
Sechenov University will host the International Conference with Live-Surgery: «Management of Prostate Cancer: Change is Coming»

Sechenov University will host the International Conference with Live-Surgery: «Management of Prostate Cancer: Change is Coming»

загруженное (2).pngWe have the honor to invite you to take part in the International Conference with Live-Surgery: «Management of Prostate Cancer: Change is Coming» in collaboration with Institute for Urology and Reproductive Health, Sechenov University & European Society of UroTechnology (ESUT). The Conference will take place at Sechenov University's Institute of Urology and Reproductive Health on April 12, 2019. This international event dedicated to Oncourology will feature live surgery and world-renowned speakers. 

It wil focus on the new technologies in prostrate cancer treatment with maximum visibility in semi-live format, demonstration and discussion of the four top operations in world medicine. The participants will witness four top semi-live surgeries: fusion biopsy, focal cryoablation, focal irreversible electroporation and robot-assisted prostatectomy with triple layer anastomosis.
Professor Vitaly Margulis from the University of Texas (USA), visiting professor of Sechenov University, will have a report on the future of minimally invasive prostate cancer treatment. Professor Eric Barret, Paris Descartes University (France), will explore current approaches to focal treatment of cancer. Professor Juan Gomez Rivas, La Paz University Hospital (Spain), will talk about future evolution of biopsy. Professor Georg Salomon, chairman of the EAU Section of Urological Imaging, University of Hamburg (Germany), will focus on novel diagnostic techniques and verification options. 
The Conference Program is available at the official web-site.  
Official language: English. Translation will be provided.

"Prostate cancer management: change is coming" is the conference that presents a unique opportunity to exchange best practices with the top world's specialists!

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