
Nursing Management

Programme Level

If you are a graduate of medical school and want to raise your career to a new level, our master's degree in nursing is for you. This two-year graduation course is designed for nursing and will give you the skills and experience to start a successful career in this important profession.
You will learn about the complex needs of people from early to old age and develop professional skills to provide high-quality medical care in various clinical and community settings. As you progress, you will develop skills to assess, plan, deliver, and evaluate evidence-based assistance to improve the health and well-being of adults with acute and chronic illnesses.
Evaluations will allow you to develop creative, critical thinking and decision making skills. Students will learn how to cope with real life situations in the form of objective structured clinical research (OSCE), poster presentations, and even write a journal article ready for publication. We focus on partnership work that crosses disciplinary, professional and organizational boundaries. This program provides training to work in complex and diverse conditions and has the knowledge, interpersonal skills and management skills for effective practice in modern healthcare and education.

Programme Coordinator:
Dr Natalia Shustikova
Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare at the Sechenov University

Working Languages:
Russian and English

Duration of the Programme:
2 years

Degree Awarded upon Completion:
Master of Public Health

International Recognition:
Russia Only

Cost of Attendance:
Not Specified RUB (a year)

Course Content:
The course duration is two academic years, starting in September of the first year and ending in June of the second year. The first year of study focused on the development of theoretical disciplines. The second year of study contains a significant amount of practical work, including work on a master's thesis.
In the first and partially in the second semester, undergraduates master the basic part of the master's course, which focuses on studying the main modern problems of organising and providing medical care, quality and safety of medical care, organising nursing, nursing research and integrating them into nursing practice to improve patient care.

Mandatory Block:
• Public Health
• Nursing activities based on the principles of evidence-based medicine
• Theory, practice and organisation of nursing
The schedule composed in this way to ensure interconnection and continuity in the development of disciplines and the extension of the knowledge gained by the undergraduate in the areas of medical organisation management, public health, legal and ethical issues of nursing care organisation, business process management in medicine, and application of a scientific approach to improvement nursing patient care.

In the second semester, the undergraduate proceeds to the study of elective discipline:
• Legal and ethical issues of health care management
• Basics of effective communication, including for scientific communication
• Strategic health planning
• Medical logistics and flow management in a medical organisation
Within the framework of this work, educational topics mastered through the joint work of various teachers and practitioners in order to achieve the goals of theoretical and practical training.

Methods of problem-based learning, lectures, and discussions, solving situational problems, designing and modelling processes are widely used to master the disciplines.
The training is conducted using distance learning technologies, using the Unified Educational Electronic Portal of the University, which hosts materials of video lectures, tests, seminars and practical tasks in the disciplines, and the undergraduate can communicate with the teacher on-line.
In the second year of study in the third semester for 8 weeks, undergraduates continue to study the theory of medical logistics, health management and economics, and the organisation of preventive work.
Starting from week 9, undergraduates are moving to the development of a practical unit, which includes the practice of project management, research work, and practice of organising nursing care. Undergraduates continue to master the practical section until the completion of training, which ends with the defence of a research work (Master's thesis).

In the first year of study in the second semester, the undergraduate begins to practice research, which includes the choice of research topic, planning and conducting research and defending a master's thesis. This activity implemented during the development of the practice Research Work.

Approximate topics of master's theses:

  • Intangible reward systems for motivating nurses
  • Patient flow management
  • Innovative approaches to assisting elderly patients and patients with long-term care
  • Expanding the functions of nursing staff in improving the effectiveness of medical care
  • The role of the corporate culture of the medical organisation in the qualitative provision of medical services
  • The system of assessing the severity of patient care, as a factor in the regulation of the work of a nurse
  • Management decisions in the organisation based on the principles of evidence-based medicine
  • The role of the nurse in creating optimal conditions for independent living of the elderly outside of hospitals
  • Assessment of patient satisfaction as a tool for managing the quality of care
  • Patient identification as a factor of safe medical care
  • Information resource management in a medical organisation. Effective communication
  • The use of telemedicine technology in the development of nursing and improving the quality of patient care
  • Patient identification as a factor of safe medical care
  • Prevention of falls and nosocomial injuries
  • Improving the system of infectious safety and prevention of Infections related to medical care in a medical organisation
  • Safety of drug therapy
  • Management of risks
After selecting and approving the topic of the master’s thesis on the department’s council, a scientific supervisor assigned to each undergraduate who oversees the research work.
The undergraduate meets with the supervisor, discusses the chosen topic, draws up a plan and program of his research and proceeds to its implementation in the practice process. The practice of writing research work continues from the second to the fourth semester and is 54 credits worth.
Upon completion of the training, the undergraduate must defend the master's thesis and demonstrate knowledge and skills in applying the methodology of scientific research and the organisation of research, evidence-based medicine, biostatistics, organisation of medical care, public health and other disciplines studied.
