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Год публикации: Все года 2018 2019 2020

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Transforming growth factor beta in human milk and allergic outcomes in children: A systematic review 01.09.2019
  • Khaleva E.
  • Gridneva Z.
  • Geddes D.
  • Oddy W.
  • Colicino S.
  • Blyuss O.
  • Boyle R.
  • Warner J.
  • Munblit D.
  • Clinical and Experimental Allergy 10.1111/cea.13409 4 Ссылка

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    The efficiency of Governmental and WFP UN Programs for improvement of nutritional status in Tajik schoolchildren as assessed by dietary intake and hair trace element content 01.09.2019
  • Kirichuk A.
  • Skalny A.
  • Dodkhoyev J.
  • Skalnaya M.
  • Grabeklis A.
  • Ajsuvakova O.
  • Tinkov A.
  • Notova S.
  • Bjørklund G.
  • Tinkova M.
  • Chizhov A.
  • Bobrovnitskiy I.
  • Bolotnikova E.
  • Chernigov V.
  • Skalny A.
  • Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 10.1016/j.jtemb.2019.06.018 0 Ссылка

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    Prospective evaluation of the performance of [<sup>68</sup>Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT(MRI) for lymph node staging in patients undergoing superextended salvage lymph node dissection after radical prostatectomy 01.09.2019
  • Abufaraj M.
  • Grubmüller B.
  • Zeitlinger M.
  • Kramer G.
  • Seitz C.
  • Haitel A.
  • Baltzer P.
  • Hacker M.
  • Wadsak W.
  • Pfaff S.
  • Wiatr T.
  • Mitterhauser M.
  • Shariat S.
  • Hartenbach M.
  • European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 10.1007/s00259-019-04361-0 1 Ссылка

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    Neutropenia during tocilizumab treatment is not associated with infection risk in systemic or polyarticular-course juvenile idiopathic arthritis 01.09.2019
  • Pardeo M.
  • Wang J.
  • Ruperto N.
  • Alexeeva E.
  • Chasnyk V.
  • Schneider R.
  • Horneff G.
  • Huppertz H.
  • Minden K.
  • Onel K.
  • Zemel L.
  • Martin A.
  • Koné-Paut I.
  • Siamopoulou-Mavridou A.
  • Silva C.
  • Porter-Brown B.
  • Bharucha K.
  • Brunner H.
  • De Benedetti F.
  • Journal of Rheumatology 10.3899/jrheum.180795 0 Ссылка

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    Alcohol use disorders 31.08.2019
  • Carvalho A.
  • Heilig M.
  • Perez A.
  • Probst C.
  • Rehm J.
  • The Lancet 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31775-1 3 Ссылка

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    Tspan18 is a novel regulator of the Ca<sup>2+</sup> channel Orai1 and von Willebrand factor release in endothelial cells 31.08.2019
  • Noy P.
  • Gavin R.
  • Colombo D.
  • Haining E.
  • Reyat J.
  • Payne H.
  • Thielmann I.
  • Lokman A.
  • Neag G.
  • Yang J.
  • Lloyd T.
  • Harrison N.
  • Heath V.
  • Gardiner C.
  • Whitworth K.
  • Robinson J.
  • Koo C.
  • Maio A.
  • Harrison P.
  • Lee S.
  • Michelangeli F.
  • Kalia N.
  • Rainger G.
  • Nieswandt B.
  • Brill A.
  • Watson S.
  • Tomlinson M.
  • Haematologica 10.3324/haematol.2018.194241 1 Ссылка

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    Prospective evaluation of pregnancy outcome in an Italian woman with late-onset combined homocystinuria and methylmalonic aciduria 30.08.2019
  • Grandone E.
  • Martinelli P.
  • Villani M.
  • Vecchione G.
  • Fischetti L.
  • Leccese A.
  • Santacroce R.
  • Corso G.
  • Margaglione M.
  • BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 10.1186/s12884-019-2474-5 0 Ссылка

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    Transcript Analysis of Zebrafish GLUT3 Genes, slc2a3a and slc2a3b, Define Overlapping as Well as Distinct Expression Domains in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Central Nervous System 27.08.2019
  • Lechermeier C.
  • Zimmer F.
  • Lüffe T.
  • Lesch K.
  • Romanos M.
  • Lillesaar C.
  • Drepper C.
  • Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 10.3389/fnmol.2019.00199 0 Ссылка

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    Highly diversified shrew hepatitis B viruses corroborate ancient origins and divergent infection patterns of mammalian hepadnaviruses 20.08.2019
  • Rasche A.
  • Lehmann F.
  • König A.
  • Goldmann N.
  • Corman V.
  • Moreira-Soto A.
  • Geipel A.
  • van Riel D.
  • Vakulenko Y.
  • Sander A.
  • Niekamp H.
  • Kepper R.
  • Schlegel M.
  • Akoua-Koffi C.
  • Souza B.
  • Sahr F.
  • Olayemi A.
  • Schulze V.
  • Petraityte-Burneikiene R.
  • Kazaks A.
  • Lowjaga K.
  • Geyer J.
  • Kuiken T.
  • Drosten C.
  • Lukashev A.
  • Fichet-Calvet E.
  • Ulrich R.
  • Glebe D.
  • Drexler J.
  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 10.1073/pnas.1908072116 0 Ссылка

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    Genotyping and phenotyping CYP3A4\CYP3A5: no association with antiplatelet effect of clopidogrel 15.08.2019
  • Mirzaev K.
  • Samsonova K.
  • Potapov P.
  • Andreev D.
  • Grishina E.
  • Ryzhikova K.
  • Sychev D.
  • Molecular Biology Reports 10.1007/s11033-019-04871-y 0 Ссылка

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    Combination of low-temperature electrosurgical unit and extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for molecular profiling and classification of tissues 15.08.2019
  • Sukhikh G.
  • Chagovets V.
  • Wang X.
  • Rodionov V.
  • Kometova V.
  • Tokareva A.
  • Kononikhin A.
  • Starodubtseva N.
  • Chingin K.
  • Chen H.
  • Frankevich V.
  • Molecules 10.3390/molecules24162957 0 Ссылка

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    Chronic effects of platinum(IV) complex and its diamine ligand on rat heart function: comparison with cisplatin 15.08.2019
  • Smigic J.
  • Sabo T.
  • Vranic A.
  • Zivkovic V.
  • Srejovic I.
  • Turnic T.
  • Milosavljevic I.
  • Poljarevic J.
  • Krivokapic M.
  • Bolevich S.
  • Jakovljevic V.
  • Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 10.1007/s11010-019-03533-8 0 Ссылка

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    Tortuosity of the superficial femoral artery and its influence on blood flow patterns and risk of atherosclerosis 15.08.2019
  • Li X.
  • Liu X.
  • Li X.
  • Xu L.
  • Chen X.
  • Liang F.
  • Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 10.1007/s10237-019-01118-4 0 Ссылка

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    Determination of S-adenosylmethionine and S-adenosylhomocysteine in blood plasma by UPLC with fluorescence detection 15.08.2019
  • Ivanov A.
  • Dubchenko E.
  • Kruglova M.
  • Virus E.
  • Bulgakova P.
  • Alexandrin V.
  • Fedoseev A.
  • Boyko A.
  • Grachev S.
  • Kubatiev A.
  • Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 10.1016/j.jchromb.2019.06.032 0 Ссылка

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    Rationale and design of two prospective, multicenter, observational studies on reproductive outcome in women with recurrent failures after spontaneous or assisted conception: OTTILIA and FIRST registries 13.08.2019
  • Villani M.
  • Baldini D.
  • Totaro P.
  • Larciprete G.
  • Kovac M.
  • Carone D.
  • Passamonti S.
  • Permunian E.
  • Bartolotti T.
  • Lojacono A.
  • Cacciola R.
  • Pinto G.
  • Bucherini E.
  • De Stefano V.
  • Lodigiani C.
  • Lavopa C.
  • Cho Y.
  • Pizzicaroli C.
  • Colaizzo D.
  • Grandone E.
  • BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 10.1186/s12884-019-2444-y 0 Ссылка

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    Combined magnetic field sensor with nanoscale elements 09.08.2019
  • Ichkitidze L.
  • Selishchev S.
  • Potapov D.
  • Telyshev D.
  • AIP Conference Proceedings 10.1063/1.5121953 0 Ссылка

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    Mathematical modeling of the Fontan circulation - Ventricular assist device interaction 09.08.2019
  • Rubtsova E.
  • Markov A.
  • Telyshev D.
  • AIP Conference Proceedings 10.1063/1.5121983 0 Ссылка

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    Animal trials of closed-loop insulin delivery system based on continuous non-invasive glucose monitoring 09.08.2019
  • Pozhar K.
  • Litinskaia E.
  • Rudenko P.
  • Bazaev N.
  • AIP Conference Proceedings 10.1063/1.5121975 0 Ссылка

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    Investigation of albumin denaturation when exposed to a nanosecond laser source 09.08.2019
  • Savelyev M.
  • Agafonova N.
  • Vasilevsky P.
  • Ryabkin D.
  • Gerasimenko A.
  • AIP Conference Proceedings 10.1063/1.5121988 0 Ссылка

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    Hardness maps analysis of the layered nanocomposites for tissue repair of the cardiovascular system 09.08.2019
  • Gerasimenko A.
  • Ichkitidze L.
  • Kurilova U.
  • Murashko D.
  • Potapov D.
  • AIP Conference Proceedings 10.1063/1.5121947 1 Ссылка

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