
Sechenov University anthem translation: creative competition announced

Sechenov University anthem translation: creative competition announced

We announce a competition for a creative poetic translation of the Sechenov University anthem into English.
It is difficult to imagine a graduate of the Sechenov University who would not know the anthem of the university. We have students from more than 90 countries, and we want our anthem to be understood not only by students and graduates, but also by their parents, friends and colleagues.
We will be glad to every participant, and the winner of the competition will receive a valuable prize, as well as a publication in the Sechenov newspaper and on the official website of the Sechenov University.
Acceptance of applications opens on March 1 and ends on April 1 at 23:59. Please send your translation option at Indicate in the subject line: "University Anthem Translation Contest"
The winner will be announced on April 11, 2021.
 Anthem original lyrics in Russian can be found in the Sechenov International Students group.

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