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Год публикации: Все года 2018 2019 2020

Название Дата публикации Коллектив авторов Журнал DOI Индекс цитирования Ссылка на источник
Genetic variation in serotonin function impacts on altruistic punishment in the ultimatum game: A longitudinal approach 01.08.2018
  • Gärtner A.
  • Strobel A.
  • Reif A.
  • Lesch K.
  • Enge S.
  • Brain and Cognition 0 Ссылка

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    Identification of surface epitopes associated with protection against highly immune-evasive VlsE-expressing Lyme disease spirochetes 01.08.2018
  • Batool M.
  • Caoili S.
  • Dangott L.
  • Gerasimov E.
  • Ionov Y.
  • Piontkivska H.
  • Zelikovsky A.
  • Waghela S.
  • Rogovskyy A.
  • Infection and Immunity 3 Ссылка

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    Efficacy and safety of Subetta add-on therapy in type 1 diabetes mellitus: The results of a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial 01.08.2018
  • Mkrtumyan A.
  • Romantsova T.
  • Vorobiev S.
  • Volkova A.
  • Vorokhobina N.
  • Tarasov S.
  • Putilovskiy M.
  • Andrianova E.
  • Epstein O.
  • Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2 Ссылка

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    Correction to: Cotinine: A Therapy for Memory Extinction in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (Molecular Neurobiology, (2018), 55, 8, (6700-6711), 10.1007/s12035-018-0869-3) 01.08.2018
  • Mendoza C.
  • Barreto G.
  • Iarkov A.
  • Tarasov V.
  • Aliev G.
  • Echeverria V.
  • Molecular Neurobiology 0 Ссылка

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    The Level of Toxic Elements in Edible Crops from Seleniferous Area (Punjab, India) 01.08.2018
  • Skalnaya M.
  • Jaiswal S.
  • Prakash R.
  • Prakash N.
  • Grabeklis A.
  • Zhegalova I.
  • Zhang F.
  • Guo X.
  • Tinkov A.
  • Skalny A.
  • Biological Trace Element Research 2 Ссылка

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    Comparative Hair Trace Element Profile in the Population of Sakhalin and Taiwan Pacific Islands 01.08.2018
  • Skalny A.
  • Skalnaya M.
  • Serebryansky E.
  • Zhegalova I.
  • Grabeklis A.
  • Skalnaya O.
  • Skalnaya A.
  • Huang P.
  • Wu C.
  • Bykov A.
  • Tinkov A.
  • Biological Trace Element Research 0 Ссылка

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    p62 /SQSTM1 coding plasmid prevents age related macular degeneration in a rat model 01.08.2018
  • Kolosova N.
  • Kozhevnikova O.
  • Telegina D.
  • Fursova A.
  • Stefanova N.
  • Muraleva N.
  • Venanzi F.
  • Sherman M.
  • Kolesnikov S.
  • Sufianov A.
  • Gabai V.
  • Shneider A.
  • Aging 7 Ссылка

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    Nano-targeted induction of dual ferroptotic mechanisms eradicates high-risk neuroblastoma 01.08.2018
  • Hassannia B.
  • Wiernicki B.
  • Ingold I.
  • Qu F.
  • Van Herck S.
  • Tyurina Y.
  • Bayir H.
  • Abhari B.
  • Angeli J.
  • Choi S.
  • Meul E.
  • Heyninck K.
  • Declerck K.
  • Chirumamilla C.
  • Lahtela-Kakkonen M.
  • Van Camp G.
  • Krysko D.
  • Ekert P.
  • Fulda S.
  • De Geest B.
  • Conrad M.
  • Kagan V.
  • Berghe W.
  • Vandenabeele P.
  • Berghe T.
  • Journal of Clinical Investigation 24 Ссылка

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    Growth during tocilizumab therapy for polyarticular-course juvenile idiopathic arthritis: 2-year data from a phase III clinical trial 01.08.2018
  • Bharucha K.
  • Brunner H.
  • Penadés I.
  • Nikishina I.
  • Rubio-Pérez N.
  • Oliveira S.
  • Kobusinska K.
  • Schmeling H.
  • Sztajnbok F.
  • Weller-Heinemann F.
  • Zholobova E.
  • Zulian F.
  • Allen R.
  • Chaitow J.
  • Frane J.
  • Wells C.
  • Ruperto N.
  • De Benedetti F.
  • Journal of Rheumatology 1 Ссылка

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    Transparent Surfaces Inspired by Nature 18.07.2018
  • Motamedi M.
  • Warkiani M.
  • Taylor R.
  • Advanced Optical Materials 5 Ссылка

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    Paip2 is localized to active promoters and loaded onto nascent mRNA in Drosophila 18.07.2018
  • Kachaev Z.
  • Lebedeva L.
  • Kozlov E.
  • Toropygin I.
  • Schedl P.
  • Shidlovskii Y.
  • Cell Cycle 1 Ссылка

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    Cytokinin perception in potato: New features of canonical players 18.07.2018
  • Lomin S.
  • Myakushina Y.
  • Kolachevskaya O.
  • Getman I.
  • Arkhipov D.
  • Savelieva E.
  • Osolodkin D.
  • Romanov G.
  • Journal of Experimental Botany 3 Ссылка

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    2D/3D buccal epithelial cell self-assembling as a tool for cell phenotype maintenance and fabrication of multilayered epithelial linings in vitro 18.07.2018
  • Zurina I.
  • Shpichka A.
  • Saburina I.
  • Kosheleva N.
  • Gorkun A.
  • Grebenik E.
  • Kuznetsova D.
  • Zhang D.
  • Rochev Y.
  • Butnaru D.
  • Zharikova T.
  • Istranova E.
  • Zhang Y.
  • Istranov L.
  • Timashev P.
  • Biomedical Materials (Bristol) 3 Ссылка

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    Experimental evaluation of the protective efficacy of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) vaccines based on European and Far-Eastern TBEV strains in mice and in vitro 16.07.2018
  • Chernokhaeva L.
  • Rogova Y.
  • Kozlovskaya L.
  • Romanova L.
  • Osolodkin D.
  • Vorovitch M.
  • Karganova G.
  • Frontiers in Microbiology 0 Ссылка

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    UV-laser formation of 3D structures based on thermally stable heterochain polymers 15.07.2018
  • Dudova D.
  • Bardakova K.
  • Kholkhoev B.
  • Ochirov B.
  • Gorenskaia E.
  • Farion I.
  • Burdukovskii V.
  • Timashev P.
  • Minaev N.
  • Kupriyanova O.
  • Journal of Applied Polymer Science 1 Ссылка

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    3′-O-Substituted 5-(perylen-3-ylethynyl)-2′-deoxyuridines as tick-borne encephalitis virus reproduction inhibitors 15.07.2018
  • Proskurin G.
  • Orlov A.
  • Brylev V.
  • Kozlovskaya L.
  • Chistov A.
  • Karganova G.
  • Palyulin V.
  • Osolodkin D.
  • Korshun V.
  • Aralov A.
  • European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 5 Ссылка

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    Turning Off the Tap: Using the FAST Approach to Stop the Spread of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation 13.07.2018
  • Miller A.
  • Livchits V.
  • Ahmad Khan F.
  • Atwood S.
  • Kornienko S.
  • Kononenko Y.
  • Vasilyeva I.
  • Keshavjee S.
  • Journal of Infectious Diseases 5 Ссылка

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    Electrosynthesis of azopyrazoles via the oxidation of N-alkylaminopyrazoles on a NiO(OH) anode in aqueous alkali – A green method for N-N homocoupling 11.07.2018
  • Lyalin B.
  • Sigacheva V.
  • Kokorekin V.
  • Petrosyan V.
  • Tetrahedron Letters 0 Ссылка

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    Electromagnetic proximity effect in planar superconductor-ferromagnet structures 09.07.2018
  • Mironov S.
  • Mel'nikov A.
  • Buzdin A.
  • Applied Physics Letters 6 Ссылка

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    Age-Related Impaired Efficacy of Bone Marrow Cell Therapy for Myocardial Infarction Reflects a Decrease in B Lymphocytes 05.07.2018
  • An S.
  • Wang X.
  • Ruck M.
  • Rodriguez H.
  • Kostyushev D.
  • Varga M.
  • Luu E.
  • Derakhshandeh R.
  • Suchkov S.
  • Kogan S.
  • Hermiston M.
  • Springer M.
  • Molecular Therapy 1 Ссылка

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