
Management of Health Systems

Programme Level

The Master’s Programme in Public Health with specialisation in Management of Health Systems offers a modern education in the field of theory, practice and research in public health, health care, management, leadership, and personnel management. The Programme is destined for those who actually do or plan to do evaluation, study, and improvement of public health in Russia and globally, as well as implement effective healthcare strategies worldwide.
The programme is focused not only on domestic but also on foreign students both with medical and not medical background. The faculty optimally combines research and educational processes, the academic staff is actively involved in research work, which allows to introduce the latest developments into the educational process and involve students to conduct independent scientific research to apply the acquired knowledge into practice.

Programme Coordinator:
Dr Maria Mikerova
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare at the Sechenov University

Working Languages:
Russian and English

Duration of the Programme:
2 years

Degree Awarded upon Completion:
Master of Public Health

International Recognition:
In 2017, the Master of Public Health Programme received a five-year accreditation from the accreditation commission of Evalag (evaluation agency Baden-Württemberg, Germany).

Cost of Attendance:
230 000 RUB (a year)

Course Content:
The duration of the Programme is two academic years, starting in September of year one and finishing in June of year two.
It is a two-year full-time study Programme which comprises eight core subjects, two elective pairs of subjects, one facultative subject, integrating experience and a research project resulting in a master's thesis. The total credit value of the Programme is 120 credits including all types of in-class and individual work of a student, practice, research work, evaluation of knowledge.

Core Modules:
Public health and its determinants
This module examines important definitions and concepts of public health and explains the principal determinants of health as a basis for managing major non-communicable and communicable diseases. The module also explores trends in public health, global burden of non-communicable diseases, health inequalities, and social gradient in health as well as key concepts of disease prevention, health programmes and public health interventions, international cooperation in global health.

Organisation and methodology of scientific research
The module covers basics of research methodology (types of research, quantitative and qualitative, observational studies), types of observational studies design, their advantages and disadvantages. Specific focus will be placed on basic statistical knowledge for critical evaluation of scientific publications and practice of interpreting the results of published papers.

Information technology
Main module topics include basic concepts of eHealth and telemedicine, medical information systems, artificial intelligence in medicine, internet technology in the daily activities of a medical professional, protection of personal information. Practical skills will be implemented for application of statistical data analysis packages.

This module examines the concepts of management in healthcare organisations and explores management styles, theories and processes. The module also covers the key issues of change management, risks management in healthcare, conflict management and documentation management. Specific reference is made to motivation and group dynamics, modern approaches to organisational methods, implementation strategies, organisational culture and the principles underpinning the leadership and management processes.

The module introduces fundamental concepts, principles and methods of epidemiology and applies a critical evidence-based approach for data management in epidemiology research and practice. Types of epidemiological studies, apply of epidemiological research methods in public health, epidemiological surveillance, noncommunicable and communicable disease surveillance as well as the role of surveillance in global public health will be discussed. 

Healthcare organisation
This module focuses on main principles for the organisation of health systems, principles of organisation и financing of primary care, specialized, emergency, palliative care, principles of medical care quality evaluation, legal and ethical issues in healthcare, method to assess the effectiveness of health care system and its components.

Health economics
This module covers the theories, principles and concepts of financial management in a health care setting, the role of financial management in medical organisations, interrelationship of health, health care and economics,  key elements of healthcare market, determinants of demand, supply and costs of health service, efficiency of public health services, methods of economic analysis, clinical and economic analysis, efficiency evaluation methods.          

Foreign language for professional communication
Students will gain practical experience in applying a foreign language as an instrument for business and professional communication  as well  as an instrument of self-education. Specific focus will be placed on preparation of presentation, poster report, participation in an international conference, writing a scientific paper. Additionally students will get deep understanding of key issues of cross-cultural communication in medicine.

Elective Modules:
Human resource management / Personnel management
Human resource management module introduces fundamental concepts of formation and development of human resources in public health, personnel policy and personnel planning, personnel accept and selection, as well as personnel effective assessment both within the concrete health care organisation and at the level of interaction between institutions and organisations. Specific reference is made to the comparative analysis of public health human resources in Russia and Western Europe, the U.S., Japan, China, Australia and other countries.
Personnel management module covers the specifics characteristics of the personnel management system in medical organisations, discusses the role of personnel management as a specific management sphere, key stages of personnel management, the basic issues of personnel accept, personnel marketing, methods of personnel selection and assessment, personnel development. Specific focus will be placed on the concept of career guidance and social adaptation.

Marketing communications / Communicative aspects in the formation of public health
Marketing communications module introduces marketing in healthcare as the socio-ethic system and covers the topics of the methodological basis of marketing researches in healthcare, communications in social marketing, advertising as an element of marketing communications, assessment of efficiency of marketing communications.

Communicative aspects in the formation of public health
This module includes such issues as communication and its categories, the factors to increase the population's communicative adequateness, principles of development of communicative programmes, forms of work with mass media, advertising, the principles on campaigns development.

Facultative Modules:
Project Management
This module covers basic concepts of project management in a health care organisation; phases of a project and project life cycle. Students will develop deep knowledge in nine project management areas and skills in  application of modern methods and models in the process of project management and assessment of efficiency of project in a health care organisation.

Integrating Experience
This module integrates the knowledge, skills and experience generated on completion of the core modules by examining the research process executed and the practice application in the professional area. The practice placement allows the student to exemplify recognised professional conduct and practical experience relevant for analysing public health problems related to chronic disease management. It furthermore equips the student to determine and critique managerial and networking processes in public health organisations and generating public health programmes. The module summarises the student’s ability to construct specialised and advanced theoretical and conceptual knowledge as applied to practice and understanding to generate new knowledge through scientific research methodology.

Research Project:
This course provides an overview of the research process including formulation of a research problem, conceptualisation of the research design, construction of the instrument for data collection, selection of the sample, collection of data, processing of data, and writing the research report.
Topics include how to identify a research question and, correspondingly, how to formulate a clear, concise hypothesis or set of hypotheses; reasons and procedures for reviewing the literature; overview of observational and interventional research designs; review of measurement theory, types of scales, and commonly used measures in public health-related research; data collection methods including survey and qualitative methods; and the ethical conduct of research. Through the introduction of these topics, the course provides a general background for individuals who are interested in learning the fundamentals of how to prepare and to conduct a research proposal.
Final (state) assessment is conducted in the form of a defending of a graduation qualification work (master's thesis). Master's thesis is a scientific work with the single internal structure, extended and scientific arguments and the logic of arguments presentation aimed at taking the point of the goal and the tasks of the research.
