
Social Work

Programme Level

The area of professional work of the graduates who have completed this master’s programme, includes: population social protection, social service, formation, public health services, culture, sociomedical examination, penitentiary system and system of the organisations regulating employment, migration, emergency aid, law enforcement agencies, various enterprises, non-commercial organisations.
Objects of professional work of the graduates who have mastered the program of a magistracy, are: separate persons, families, the population and generality groups needing social protection; processes of functioning and development of system of social work and social management at federal, regional and municipal levels.
Within the limits of development of the program of a magistracy graduates can prepare for the decision of problems of professional work of following types: socially-technological; organisational-administrative; the design; the research; the pedagogical.

Programme Coordinator:
Dr Mikhail Mikhaylovskiy
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Nursing Management and Social Work at the Sechenov University

Working Languages:

Duration of the Programme:
4 years (2.5 actual years)

Degree Awarded upon Completion:
Master of Social Work

International Recognition:
Russia only

Cost of Attendance:
243 000 RUB (a year)

Course Content:
Duration of a course makes four academic years, since September of the first year and finishing January of the third year (2.5 actual years). Every year has an own direction which corresponds to the curriculum and the federal educational standard of higher education:
Years 1 and 2: the Basic social practice and the basic social science
Year 3: Applied social practice
The schedule of curriculum is made so that to ensure experience on all basic specialities within three years. Within the limits of these specialities educational themes are considered by teamwork with experts for achievement of the purposes of training. The basic social representations form skeleton of the curriculum of a direction and a basis of textbooks in a course current.

The basic social science (4 х 21-week terms)
Students visit and independently work on development of the program of lectures, seminars, a practical training, control tasks independently carry out, using manuals and managements.

Year 1:
The theory and management practice in social work
Formation of complete representation about managerial process in social work.

Methodology of scientific knowledge
Formation and development of methodological and methodical culture of the student providing successful conducting by it of scientific work.

Foreign language for scientific dialogue
Providing the students with the language and speech competence for development of skills of reading of the original literature on a speciality, and also ability to understand original scientific and popular scientific on individual scientific and educational interests of students of a magistracy; abilities to take the information and to process it according to tasks in view in writing, to express the thoughts in monologic and dialogical speech within subjects of a scientific direction.

The theory of the organisation and organisational behaviour
The basic concepts and postulates of the theory of the organisation, its place of system of sciences, evolution of sights at its essence and structure, a role and a place of the human factor, laws, laws and principles of organisational behaviour; the basic schools and concepts of the theory of the organisation; experience of development of organisational forms in world practice; a modern paradigm of development of organisational relations; organisational culture.

Business dialogue and the organisation of public statements
Bases of trunk-call ethics, the basic approaches to negotiating; training to ability to carry out preparation and negotiation as individually, and in a command; mastering by theoretical knowledge and necessary practical skills in business communications, including personal communicative culture and abilities to communicate with collective for achievement of productive activity; acquaintance to the basic receptions of conducting discussion, belief; perfection of communicative experience.

The basic concepts of a demography, ability to count, understanding and use of demographic indicators; understanding and an explanation of features of a demographic situation in the country and the world and tendencies of its change; representation about the main things theoretical and axiological demography paradigms, about the basic directions of demographic researches, about theoretical bases of demographic forecasting and the demographic policy; initial knowledge in the field of the sociological analysis of demographic processes and family behaviour (birth rate and self-preservation behaviour, marriage and divorce rates and marriage behaviour).

Personal management / Leadership
Theoretical bases of methodology of personal management; system of scientific knowledge of bases of management of personal career, own time, the organisations of planning of own activity, the organisation of a workplace, working capacity and personal self-checking; research of functions of self-management; mastering by self-management methods; formation of representations about the logician and technology of self-management; studying of organisational relations and communications, information and technical maintenance in personal management; acquisition of skills of self-management; mastering of theoretical and practical skills of the organisation of self-checking and self-regulation; research of social factors of self-management (group dynamics of problems of the power and leadership, a psychological climate, etc.); reception of base representations about self-management by conflicts their prevention; mastering by a technique of an estimation of economic efficiency of self-management; the analysis of domestic and foreign experience on self-management of the manager at different stages of career / System professional competency in the field of basic researches, applied workings out and science practice about leadership; system of modern knowledge of leadership problems, the basic directions and approaches domestic and foreign schools of thought in the decision of research problems of a science on leadership; theoretical bases and methods of leadership; free operating by the basic categories and concepts of a science about leadership, its principles and methods, and also abilities to analyse of problems of management on a leadership basis to an organisational paradigm; formation of abilities and fastening of skills of application of knowledge in area of leadership for the decision of applied administrative problems.

Technologies of socio-medical work
The modern concept of domestic socially-medical work; the maintenance and a technique of socially-medical work with various groups of the population; functions of the expert in the social work, participating in rendering of the socio-medical help to the population; legal standard base of socially-medical work; foreign experience of socially-medical work; interaction with various services under the decision of problems of the persons, suffering mental, oncological, infectious diseases, invalids, military men, the persons taken into custody, serving time in imprisonment places. Elderly and old people; deontological receptions in service and social work with the given category of the population, ethnocultural, regional, national features in construction of system of relations with the persons, suffering mental, oncological, infectious diseases, invalids, military men, the persons taken into custody, serving time in imprisonment places, elderly and old people in practice of social work; the analysis of socially-medical problems of various groups of the population; the organisation and carrying out of socially-medical work with the persons, suffering mental, oncological, infectious diseases, invalids, military men, the persons taken into custody, serving time in imprisonment places; the organisation of socially-medical work in establishments of social service of the population, formation, public health services, service of planning of a family; coordination and intermediary activity in the decision of problems of the client connected with health.

Social culture
System of knowledge of specific features of social culture; the systematised knowledge on bases of social culture; acquisition of sociocultural knowledge; a full and complete image about culture as to sphere of human activity; characteristics of various spheres of social culture in any possible display of ability to live: societies, collective, the person; complete representation about social culture through studying of the basic aspects of development and interaction of its basic spheres; complete representation about the basic directions of development, theoretical problems and analytical resources of modern sociology of culture, and also about a parity of this subject domain with other areas of cultural researches and, more widely, modern humanitarian knowledge.

The theory and practice of social rehabilitation
Modern the concept of domestic socially-medical work; base model of socially-medical work; the organisation of socially-medical work; functions of the expert in the social work, participating in rendering of the socio-medical help to the population; legal standard base of socially-medical work; foreign experience of socially-medical work; the analysis socially-medical problems of various groups of the population; the maintenance and a technique of socially-medical work with the persons, suffering mental, oncological, infectious diseases, invalids, military men, the persons taken into custody, serving time in imprisonment places; the maintenance and a technique of socially-medical work in establishments of social service of the population, formation, public health services, service of planning of a family; coordination in the decision of problems of the client connected with health.

Information technology
The basic concepts and modern principles of work with the business information, representation about corporate information systems and databases; methodical bases of construction, methods of creation and principles of designing of information technology and the computerised control systems; architecture of information control systems of the organisation; application information technology for the decision of administrative problems; the software for work with the business information and bases of Internet technologies; skills of work with information technology for management efficiency increase.

Qualimetry and standardisation
The basic concepts in the field of quality management of social services; the basic theories of quality management of the social services, developed in domestic and foreign practice; practical application of management methods by quality of social services; a role of qualimetry as science about quality; bases of application of qualimetric methods in practice; is standard-legal maintenance of standardisation of social services; documentary maintenance of a control system with quality of social services.

Social designing
Theoretical-conceptual bases of social designing; tools and the organisation of social designing; domestic and foreign experience of social designing; experience of independent working out of social projects.

Year 2:
Social rehabilitation of minor clients
Main principles and norms of international law in the field of social protection and rehabilitation of minors; the organisation and is standard-legal maintenance of medico-social examination; principles and an order of formation of the individual program of rehabilitation of minor clients; main principles and directions of medico-social rehabilitation; the organisation of social rehabilitation of minors; structure and the maintenance of social rehabilitation; structurally functional models of the establishments which are carrying out social rehabilitation of minors; principles of creation accessible (inclusive) environments of ability to live for minors; a place and a role of the professional social worker in the organisation and carrying out of social rehabilitation.

Social rehabilitation of able-bodied clients
Main principles and norms of international law in the field of social protection and rehabilitation of able-bodied clients; the organisation and is standard-legal maintenance of medico-social examination; principles and an order of formation of the individual program of rehabilitation of able-bodied clients; main principles and directions of socio-medical rehabilitation; the organisation of social rehabilitation of able-bodied clients; structure and the maintenance of social rehabilitation; structurally functional models of the establishments which are carrying out social rehabilitation of able-bodied clients; principles of creation accessible (inclusive) environments of ability to live for able-bodied clients; a place and a role of the professional social worker in the organisation and carrying out of social rehabilitation. 

The organisation of the rehabilitation help to vulnerable categories of the population
Forms of the state support of not protected levels of population. Categories of citizens, needing social support. The legal nature of social policy; social security ; granting of social services; availability of social support to all members of a society; presence of the state structures of social protection, social security and employment. Maintenance of freedom and social protection of the most vulnerable levels of population (the unemployed, invalid, invalids etc.).
Socio-medical component of rehabilitation. A psychological component of rehabilitation. The Socio-pedagogical component of rehabilitation. The Social component of rehabilitation. A professional component of rehabilitation.
Features of the organisation of rehabilitation of persons with restrictions abilities to live. The organisation of rehabilitation of dependents and co-dependents. Base and individual programs of rehabilitation. The federal base program of rehabilitation of invalids. The individual program of rehabilitation of invalids. Rehabilitation public service. Stages of rehabilitation process.
Factors and the alcoholism reasons. Definition of concept of narcotism. Essence of co-dependency. Social rehabilitation alcohol and drug dependence. Reorganisation of the vital environment and formation of the rehabilitation environment.

Social and labour rehabilitation of older persons
Is standard-legal maintenance of social work with elderly and norms of their legal protection; the cores socio-medical, socially-legal, socially-psychological, socially-pedagogical problems of persons of advanced age and invalids; features of rendering of various kinds of the social help to persons of advanced age; the structures, capable to assist in transformation of a situation to persons of advanced age; socio-medical living conditions of persons of elderly and senile age; activisation of potential of own forces and possibilities of the elderly person; diagnostics of a difficult reality situation and preventive maintenance of occurrence new hardships; realisation of social patronage; creations of necessary conditions for adaptation of persons of advanced age to existing realities of life and their rehabilitation; work coordination on social service of the client.

Corporate social responsibility
The concept maintenance corporate social responsibility; history of formation of corporate social responsibility; sources and conditions of corporate social responsibility; kinds, forms and tools of corporate social responsibility; modern approaches to an estimation of efficiency of corporate social responsibility; communication of corporate social responsibility with mission and corporate culture of the organisation; interests of participants of corporate relations in system of corporate social responsibility; dominant roles and forms of social responsibility of the state and business in relation to formation, a science, public health services, culture and art; the analysis of system of corporate social responsibility in the organisation; motives of social responsibility in the organisation; introduction of various types of corporate social responsibility in activity of the modern organisation.

Management of human resources
The conceptual device in the field of management of human resources; a retrospective show of concepts of management of human resources; strategy of realisation of activity according to phases of development of the enterprise and strategy of its development; principles and methods of realisation of personnel work; directions of realisation of personnel activity; planning of human resources; planning processes of hiring and personnel selection in the organisation; to plan systems of an estimation and certification of various categories of workers and results of their work; adaptation of workers; planning of career and is professional-official movings; planning of professional development of the personnel; construction of system of stimulation and motivation of the personnel.

Year 3 (Social Practice):
Technological practice (6 weeks)
Receptions of skills of socially-design activity; maintenance of a close connection with scientific-theoretical and practical preparation; reception of the initial experience of socially-design activity; working out and realisation of social programs and projects under the decision of actual problems of ability to live of needing persons; reception by the students of the initial experience of designing of technology of rendering of social services; preparation of students for use of modern technologies of social protection and social service; working out of innovative strategy and the social technologies directed on the decision of social problems and inquiries of separate citizens, families, labour collectives and other social groups; actual acquaintance with experience of current functioning of the corresponding organisation and carrying out of research work by them; Training in skills of the organisation of management (gathering, the analysis and use of the information for acceptance of administrative decisions); acquisition of knowledge and the abilities necessary for performance organisational-administrative work; - application of the received knowledge by masters in practice in various organisational structures (industrial, research-and-production, commercial, intermediary and other firms and the organisations) various scales of activity and patterns of ownership.

Research work (21 week)
Preparation to independent research activity according to a profile of the selected program of a magistracy, to accumulation and ordering of materials for a writing of the research project; drawing up by students of the plan of research work; creation of information base on the declared theme of Master's dissertations on the basis of the analysis of the scientific literature; gathering and the analysis of an empirical material on a theme of final qualifying work; performance of functions of the expert of social work or the worker of the administrative personnel; participation in strategic planning and forecasting.
