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Год публикации: Все года 2018 2019 2020

Название Дата публикации Коллектив авторов Журнал DOI Индекс цитирования Ссылка на источник
Comparison of Spectrophotometric and Chromatographic (HPLC) Procedures for Determining 3-Phenethylrhodanine Drug Substance with Anticancer Activity 01.05.2018
  • Novozhilova N.
  • Kutina N.
  • Kharitonov Y.
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 0 Ссылка

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    Cytoskeleton structure and total methylation of mouse cardiac and lung tissue during space flight 01.05.2018
  • Ogneva I.
  • Loktev S.
  • Sychev V.
  • PLoS ONE 3 Ссылка

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    New biomarkers of acute mesenteric ischemia 01.05.2018
  • Chernookov A.
  • Bozhedomov A.
  • Atayan A.
  • Belyx E.
  • Sylchuk E.
  • Khachatryan E.
  • Novosti Khirurgii 0 Ссылка

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    Russian traditional medicine in dermatology 01.05.2018
  • Olisova O.
  • Snarskaya E.
  • Gladko V.
  • Burova E.
  • Clinics in Dermatology 1 Ссылка

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    Methylglyoxal modification hinders amyloid conversion of prion protein 01.05.2018
  • Kudryavtseva S.
  • Melnikova A.
  • Muronetz V.
  • Stroylova Y.
  • Mendeleev Communications 0 Ссылка

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    Optical and Electron Microscopic Study of the Morphology and Ultrastructure of Biofilms Formed by Streptococcus pyogenes 01.05.2018
  • Danilova T.
  • Smirnova T.
  • Danilina G.
  • Adzhieva A.
  • Andreevskaya S.
  • Shevlyagina N.
  • Zhukhovitsky V.
  • Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 0 Ссылка

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    Isolation of Rat Olfactory Ensheathing Cells and Their Use in the Therapy of Posttraumatic Cysts of the Spinal Cord 01.05.2018
  • Stepanova O.
  • Voronova D.
  • Chadin A.
  • Valikhov M.
  • Abakumov M.
  • Reshetov I.
  • Chekhonin V.
  • Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 2 Ссылка

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    Use of an Exogenous Nitric Oxide Generator for Treatment of Peritonitis 01.05.2018
  • Achkasov E.
  • Esipov A.
  • Pekshev A.
  • Musailov V.
  • Biomedical Engineering 1 Ссылка

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    Preparation of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins by Radiation-Induced Destruction 01.05.2018
  • Tuaeva N.
  • Trukhan V.
  • Kardonskii D.
  • Eganov A.
  • Grebenkina E.
  • Veselov V.
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 0 Ссылка

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    Prognostic value of age, subglottic, and anterior commissure involvement for early glottic carcinoma treated with CO<inf>2</inf> laser transoral microsurgery: a retrospective, single-center cohort study of 261 patients 01.05.2018
  • Carta F.
  • Bandino F.
  • Olla A.
  • Chuchueva N.
  • Gerosa C.
  • Puxeddu R.
  • European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 5 Ссылка

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    Comparison of Some Plant DNA Extraction Methods 01.05.2018
  • Scobeyeva V.
  • Omelchenko D.
  • Dyakov L.
  • Konovalov A.
  • Speranskaya A.
  • Krinitsina A.
  • Russian Journal of Genetics 1 Ссылка

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    Studies of the Association between the Kynurenine-3-Monooxygenase Gene and Depression 01.05.2018
  • Lezheiko T.
  • Golimbet V.
  • Andryushchenko A.
  • Melik-Pashayan A.
  • Mironova E.
  • Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology 0 Ссылка

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    Novel positive allosteric modulator of AMPA-receptors based on tricyclic scaffold 01.05.2018
  • Lavrov M.
  • Karlov D.
  • Palyulin V.
  • Grigoriev V.
  • Zamoyski V.
  • Brkich G.
  • Pyatigorskaya N.
  • Zapolskiy M.
  • Mendeleev Communications 2 Ссылка

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    Laser Shock-Wave Destruction as an Effective Method of Treatment of Pathological Integumentary Tissues 01.05.2018
  • Belov S.
  • Danyleiko Y.
  • Ezhov V.
  • Osiko V.
  • Osmanov E.
  • Salyuk V.
  • Biomedical Engineering 0 Ссылка

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    Treatment of alcohol-induced psychotic disorder (Alcoholic Hallucinosis)-A systematic review 01.05.2018
  • Masood B.
  • Lepping P.
  • Romanov D.
  • Poole R.
  • Alcohol and Alcoholism 3 Ссылка

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    Vitamin D receptor variants and uncontrolled asthma 01.05.2018
  • Hutchinson K.
  • Kerley C.
  • Faul J.
  • Greally P.
  • Coghlan D.
  • Louw M.
  • Elnazir B.
  • Rochev Y.
  • European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 4 Ссылка

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    Anti-Inflammatory Action of Polyextract of Orthosiphon stamineus (Leaves), Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Leaves), Polygonum aviculare (Herbs), Calendula officinalis (Flowers), and Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Root) on the Rat Prostate 01.05.2018
  • Nikolaev S.
  • Nikolaeva G.
  • Mondodoev A.
  • Markaryan A.
  • Nikolaeva I.
  • Nagaslaeva O.
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 0 Ссылка

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    Acute and Chronic Musculoskeletal Injury in Para Sport: A Critical Review 01.05.2018
  • Tuakli-Wosornu Y.
  • Mashkovskiy E.
  • Ottesen T.
  • Gentry M.
  • Jensen D.
  • Webborn N.
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America 2 Ссылка

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    Application of NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for revealing of the ‘high quality fakes’ among the medicines 01.05.2018
  • Rodionova O.
  • Balyklova K.
  • Titova A.
  • Pomerantsev A.
  • Forensic Chemistry 6 Ссылка

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    Early Onset of Muscle Atrophy in Women with Chronic Alcoholic Myopathy 01.05.2018
  • Zinovyeva O.
  • Samhaeva N.
  • Kazakov D.
  • Turtikova O.
  • Nosovskii A.
  • Shenkman B.
  • Nemirovskaya T.
  • Human Physiology 0 Ссылка

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