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Год публикации: Все года 2018 2019 2020

Название Дата публикации Коллектив авторов Журнал DOI Индекс цитирования Ссылка на источник
Effect of some immunomodulators on the migration activity of peripheral blood leukocytes in patients with erysipelas 01.01.2018
  • Paevskaya O.
  • Belaia O.
  • Zuevskaya S.
  • Yudina Y.
  • Kolaeva N.
  • Pak S.
  • Medical News of North Caucasus 0 Ссылка

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    Age-specific normative data of computerized capillaroscopy and laser Doppler flowmetry 01.01.2018
  • Geppe N.
  • Kolosova N.
  • Gerasimov A.
  • Denisova A.
  • Botneva A.
  • Lozko N.
  • Denisova V.
  • Voprosy Prakticheskoi Pediatrii 0 Ссылка

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    Typical forms of liver pathology in children 01.01.2018
  • Litvitskiy P.
  • Maltseva L.
  • Morozova O.
  • Voprosy Sovremennoi Pediatrii - Current Pediatrics 0 Ссылка

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    Clinical and pharmacological approaches to optimize the dosing regimen of antibacterial drugs in pediatrics 01.01.2018
  • Lazareva N.
  • Chikh E.
  • Drozdov V.
  • Rebrova E.
  • Voprosy Sovremennoi Pediatrii - Current Pediatrics 0 Ссылка

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    Clinical and anamnestic, immunological, echographic, and hysteroscopic features of chronic endometritis associated with impaired reproductive function 01.01.2018
  • Ishenko A.
  • Unanyan A.
  • Kogan E.
  • Demura T.
  • Kossovich J.
  • Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk 1 Ссылка

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    Characteristics of personality and psychological aspects of suicidal behavior prevention in medical students 01.01.2018
  • Chritinin D.
  • Esin A.
  • Sumarokova M.
  • Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psihiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova 0 Ссылка

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    Changes in walking in the elderly 01.01.2018
  • Damulin I.
  • Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psihiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova 1 Ссылка

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    Migraine «masks»: Differential diagnosis of acute headache 01.01.2018
  • Sergeev A.
  • Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psihiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova 0 Ссылка

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    Selecting clinical and laboratory methods of manufacture of orthopaedic titanium alloy structures using a biopotentiometer 01.01.2018
  • Yumashev A.
  • Utyuzh A.
  • Mikhailova M.
  • Samusenkov V.
  • Volchkova I.
  • Current Science 0 Ссылка

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    Preeclampsia and lower maternal mortality in Russia 01.01.2018
  • Sidorova I.
  • Nikitina N.
  • Unanyan A.
  • Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) 2 Ссылка

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    Choice of combined oral contraception for adolescent girls and young women 01.01.2018
  • Kuznetsova I.
  • Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) 0 Ссылка

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    1538, a year of vesalian innovation 01.01.2018
  • Nutton V.
  • Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 1 Ссылка
    Prospects of a Search for Kappa-Opioid Receptor Agonists with Analgesic Activity (Review) 01.01.2018
  • Zaitseva N.
  • Galan S.
  • Pavlova L.
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 0 Ссылка

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    Does the revised definition of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss) indicate the need for a new treatment? Comment on the article by Puéchal et al 01.01.2018
  • Smitienko I.
  • Novikov P.
  • Moiseev S.
  • Arthritis and Rheumatology 0 Ссылка
    On the occasion of the 150<sup>th</sup> anniversary of the death of А.О. armfeld 01.01.2018
  • Lomakin Y.
  • Khodulapov A.
  • Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertiza 0 Ссылка

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    Rare case of orbital nodular fasciitis 01.01.2018
  • Grusha Y.
  • Ismailova D.
  • Kochetkov P.
  • Fedorov A.
  • Dzemeshkevich V.
  • Clinical and Experimental Surgery 0 Ссылка

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    Instrumental assessment of the face skin aging in women 01.01.2018
  • Manturova N.
  • Stupin V.
  • Smirnova G.
  • Silina E.
  • Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 0 Ссылка

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    The echo of the Khabarovsk trials: The ussr and the allegation campaign against the USA of using biological warfare during the Korean war (1950–1953) 01.01.2018
  • Romanova V.
  • Shulatov Y.
  • History of Medicine 0 Ссылка

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    Features of the formation of the health care system in Transbaikal during the period of the Far Eastern Republic 01.01.2018
  • Batoev S.
  • History of Medicine 0 Ссылка

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    Foreign medical personnel and formations in the Russian army during world war i 01.01.2018
  • Karpenko I.
  • Sergeeva M.
  • Belych V.
  • History of Medicine 0 Ссылка

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