substances of natural and synthetic origin. The relevance of this area of scientific research is determined by the demand on the pharmaceutical market for natural products.

3.            Chair of Pathology

The head of the Department of Pathology is Academician of RAS, Professor, MD Grachev Sergey V. In the 2017-2018 academic year department consists of 10 people: the head of the department, 3 professors, 3 associate professors, 1 teacher and 2 assistants. All Professors has MD all associate professors have PhD degrees.

Pathology is one of the few disciplines that allow students to explore complex changes in the body that occur with any disease and reflect the essence and interrelationships of functional, metabolic and morphological abnormalities. Pathology provides information about the main forms of diseases and the principles of their therapy. Later, at the departments of pharmacology and clinical pharmacology based on the knowledge of etiology, pathogenesis and pathomorphology, as well as manifestations of major diseases, students study the principles of etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.

The main areas of research at the department are related to the study of problems of general pathology, the fundamental foundations of acute and chronic inflammation in cardiovascular diseases, as well as the search for chemical agents and drugs that selectively affects on the key pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mechanisms in the human body.

4.            Chair of Organization and Economy of Pharmacy

The head of the Department of Organization and Economy of Pharmacy is Professor Krivosheev S.A., Pharm.D. In the 2017-2018 academic year department consists of 16 people: the head of the department, 1 professor, 6 associate professors, 3 teachers, 3 assistants and 2 laboratory assistants. Professors is a Doctors of pharmaceutical sciences and all associate professors have PhD degrees.

The main direction of research is development of the methodology of modern educational technologies in the discipline "Management and Economics of Pharmacy" and introduction results of organizational and economic research in the field of the circulation of medicines into the educational process.

The following disciplines are taught at the department:

·                    Treatment of medicines in Russia and the world;

·                    Bioethics;

·                    Management and Economics of Pharmacy;

·                    Rules for the organization of production of medicines;

·                    Organization of pharmacy and its structural units.

5.            Chair of Pharmacology

The head of the Department of Pharmacology is Tarasov Vadim V., PhD. In the 2017-2018 academic year department consists of 20 people: the head of the department, 2 professors, 9 associate professors, 2 teachers, 2 assistants and 4 laboratory assistants. One Professor has MD and all associate professors have PhD degrees.

Academic work of the department deals with teaching of the discipline "Pharmacology" to the following specialties: "Pharmacy", "Stomatology", "Pediatrics", "Nursing", "MBF", "MBH", "Bioengineering and bioinformatics", "Biotechnology" for 2, 3, 4 and 5 courses. Also for the students of Institute of Pharmacy there are two disciplines for choice: "Molecular Pharmacology" and "Pharmaceutical Information". Postgraduate education at the department includes postgraduate study (full-time and part-time forms) and doctoral studies.

The scientific work is carried out on the topic "Development of experimental and clinical methods for evaluating the pharmacological activity of drugs and their dosage forms as a basis for obtaining new knowledge in the preparation of pharmacists".

6.            Chair of Natural Science in Pharmacy

The head of the Department of Natural Science in Pharmacy is Assistant Professor Luferov Alexander N., PhD in Biological sciences. In the 2017-2018 academic year department consists of 29 people: the head of the department, 8 professors, 10 associate professors, 1 teacher, 2 assistants and 7 laboratory assistants. Six Professors are Doctors in pharmaceuticals sciences and all associate professors have PhD degrees.

The Department of Pharmaceutical Science was established in September 2017 as a result of the unification of the Department of Botany and the Department of Pharmacognosy. Now there are 22 employees, including 9 doctors of science (8 professors), 10 candidates of science.

There are three main research areas in the chair:

1. "Ontogeny, the rhythm of seasonal development and the dynamics of accumulation of biologically active substances of medicinal plants of various botanical and geographical zones of the CIS";

2. "Pharmacognostic study of medicinal plant raw materials, medicinal doses, dosage forms from raw materials and development of methods for their standardization taking into account the influence of anthropogenic factors, quality assessment and certification";

3. The new direction of scientific research of the department: "Taxonomy and chorology (geography and ecology) of medicinal plants".

7.            A.P. Arzamastsev Chair of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry

The head of the Department is Professor Ramenskaya Galina V., Pharm.D. In the 2017-2018 academic year department consists of 41 people: the head of the department, 4 professors, 16 associate professors, 5 teachers, 8 assistants and 7 laboratory assistants. All Professors are Doctors in pharmaceuticals sciences and all associate professors have PhD degrees.

This is one of the oldest departments. Pharmaceutical chemistry is one of the basic sciences of modern pharmaceutical education. Therefore, the department constantly works on improving teaching methods in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In the last decade scientific researches at the department are conducted within the framework of a complex theme: "The main directions of creating and evaluating the quality of medicines". The results of the research are actively introduced into practical health care, pharmaceutical practice and educational process.

The following disciplines are taught at the department:

·                    Pharmaceutical Chemistry (General Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Special Pharmaceutical Chemistry)

·                    Toxicological chemistry

·                    Pharmaceutical ecology

·                    Methods of pharmaceutical analysis

·                    Ecology

·                    Chemical and technical control (elective discipline)

·                    Quality control of biological products (elective discipline)

·                    Methods for assessing the equivalence of drugs (elective discipline)

·                    Pharmacokinetic studies (elective discipline)

·                    Development of medicines (elective discipline)

8.            Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology - one of the oldest departments of the educational department of the Institute of Pharmacy. The head of the Department is Professor Krasnyuk Ivan I., Pharm.D. In the 2017-2018 academic year department consists of 18 people: the head of the department, 1 professor, 8 associate professors, 1 teacher, 4 assistants and 3 laboratory assistants. Professor is a Doctor in pharmaceuticals sciences and all associate professors have PhD degrees.

There are three main research areas in the chair:

1. Development of the composition and technology for the preparation of modified-release oral medicines;

2. Development of composition and technology for obtaining visco-plastic dosage forms;

3. Development of the composition and technology of obtaining liposomal medicinal forms.

The department teaches disciplines for students from 3 to 5 year:

·                    "Pharmaceutical technology" (small-scale, pharmacy and industrial production);

·                    "Biopharmacy";

·                    "Principles of the organization of pharmaceutical production;

·                    "Fundamentals of the production of homeopathic remedies";

·                    "Industrial ecology";

·                    "Organization of production and quality management system GMP"

·                    Interdisciplinary course "Medicine,

·                    Interdisciplinary cycle "Technology of medicinal forms production", "Fundamentals of industrial pharmacy", "Foundations of quality control organization in pharmaceutical enterprises", "Features of phytopreparations production"

9.            Chair of Pharmacy

The head of the Department is Litvinova Tatyana M., PhD. In the 2017-2018 academic year department consists of 12 people among which 4 professors and all of them has a doctoral degrees.

At the department of pharmacy since 2017 for students of the 4th and 5th years have been teaching the disciplines "Pharmaceutical Marketing" and "Logistics". The department implements the program of higher education (residency) in the specialty "Management and Economics of Pharmacy" for pharmacists on the basis of higher pharmaceutical education.

The main research area at the department is “Perfection of educational technologies of undergraduate and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education. Development of scientific foundations of technology, standardization and organization of production of medicines”.

10.         Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology

The head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology is Professor Bunyatyan Natalia D., Pharm.D. Among the employees of the department, there are 6 professors and each of them has a doctoral degree.

The main research area at the department is “Perfection of educational technologies of undergraduate and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education”. As a result of scientific work, educational and scientific products at the department are created different textbooks, teaching aids and teaching aids and recommendations that are used by the department staff in the implementation of the educational process in the training, retraining and upgrading of pharmacists in the field of Pharmaceutical Technology. The scientific materials contained in the published articles contribute to the expansion of knowledge of pharmacists in such areas as the study of the problems of fundamental biology, medicine and pharmacy. The professors of the department also take an active part in the development and implementation of other types of scientific products and in the creation of new organizational forms and methods of work.

There is an opportunity to obtain postgraduate education at the department, in scientific specialties 14.04.01 “Technology of obtaining medicines” and 14.03.06 “Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology”:

·         Postgraduate studies;

·         Competitive degree;

·         Doctoral studies.

The most significant publications in recent years

Chair of Analytical, Physical and Colloid Chemistry

1. Studies of the solubility of rutin from solid dispersions. Pharmaceutical chemistry journal. – 2014. – Т. 47. N 11. – С. 612-615. Krasnyuk (jr) I.I., Krasnyuk I.I., Koval'skii I.V., et. al. DOI:10.1007/s11094-014-1020-z

2. Solubility of diclofenac acid form from solid dispersions. Pharmaceutical chemistry journal. – 2015. – Т. 48. N 11. – С. 733-737. Krasnyuk (jr) I.I., Krasnyuk I.I., Nikulina O.I., et. al. DOI:10.1007/s11094-015-1183-2

3. Preparation and investigation of tabletted medicinal formulations of a solid dispersion of rutin. Pharmaceutical chemistry journal. – 2015. – Т. 49. N 7. – С. 481-485. Krasnyuk (jr) I.I., Krasnyuk I.I., Nikulina O.I. et. al. DOI:10.1007/s11094-015-1310-0

 4. Effect of Solid Dispersions on the Dissolution of Ampicillin. BioNanoScience. June 2017, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp 340-344. I.I. Krasnyuk (Jr), A.V. Beliatskaya, I.I. Krasnyuk et. al. DOI:10.1007/s12668-016-0342-6

5. Effect of Solid Dispersions with Polyethylene Glycol 1500 on the Solubility of Indomethacin. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal – 2018. – V. 52. N 3. – P.46-49. I. I. KrasnyukJr, T. M. Kosheleva, A. V. Belyatskaya et. al. DOI:

 6. Development of dosage forms containing Solid dispersion of diclofenac. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal – 2018. – V. 52. N 4. – P. 44-47. I. I. KrasnyukJr, A. V. Belyatskaya, I. I. Krasnyuk et. al. DOI:10.30906/0023-1134-2018-52-4-44-47 

7. Application of indomethacin in medicine and pharmacy. Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. – 2018. – Т. 73, N 2. – С. 130-134. I.I. Krasnuk (Jr.), T.M. Kosheleva A.V., I.I. Krasnuk et. al. DOI:10.15690/vramn879

Chair of Chemistry

1. Groznov, O. V. Nesterova, E. A. Abizov, A. A. Matyushin A. N. Kuzmenko, V. A. Kachulin, Study of the effectiveness of the extract Pimenta in the complex oral health and developing a method of detection of marker substances. Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin. 2015, Vol. 56, No. 5, P. 322

2. P. P. Chapala, M. V. Bermeshev, S. A. Korchagina, R. V. Ashirov, E. V. Bermesheva. Synthesis of 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-containing polymeric materials from 1,2-polybutadiene and eugenol via thiol—ene addition. Russ Chem Bull (2016) 65: 1061. 

3. T. P. Loginova, G. I. Timofeeva, O. L. Lependina, V. A. Shandintsev, A. A. Matyushin, I. A. Khotina, E. V. Shtykova. Fabrication and study of properties of magnetite nanoparticles in hybrid micelles of polystyrene-block-polyethylene oxide and sodium dodecyl sulfate. Crystallogr. Rep. (2016) 61: 77.

4. Struchkov, P.A., Beloborodov, V.L., Il’yasov, I.R., Savvateev, A.M., Kolkhir, V. K., Voskoboinikova, I. V. Assessment of Total Polyphenol Compounds in the Complex Phytopreparations Angionorm and Prostanorm Using the Folin-Ciocalteu Method. Pharm Chem J (2016) 50: 486.

5. Gleb A. Chesnokov, Pavel S. Gribanov, Maxim A. Topchiy, Lidiya I. Minaeva, Andrey F. Asachenko, Mikhail S. Nechaev, Evgeniya V. Bermesheva, Maxim V. Bermeshev, Solvent-free Buchwald–Hartwig amination with low palladium loadings, Mendeleev Communications, Volume 27, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 618-620, ISSN 0959-9436

6. I.P. Beletskaya, N.V. Lukashev, S.Z. Vatsadze, V.G. Nenajdenko, V.V. Negrebetskii, Yu.I. Baukov, I.Yu. Belavin, A.A. Butseeva,V.L. Beloborodov*, I.A. Selivanova*, I.R. Ilyasov*, E.Yu. Nevskaya, E.A. Sorokina, S.A. Syrbu, N.V. Usol’tseva, A.A. Danilin, O.N. Nechaeva, P.P. Purygin,G.I. Deryabina, A.V. Aksenov, I.V. Aksenova, S.N. Ovcharov, E.L. Gavrilova, V.G. Uryadov, V.M. Zakharov, O.G. Sinyashin, I.N. Klochkova, Ya.G. Krylatova,Yu.V. Skornyakov, K.L. Ovchinnikov, A.V. Kolobov, T.P. Kustova, Some problems of the teaching of organic chemistry in universities of Russia. Russ J Org Chem (2017) 53: 1439.

7. Terekhov, R. & Selivanova, I. Fractal Aggregation of Dihydroquercetin After Lyophilization. J Pharm Innov (2018). 

8. Ilyasov, I.R., Beloborodov, V.L. & Selivanova, I.A. Three ABTS•+ radical cation-based approaches for the evaluation of antioxidant activity: fast- and slow-reacting antioxidant behavior. Chem. Pap. (2018).

9. Alentiev, D. A., Bermeshev, M. V., Starannikova, L. E., Bermesheva, E. V., Shantarovich, V. P., Bekeshev, V. G., Yampolskii, Y. P. and Finkelshtein, E. S. (2018), Stereoselective synthesis and polymerization of Exo‐5‐trimethylsilylnorbornene. J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem., 56: 1234-1248.

10. Tkachev, V.V., Utenyshev, A.N., Chernyshov, A.I. et al. Specific Features of the Molecular Structure of A New 3-(Benzo[d]Oxazole-2-Yl)- 1-(2-(1,3,3-Trimethylindoline-2-Ylidene) Ethylidene)Naphthalene-2(1H)-One Zinc Chloride Complex. J Struct Chem (2018) 59: 425.

Chair of Pathology

1. Kabanov D.S., Serov D.A, Zubova S.V., Grachev S.V., Prokhorenko I.R. Dynanics of antagonistic potency of Rhodobacter capsulatis PG lypopolysaccharide against endotoxin-induced effects. Biochemistry (Moscow). - 2016. - 81 (3). – Р.275-283.

2. Yurinskaya M.M., Astashkin E.I., Grachev S.V., Vinokurov M.G. Actovegin protects human neuroblastoma cells SK-N-SH from apoptosis induced by hydrogen peroxide throgh the PI3K and p38 MAPK signaling pathways. Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology. 2016. - 10(1). - Р.68-72.

3. Yurinskaya M.M., Astashkin E.I., Grachev S.V., Vinokurov M.G.Actovegin Protects Human Neuroblastoma Cells SK-N-SH from Apoptosis Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide through the PI3K and p38 MAPK Signaling Pathways. Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology. 2015. - 32(5-6). - Р. 455-460.

4. M.L. Kolotilova, L.N. Ivanov. Neurosis and Genetic Theory of Etiology and Pathogenesis of Ulcer Disease. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014. -№7-8. - Р. 10-16.

5. M.L. Kolotilova, L.N. Ivanov. Individual resistance card in health care for patients with urogenital diseases. The Journal of Urology. – 2016. - № 3. - P.26-30.

6. Kukushkin M.L.Igonkina S.I. Effect of L-lysine escinate on pain sensitivity in rats. Rossijskij zurnal boli. 2015, №2, Р.9-11.

7. Chen Q., Varga M., Wang X., Haddad D., An S., Medzikovic L., Derakhshandeh R., Kostyushev D., Zhang Y., Clifford B., Luu E., Danforth O., Rafikov R., Gong W., Black S., Suchkov S., Fineman J. Overexpression of Nitric Oxide Synthase Restores Circulation Angiogenic Cell Function in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: Implications for Autologous Cell Therapy for Myocardial Infarction. The Journal of the American Heart Association. 2016. - 5(1). P.1-18.

Chair of Organization and Economy of Pharmacy

 1. Krivosheev, S.A.Kartashova, O.V.Tikhonova, U.A.Zakharova, O.V. Pharmaceutical care for patients of the third age in pharmacy organizations as a significant aspect of social gerontology  //Advances in gerontology = Uspekhi gerontologii. 2017. 30(4),  596-600.

2. Glembotzkaja G.T., Kriwoschejew S.A.,Jerjemin S.J., filatowai.W., Wenzel N. Entwicklungstrends und Probleme des russischen Pharma-Markts in 2016// Pharmazeutische industrie (Pharmind) 79, NR 12, 1622-1629 (2017).

3. Glembotzkaya G.T., Krivosheew S.A., Ivanov S.V., Tikhonova Yu.A. The differentiation of the economic costs of preclinical trials of potential antidiabetic drugs //Russian Journal of Biopharmaceuticals 2017. 9 (5), 36-48.

4. Natalia B. Lopatina, Olga V. Pashanova, Sergey A. Krivosheev, Natalia Yu. Baranova. Simulation Play Patterning as a Motivation Tool for Students. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES AND RESEARCH,  Vol. 10(6), 2018, pp. 1438-1443.

5. S. A. Krivosheev, L. A. Lobuteva, O. V. Zakharova, A. V. Lobuteva, O. V. Kartashova. The Assessment of the Drug Assistance Availability to Ophthalmic Patients //Journal of pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. Vol. 10(8), 2018,P.1963-1967

6. Kutseva, J. Tikhonova, V. Gegechkori. Drug quality control management in the Russian pharmaceutical market //Russian Journal of Biopharmaceuticals 2017. 9 (1), 14-21.

7. Maksimkina EA, Vaskova LB, Musina NZ, Tiapkina MV. Pharmacoeconomic analysis of antipsychotic drugs: A hospital perspective. Journal of Pharmacy Research. Vol Issue 6. 2018. P. 821-825.

Chair of Pharmacology

 1. Cotinine: A Therapy for Memory Extinction in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Mendoza C, Barreto GE, Iarkov A, Tarasov VV, Aliev G , Echeverria V. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Jan 15. doi: 10.1007/s12035-018-0869-3. Q1

2. Synthesis of Saccharumoside-B analogue with potential of antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic actvities. Rayavarapu S, Yarla NS, Kadiri SK, Bishayee A, Vidavalur S, Tadikonda R, Basha M, Pidugu VR6, Dowluru KS GK, Lakappa DB, Kamal MA, Md Ashraf G, Tarasov VV, Chubarev VN, Klochkov SG, Barreto GE, Bachurin SO, Aliev G. 

3. Blockade of Neuroglobin Reduces Protection of Conditioned Medium from Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Human Astrocyte Model (T98G) Under a Scratch Assay. Baez-Jurado E, Vega GG, Aliev G, Tarasov VV, Esquinas P, Echeverria V, Barreto GE. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Mar;55(3):2285-2300. doi: 10.1007/s12035-017-0481-y. Q1 

 4. Biogenic synthesis of Zinc oxide nanostructures from Nigella sativa seed: Prospective role as food packaging material inhibiting broad-spectrum quorum sensing and biofilm. Al-Shabib NA, Husain FM, Ahmed F, Khan RA, Ahmad I, Alsharaeh E, Khan MS, Hussain A, Rehman MT, Yusuf M, Hassan I, Khan JM, Ashraf GM, Alsalme AM, Al-Ajmi MF, Tarasov VV, Aliev G. Sci Rep. 2016 Dec 5;6:36761. doi: 10.1038/srep36761. Q1 

5. Implications of farnesyltransferase and its inhibitors as a promising strategy for cancer therapy. Klochkov SG, Neganova ME, Yarla NS, Parvathaneni M, Sharma B, Tarasov VV, Barreto G, Bachurin SO, Ashraf GM, Aliev G. Semin Cancer Biol. 2017 Oct 31. pii: S1044-579X(17)30044-5. doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2017.10.010. Q1 

6. Current Protein and Peptide Science. Andrey A. Svistunov, Vadim V. Tarasov, Svetlana. A. Shakhmardanova, Susanna S. Sologova, Ekaterina T. Bagaturiya, Vladimir N. Chubarev, Pavel A. Galenko-Yaroshevsky, George E. Barreto and Gjumrakch Aliev, 2017, 18, 1-11 1 DOI: 10.2174/1389203718666170829162335  Q2

Chair of Natural Science in Pharmacy

 1. Bokov, D.O., Samylina I.A. Comparison of the chemical compositions of Galanthus woronowii Losinsk. and Galanthus nivalis L. homeopathic mother tinctures by gas chromatography with mass-selective detection // Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2017. Vol. 50, № 10. – P. 659-667.  

2. Bokov D.O. Identification of flavonoids in homeopathic mother tinctures of Galanthus woronowii Losinsk. and Galanthus nivalis L. by ultra-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode arrays and tandem quadrupole mass-selective detectors / D.O. Bokov, I.A. Samylina // Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. – 2016. – Vol. 50, No. 7. – P. 458-464.

3. D’yakova N.A., Samylina  I.A.,  Slivkin  A.I., Gaponov S.P.,  Myndra A.A. Estimated Heavy-Metal and Arsenic Contents in Medicinal Plant Raw Materials of the Voronezh Region // Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 2018, June, Vol.  52, Issue 3. P. 220–223. 

4. Луферов А.Н., Эрст А.С., Шмаков А.И. Новые номенклатурные комбинации в роде Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae) // Turczaninowia, 2017. Vol. 21, № 3. P. 148-150.  

 5. Luferov A.N., Erst  A.S., Luferov D.N., A. I. Shmakov A.I., Wang W.  The genus Trollius (Ranunculaceae) in the Russian Far East // Turczaninowia. 2018. Vol. 21, № 2. P. 110-116. 

 6. Sergeeva M.G., Morokhina S.L., Mitrosenko S.V., Prosolupova N.A., Katasonova T.A., Makarova V.V. The development of the higher education services market as a priority direction of the professional school modernization // Espacios. 2018. Т. 39, № 21. P. 25. 

A.P. Arzamastsev Chair of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry

1. HPLC-MS/MS METHOD OF DETERMINING DIBAGATRAN IN HUMAN BLOOD SERUM. G.V. Ramenskaya. Pharmaceutical Chemestry Journal, 2018, №51, с.1129-1137


3. PHEASANT'S EYE: A PHARMACOPOEIAL STUDY OF MEDICINAL PLANT. O.V. Evdokimova, A.A. Matyushin, E.I. Sakanyan, M.N. Lyakina. J. Pharm. Sci. & Res., Vol. 10(2), 2018, Р. 340-343

4. ASSESSING GE-132 AS AN ANTIOXIDANT IN ORGANIC AND WATER-CONTAINING MEDIA. A. A. Vishtorskaya, E. A. Saverina, I. V. Krylova, A. V. Lalov, M. A. Syroeshkin, M. P. Egorov, Viatcheslav V. Jouikov . Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, March 2018, Pages 8-13

5. THE INFLUENCE OF CYP3A5 POLYMORPHISMS ON HALOPERIDOL TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH ALCOHOL ADDICTION. Zastrozhin M.S., Grishina E., Ryzhikova K.A., Smirnov V.V., Savchenko L.M., Bryun E.A., Sychev D.A. Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. 2018. Т. 11. P. 1-5

6. URINE METABOLIC RATIO OF OMEPRAZOLE IN RELATION TO CYP2C19 POLYMORPHISMS IN RUSSIAN PEPTIC ULCER PATIENTS. Denisenko N., Sychev D., Sizova Zh., Smirnov V., Ryzhikova K., Sozaeva Zh., Grishina E. Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. 2017. Т. 10. P. 253-259.

7. GENOTYPING AND PHENOTYPING OF CYP2D6 AND CYP3A ISOENZYMES IN PATIENTS WITH ALCOHOL USE DISORDER: CORRELATION WITH HALOPERIDOL PLASMA CONCENTRATION. Zastrozhin M.S., Bryun E.A., Skryabin V.Y., Sychev D.A., Grishina E.A., Ryzhikova K.A., Mirzaev K.B., Markov D.D., Snalina N.E., Savchenko L.M., Miroshnichenko I.I., Baymeeva N.V., Smirnov V.V., Nosikova P.G. Drug Metabolism and Personalized Therapy. 2017. Т. 32. № 3. P. 129-136.

8. A CONVENIENT MODIFIED SYNTHESIS OF 5-PYRIDINYL-1,3,4-THIADIAZOLE-2-CARBOXAMIDES. Myannik KA, Yarovenko VN, Rodionova GM, Baryshnikova TK, Krayushkin MM. Arkivoc, 2017 (3), pp. 316-325.


10. INTERACTION OF GEM-DIFLUORINATED LODIDES WITH SILYL ENOL ETHERS MEDIATED BY PHOTOREDOX CATALYSIS. Chernov GN, Levin VV, Kokorekin VA, Struchkova MI, Dilman AD. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 359 (17), pp. 3063-3067.

Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology

Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin. 2016. Т. 71. № 2. С. 127-133. 

     2. Study of the influence of cholesterol on pharmaceutical parameters and antitumor activity of liposomal analogue hypothalamic hormone somatostatin. Sanarova E.V.1, Lantsova A.V., Dmitrieva M.V., Zhang X., Kiseleva M.P.Borisova L.M., Orlova O.L.1, Polozkova A.P.Krasnuk I.I.Oborotova N.A. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2017. Т. 9. № 5. P. 22-26.

     3. Antihepatotoxic Activity of Liposomal Silibinin. Lutsenko S.V., Gromovykh T.I., Krasnyuk I.I., Vasilenko I. A., Feldman N.B. BioNanoScience, №2,2018, P.581-586 

     4. EFFECT OF SOLID DISPERSIONS ON THE DISSOLUTION OF AMPICILLIN. Krasnyuk I.I., Beliatskaya A.V., Stepanova O.I., Korol L.A., Grikh V.V., Ovsyannikova L.V., Kosheleva T.M., Valeeva A.M.BioNanoScience. 2017. Т. 7. № 2. P. 340-344. 

     5. REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY GEL-FORMING AGENTS IN THE TECHNOLOGY OF DOSAGE FORMS. Anurova M.N., Bakhrushina E.O., Demina N.B. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2015. Т. 49. № 9. P. 627-634. 

     6. DEVELOPMENT OF ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR PERORAL ROLONGED-RELEASE NIMESULIDE GEL. Bakhrushina E.O., Anurova M.N., Smirnov V.V., Demina N.B. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2017. P. 1-6. 


     8. DRUG SYNTHESIS METHODS AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY: DEVELOPMENT OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY FOR PROLONGED-RELEASE ORAL AMBEN PREPARATION. Nifontova G.O., Krechetov S.P., Krasnyuk I.I., Korostylev E.V., Akhmetzyanova A.R. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2016. Т. 50. № 8. P. 537-542. 

     9.  Development of a New Dosage Form of Naproxen. Lebedeva Yu.Ye., Valeeva E.R., Zabolotnaya P.G., Kozlova Zh.M. СТМ, 2017, volume 9, issue 4, pages 188-193. 

   10. PREPARATION AND INVESTIGATION OF TABLETTED MEDICINAL FORMULATIONS OF A SOLID DISPERSION OF RUTIN. Krasnyuk I.I., Koval'skii I.V., Nikulina O.I., Belyatskaya A.V., Kharitonov Y.Y., Grikh V.V., Korol' L.A., Obidchenko Y.A., Vorob'ev A.N. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2015. Т. 49. № 7. P. 481-485. 

Chair of Pharmacy

1. Babaskin D.V., Litvinova T.M., Babaskina L.I., Savinova O.V., Winter E.A. Modifying Factors of Transdermal Delivery of Biologically Active Substances of Peloid: Experimental Research. // J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. – 2018, – Vol. 10(4), PP. 697-700.

2. Babaskin D.V., Litvinova T.M., Babaskina L.I. Okonenko T.I., Rumyantsev Y.Y. Competitive advantages of the rehabilitation methods under development as a strategic factor of their introduction efficiency (through the example of phytocomplex smc-electrophoresis). // J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. – 2018, – Vol. 10(5), PP. 1292-1296.

3. Babaskina L.I., Litvinova T.M., Babaskin D.V., Winter E.A., Krylova O.V. Improving the Chemical Status of Peloids by Adding the Phytocomplex in the Rehabilitation of Patients with Osteoarthritis: Experimental Study. // J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. – 2018, – Vol. 10(5), PP. 1238-1242.

4. Babaskina L.I., Litvinova T.M., Babaskin D.V., Veber V.R., Okonenko T.I. Identifying Target Markets in the Development of Rehabilitation Methods for the Patients Based on Phytocomplex Phonophoresis Method. // J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. – 2018, – Vol. 10 (7), PP. 1814-1817.

5. Smyslova, O.A. Litvinova T.M., Glazkova I.U., Denisova M.N., Ermakov D.A., Suvorova I.I. Pharmacotherapeutic efficiency of the new complex urological herbal medicine in experimental urolithiasis // International Journal of Green Pharmacy. – Oct-Dec 2017 (Suppl) – Vol. 11, № 4. – PP. 101-108.

Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology

     1. Kholnazarov B.M., Bunyatyan N.D., Shakhmatov A.N., Bobiev G.M. Development of an immunotropic drug based on coordination compounds of a synthetic low molecular weight thymus peptide with iron ions. - Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2014. Т. 48. № 9. С. 632-634.

     2. A. N. Vasilev, N. D. Bunyatyan, E. V. Gavrishina, R. R. Nijazov, D. P. Romodanovskij, D. V. Goryachev, R. N. Alyautdin, B. K. Romanov. THERAPEUTIC EQUIVALENCE AND INTERCHANGEABILITY OF MEDICINAL PRODUCTS. - Russian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. 2015. Т. 78. № 9. P. 32-38.

      3. Avdeeva Zh.I., Alpatova N.A., Soldatov A.A., Bondarev V.P., Bunyatyan N.D., Merkulov V.A., Medunitsin N.V., Mosyagin V.D. Features of preclinical studies of biotechnological medicines. - Immunology. 2015. Т. 36. № 5. P. 306-312.

     4. Krivykh M.A., Kornilova O.G., Bunyatyan N.D., Kudasheva É.Y.Optimization of the conditions for assay of the anti-complement activity of human immunoglobulin preparations for intravenous administration. -  Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2015. Т. 49. № 7. P. 473-476.

     5. Kholnazarov B.M., Bunyatyan N.D., Shakhmatov A.N., Bobiev G.M. Production and quantitative determination of thymofer drug substance. - Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2015. Т. 48. № 11. P. 744-746.

     6. Khalin I.V., Musina N.Z., Alyautdin R.N., Romanov B.K., Bunatyan N.D. Prospects of using brain-derived neurotrophic factor for the treatment of optic-nerve neuropathy (a review) - Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2015. Т. 48. № 11. P. 699-702.

     7. Nikolaeva L., Oborotova N., Bunyatyan N., Zhang X., Sanarova E., Lantsova A., Orlova O., Polozkova A.The development of a parenteral pharmaceutical formulation of a new class of compounds of nitrosourea .  Pharmaceuticals. 2016. Т. 9. № 4. P. 68. 

     8. Romodanovskii D.P., Goryachev D.V., Olefir Y.V., Bunyatyan N.D. Planning bioequivalence studies of drugs with narrow therapeutic indices. - Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2017. Т. 50. № 12. P. 814-816. 

     9. Bunyatyan N. D., Filippova O. V, Romanov B. K. , Prokof’ev A. B. Interchangeability Issues with Glaucoma Medicines Using Latanoprost as an Example - Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018. - Volume 51, Issue 11, pp 1021–1024.