
Special (Defectological) Education

Programme Level

The educational program with profile in speech Therapy and Neuropsychology was introduced in Sechenov University in 2013.
Interdisciplinary and integrated approach to training can significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment, rehabilitation and correction of various categories of children and adults. The unique clinical and inpatient base of Sechenov University contributes to a significant improvement in the quality of development of competencies with the possibility of expanding the range of quality training of services provided to the population with organic brain damage, various Orofacial and speech pathology, in order to identify violations of higher mental functions and diagnosis, prescribing corrective measures to patients with violations of higher mental functions against the background of organic diseases of the brain, monitoring its effectiveness and safety, as well as planning, conducting and monitoring the effectiveness of measures for medical rehabilitation of higher mental functions on the background of organic brain damage, including the implementation of individual rehabilitation programs or habilitation. The set of mastered competencies provides graduates with the ability to carry out professional activities in various fields of education and health care.
The program is very popular among different students. The powerful material and technical base allows to expand considerably a set of specialists of high level of preparation for branches of medicine, public health and educational institutions.

Programme Coordinator:
Dr Nigina Babiyeva
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Nursing Management and Social Work Activities

Working Languages:
Not Specified 

Duration of the Programme:
2 years

Degree Awarded upon Completion:
Master of Special (Defectological) Education

International Recognition:
Not Specified

Cost of Attendance:
Not Specified 000 RUB (a year)

Course Content:
Year 1:
History and philosophy of special pedagogy and psychology
History of formation and development of national systems of special education (socio-cultural context). General pedagogical principles of correctional and pedagogical activity. Principles of special correctional and pedagogical activity. Scientific basis of special pedagogy and special psychology. General scientific methodology of special pedagogy. Fundamental scientific concepts underlying modern cognitive models in special pedagogy and psychology.

Neuropsychology of developmental disorders of speech
Principles of neuropsychology Vygotsky-Luria. Structural and functional organisation of the brain and its formation in ontogenesis. Social Genesis of higher mental functions (VPF). Theory of formation of VPF as a process of interiorisation (L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin). The concept of "zone of proximal development" and its application in neuropsychological diagnosis and correction. Dynamic organisation and localisation of VPF. The concept of a functional system and the possibility of restructuring functional systems. The idea of Chromogenic Localisation of functions by L. S. Vygotsky and its implications for child neuropsychology. Concept A.R. Luria on three main structural and functional blocks of the brain. Block functions. The hierarchical building blocks of the brain. General patterns of maturation of blocks. The ratio of biological and social in the formation of mental functions. Neuropsychology of individual differences as a basis for the use of neuropsychological methods in school practice.  Systemic structure of higher mental functions. Analysis of the system structure of the writing function. Taking into account the principle of systemic structure of VPF in diagnosis. The main reasons for the reorganization of functional systems: ontogenetic changes, changes in the automation process, the use of various cognitive strategies. Heterochrony and uneven development of mental functions as manifestations of species and individual genetic development program. Regularities of formation of spatial and quasi-spatial functions. Efferent (serial) organisation of arbitrary movements and actions. Becoming a serial organisation. The need for syndrome (systemic) analysis of the picture of underdevelopment of VPF and detection of the primary defect. Strategies of the left and right hemispheres in the processing of visual-spatial information. The concept of "syndrome" in neuropsychology of childhood. Topical and functional diagnosis. Trends in the development of neuropsychological diagnosis.

Psychodiagnosis of developmental disorders
Formation of functions of III and II blocks of the brain and their diagnosis. Processing of kinesthetic, auditory, visual, polymodal, including visual-spatial, information. Methods of diagnostics of the state of programming and control functions: samples and methods of observation.

Pedagogy and teaching methods
Pedagogical technologies in teaching in higher educational organisations

Medical and biological problems of defectology
Determination of the deterministic nature of the nervous system. Disclosure of continuous dynamics of processes of excitation and inhibition in the nerve centres. Research Of I. P. Pavlov. Objective method of research of brain activity. Perspective directions of development of problems of communication of mentality with a brain. The research of P. K. Anokhin and N. Bernstein. Mental dysontogenesis. Biogenetic theory of stages of individual development of V. V. Kovalev. The concept of the formation of functional systems based on the work of P. K. Anokhin.
Hereditary apparatus of the cell. The role of DNA and RNA in the transmission of hereditary characteristics. Factors of external and internal environment, their negative effect on the offspring through the mother and father's body (in particular, the use of alcohol or radiant energy. Pathological development of the child). Symptoms and syndromes of neurological disorders. Disorders of the motor sphere: organic and functional. The concepts of "paralysis" and "paresis", their differences. Syndromes of higher cortical dysfunction: gnosis (agnosia), praxis (apraxia) and phasis (aphasia). Etiology and pathogenesis of mental disorders in childhood. The main symptoms of mental disorders. The main aspects of intellectual disabilities. Education and training of a child with mental illness. Specificity of pathogenetic mechanisms of mental disorders in childhood. Polymorphism of symptoms, difficulties of nosological diagnosis. Mental retardation: (somatogenic, constitutional origin; cerebral-organic Genesis; psychogenic origin). Mental retardation. General characteristics of the severity of mental retardation. Organisation of medical, social, psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with mental disorders.

Comparative special pedagogy and psychology
Conceptual apparatus of special pedagogy and speech therapy as a section of special pedagogy. Causes of developmental disorders in children and adults. Features and types of abnormal (deviant) development. Variants of dysontogenesis. Classification of developmental disorders. Structure and organisation of special pedagogical and special psychological assistance to children with developmental disorders.

Communicative speech disorders and their correction
Fundamentals of modern theory and practice of communication. Psychophysiological, psychological and social psychological aspects of communication
Theory of education and upbringing of children with communicative speech disorders. Psychology of children with communicative speech disorders. Modern approach to the problem of complex (complex) violations of the development of childhood.
Theoretical and methodological foundations of the doctrine of the complex structure of abnormal development. Modern understanding of the essence of complex (complex) defect. Etiology of complex (complex) disorders. The problem of differential diagnosis of children with complex developmental disorders. The concept of a complicated violation. The doctrine of mental dysontogenesis. Variants of dysontogenesis. Parameters of dysontogenesis. Children with communication disorders of speech. Communication disorders in children with sensory disorders. Formation of communication skills of children with complex developmental disorders.

Technologies of logopedic correction
Modern theoretical and methodological foundations of speech therapy. Types of speech disorders and topical issues of their correction. Actual problems of speech therapy in complicated developmental defects.  Modern problems of organization of speech therapy.

Speech therapy methods of work with young children
Theoretical and methodological bases of early diagnosis of children with speech defects of early age. Ontogenesis and dysontogenesis of early development. Speech therapy work with young children. Psychological counseling in the system of speech therapy work with young children.

Methods of teaching speech therapy
Technologies in teaching speech therapy in higher educational institutions

Age speech therapy
Theoretical and methodological bases of age organisation of the psyche at different stages of ontogenesis. Ontogenesis of speech activity. Theoretical and methodical bases of diagnostics and differential diagnostics in age speech therapy. Technologies of speech examination at different stages of ontogenesis. Organisation of speech therapy, taking into account the age characteristics of persons with speech disorders.

Methodology of scientific knowledge
Foreign language for scientific communication
Organisational theory and behaviour

Year 2:
Speech therapy assistance to persons with complex developmental disorders
Types and forms of complex speech disorders (dysarthria, rhinolalia, alalia; General underdevelopment of speech, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment). Combined forms of speech disorders as a variant of a complex speech defect.

Groups of children with complex speech disorders
Complex approach to correction of speech and cognitive development disorders in children with severe speech disorders. Features of the organization and technology of speech therapy examination of children with complex speech disorders

Speech therapy methods of work with children and adolescents
Etiopathogenesis of children and adolescents with impaired speech development

Speech therapy methods of work with children and adolescents with speech disorders
Psychology of children and adolescents with disabilities of speech function. Specificity of mental development of children and adolescents with speech disorders. Dysontogenesis of adolescent children with speech pathology. Classification of speech disorders in adolescents. Modern aspects of speech pathology in children and adolescents. Neuro-psychological basis of speech pathology. Identifying speech disorders in children of early age.

Logopedic methods of rehabilitation
Scientific and theoretical bases of speech therapy methods in rehabilitation. Basic concepts, goals, objectives and principles. Types and models of rehabilitation care.  The concept of "speech therapy methods" and their features in rehabilitation. Goals, objectives and principles of rehabilitation care. Rehabilitation assistance. Types of rehabilitation (medical, psychological, vocational, social)
