Hyaluronic acid gel implants for correction of pathological conditions of the orbit and eyelids
01.01.2018 |
Grusha Y.
Sheptulin V.
Prause J.
Danilov S.
Vestnik Oftalmologii |
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© 2018, Media Sfera. All rights reserved. Purpose - to evaluate the effectiveness of injectable implants made of hyaluronic acid gel (HAG) in ophthalmoplastics. Material and methods. The study included 57 patients (37 patients with lagophthalmos related to acute or chronic facial nerve palsy, endocrine ophthalmopathy; 20 patients with enophthalmos, anophthalmic syndrome). Depending on filler particle size, the patients received either intrapalpebral or intraorbital HAG injection. The biometric measures of palpebral fissure, the position of the eye/implant, and the condition of the cornea were evaluated during the follow-up period (12 months for eyelid and 18 for orbital injection). Results. In the course of the follow-up, all patients showed reliable reduction of lagophthalmos; additionally, improvement of the condition of the cornea was observed in patients after intrapalpebral injection; patients after intraorbital injection exhibited reduction in enophthalmos, upper orbital palpebral fold retraction and upper eyelid excursion. No serious complications have occurred after the injection. Conclusion. As minimally invasive method of treating various pathologies of the orbit and eyelids, HAG fillers showed good clinical effectiveness and safety.
The first experience of non-interferon therapy of HCV infection in patients with Wilson-Konovalov's disease
01.01.2018 |
Rozina T.
Ignatova T.
Fastovets S.
Starostina E.
Samokhodskaia L.
Krasnova T.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group.All Rights Reserved. In the article we present three clinical observations demonstrating that HCV infection in patients with remission of Wilson disease causes an recrudescence of the disease, in one of the observations - decompensation of liver cirrhosis. In this study we first describe on the successful treatment of HCV infection with direct antiviral drugs in patients with Wilson disease. Establishment of all factors of liver damage and successful treatment (elimination of the virus, adequate lifelong medical treatment) allow to expect a favorable prognosis in patients with a combination of Wilson disease and HCV infection.
The application of bioresonance therapy for the correction of the overtrained athlete syndrome
01.01.2018 |
Badtieva V.
Pavlov V.
Khokhlova M.
Pachina A.
Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury |
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BACKGROUND: Physical overload results in the development of pathological changes in the organs and systems and thereby causes their dysfunction. This leads to disadaptation, vegetative imbalance, and disturbances in the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine and other systems. Taken together, these changes give rise to a syndrome of overtraining. In this context, the pathogenetically sound method of therapy appears to be the most suitable for the management of this condition based on the physiotherapeutic non-invasive interventions for the correction of physiological characteristics and the psycho-emotional status of the patients. One such method is bioresonance therapy (BRT). AIM: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of bioresonance therapy (BRT) on the health status of the athletes presenting with the overtraining syndrome. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 60 athletes presenting with the overtraining syndrome. They were divided into two groups each comprised of 30 subjects of comparable age, sex, sport, and sports qualification. Group I was composed of 30 athletes who were treated by means of bioresonance therapy. Group II (control) contained the athletes who received placebo procedures (i.e. the procedures with the use of a non-functioning device). All the athletes were examined before and after the treatment with the application of the clinical and instrumental methods. RESULTS: The study has demonstrated that the use of bioresonance therapy significantly increases the parasympathetic influence on the rhythm of the heart, reduces the stress on the central contour of its regulation, contributes to the 'economization' of the cardiac activity; has an antihypertensive effect (more pronounced with respect to systolic blood pressure (SBP)), has a normalizing effect on the variability of blood pressure (BP) in the patients with initial BP instability, and significantly decreases the time index in connection with monitoring blood pressure; moreover, BRT has a normalizing effect on the circadian rhythm of BP and corrects the rate of the morning rise in diastolic blood pressure (DBP). CONCLUSION: Bioresonance therapy can be considered as a method for the correction of the syndrome of overtraining in the athletes with the enhanced activity of the sympathetic nervous system.
Influence of Magnetite Nanoparticles and Quantum Dots on the Expression of Reference Genes in Peripheral Blood Cells
01.01.2018 |
Fomina S.
Novikov D.
Krasnogorova N.
Novikov V.
Pleskova S.
Karaulov A.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
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© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. We studied the influence of magnetite nanoparticles (FeO•Fe 2 O 3 ) and quantum dots (CdSe/ZnS coated with mercaptopropionic acid) on the expression of 5 common reference genes (BA, B2M, PPIA, UBC, and YWHAZ) in peripheral blood cells from 20 volunteers by reverse transcription PCR method. The stability of the expression of reference genes varied depending of the cells type and chemical structure of nanoparticles. The level of YWHAZ mRNA after exposure by nanoparticles demonstrated highest stability in lymphocytes, neutrophils, and monocytes. Stability of YWHAZ expression was confirmed by Western blotting. Our findings suggest that YWHAZ is the most suitable as the reference gene.
Clinical and interferon-modulating efficacy of a combination of rectal and topical dosage forms of interferon-α2b in acute respiratory infections
01.01.2018 |
Kalyuzhin O.
Ponezheva Z.
Kupchenko A.
Shuvalov A.
Guseva T.
Parshina O.
Malinovskaya V.
Akimkin V.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group.All Rights Reserved. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical and interferon-modulating efficacy of a combination of rectal and topical dosage forms of IFN-α2b with antioxidants in the treatment of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) in comparison with other variants of antiviral therapy. Materials and methods. A total of 90 servicemen aged 19.2±0.9 years with uncomplicated forms of ARI were hospitalized not later than 48 hours after the onset of the disease. Patients were randomized into 3 groups of 30 people each. In the first group, patients received rectal suppositories containing IFN-α2b (1 million IU) and antioxidants (alpha-tocopherol acetate and ascorbic acid) twice a day for 5 days. In the second group, patients received intranasally a gel formulation containing IFN-α2b (36 000 IU/1 g) and antioxidants 3 times a day in addition to the above suppositories. In the third group, patients were prescribed umifenovir (reference drug) at dose of 200 mg 4 times a day for 5 days. The dynamics of regression of clinical manifestations of ARI in different groups, changes in concentrations of IFN-α and IFN-γ in blood plasma, as well as spontaneous and induced production of these cytokines by blood cells ex vivo were evaluated. After that, the patients were observed for another 3 months to register repeated cases of hospitalization for ARI. Results. Marked tendency to accelerate the regression of symptoms of intoxication and fever was observed when intranasal dosage form of IFN-α2b was administered to patients receiving the rectal form of this cytokine. The combination of rectal and topical dosage forms of IFN-α2b with antioxidants was more effective than monotherapy with the rectal suppositories in preventing repeated hospitalization for ARI. The above combination caused the most complete correction of induced production of IFN-α by blood cells ex vivo at its initial deviation from the norm. Conclusion. The obtained data indicate the expediency of using the combination of rectal and topical dosage forms of IFN-α2b with antioxidants for treatment of ARI.
Acoustic analysis of the lacrimal gland in sarcoidosis
01.01.2018 |
Kharlap S.
Safonova T.
Eksarenko O.
Vashkulatova E.
Avetisov S.
Vestnik oftalmologii |
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PURPOSE: To analyze the condition of the lacrimal gland in patients confirmed to have sarcoidosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 46 patients (92 orbits) with verified diagnosis of systemic sarcoidosis that were examined during the period of 2009 to 2014. The age of patients ranged from 23 to 65 years and the average was 45.1 years. Among the examined patients, 66% were female and 34% male. In all patients, the diagnosis was verified according to modern criteria. RESULTS: Acoustic structure of 46 lacrimal glands of patients with systemic sarcoidosis (92 orbit), and lacrimal glands of 30 healthy individuals (60 orbits) were examined. In-depth in vivo examination of morphological changes was done using 'advanced' analysis of three-dimensional images. CONCLUSION: The analysis of a large number of studies devoted to changes in the lacrimal glands caused by sarcoidosis revealed a difficult problem: are there any differences between isolated involvement of the lacrimal gland tissue and the defeat of various organs and tissues? For now, the question remains unanswered.
Oxidative and carbonyl stress as a factors of the modification of proteins and DNA destruction in diabetes
01.01.2018 |
Lankin V.
Tikhaze A.
Konovalova G.
Odinokova O.
Doroshchuk N.
Chazova I.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group.All Rights Reserved. Aim. To study the oxidative damage of biopolymers (proteins and nucleic acids) in blood of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Materials and methods. In the blood of 50 patients with DM and 25 patients without disorders of carbohydrate metabolism were estimated: the level of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) by immunochemical method, the content of SH-groups in plasma proteins, the activity of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) in erythrocytes, the length of telomere in leukocyte DNA, the level of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxy-gunosine (8-oxo-dG) in plasma and urine. Results and discussion. It is shown that in DM patients the level of oxLDL increases and the content of SH-groups in proteins and peptides of the blood plasma decreases, which indicates the development of oxidative stress. In addition, a carbonyl-dependent modification of erythrocyte SOD was detected in DM patients, as well as oxidative DNA destruction (decrease in telomere length in leukocytes and an increase in the level of 8-oxo-dG in blood plasma and urine). Conclusion. On the basis of the definition of a complex of correct indicators, a multiple oxidative modification of biopolymers of blood (proteins and DNA) was detected in patients with DM.
New biophotonics methods for improving efficiency and safety of laser modification of the fibrous tunic of the eye
01.01.2018 |
Baum O.
Omelchenko A.
Kasyanenko E.
Skidanov R.
Kazanskij N.
Sobol E.
Bolshunov A.
Siplivy V.
Osipyan G.
Gamidov A.
Avetisov S.
Vestnik Oftalmologii |
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© 2018, Media Sfera. All rights reserved. The article describes a newly developed and tested diffractive optical element (DOE) that converts non-uniform radiation of the laser output into a homogeneous ring. The Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm is shown to be well suited for achieving annular intensity distribution. Testing this ring transducer on threshold-plasticity cornea demonstrated the reversibility of axisymmetric changes in the cornea. Atomic-Force microscopy of the area of maximum stresses in the corneal periphery showed no significant changes in the structure of the cornea when irradiated in the selected mode. Measurement of Young’s modulus of the corneal surface areas after their irradiation also revealed no changes in the elastic properties, while examination of the corneal structure demonstrated the absence of significant structural changes in irradiated samples compared with intact ones.
Cognitive impairment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: prevalence, pathogenetic mechanisms, the effect of antidiabetic drugs
01.01.2018 |
Ostroumova O.
Surkova E.
Chikh E.
Rebrova E.
Borisov M.
Diabetes Mellitus |
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© 2018 Russian Association of Endocrinologists. All rights reserved. In recent years, a large amount of data has been accumulated on the relationship between cognitive impairment, dementia and diabetes mellitus. This article presents an overview of modern literature, including the definition of cognitive functions, the modern classification of cognitive impairment, pathogenetic mechanisms of diabetes mellitus influence on the development of cognitive impairment and dementia (neurogenesis, integrity of the blood-brain barrier, systemic inflammatory reactions, hyper- And hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, vascular dysfunction of the microvasculature and increase in glucocorticosteroids). The influence of anti-diabetic medications on cognitive functions has been examined in detail: insulin preparations, oral hypoglycemic agents of the biguanide group (metformin), thiazolidinediones (rosiglitazone and pioglitazone), sulfonylurea derivatives (glycazide, glipizide), a-glucosidase (acarbose) inhibitors, incretin-directed therapy (receptor agonists glucan-like peptide (exenatide and liraglutide) and inhibitors of dipeptidylpeptidase type 4 (sitagliptin, vildagliptin and alogliptin)), sodium glucose inhibitors cotransporter type 2. The data demonstrating a multidirectional effect on the cognitive functions of various antidiabetic drugs is presented, the possible influence on the rate of progression of cognitive impairment and the risk of dementia of intensive control of plasma glucose level in comparison with the standard decrease in patients with type 2 diabetes is analyzed.
Pets in modern society: Hidden threats
01.01.2018 |
Malov V.
Maleyev V.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group.All Rights Reserved. The article discusses the problem of the role of pets as a source of zoonotic infections, representing a hidden threat to modern society. Since the content is now very popular at home, both traditional and exotic animals, it is necessary to develop an interdisciplinary program to control the spread of zoonotic infections and the risks of their infection with people. Since the problem lies in the intersection of several disciplines, joint efforts of doctors, veterinarians, health organizers and laboratory specialists are necessary.
Problems of clinical diagnosis and treatment of P. Falciparum malaria in Russian Federation
01.01.2018 |
Sergiev V.
Baranova A.
Kozhevnikova G.
Tokmalayev A.
Chernyshov D.
Chentsov V.
Kouassi D.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group.All Rights Reserved. Aim. To study the causes of falciparum malaria deaths in Russian Federation and to optimize therapy for severe forms of the disease. Materials and methods. The analysis of falciparum malaria cases with deaths recorded in Russian Federation from 2013 to 2017 was conducted. The results of optimization of pathogenetic therapy of severe forms of falciparum malaria for the prevention of adverse outcomes in the intensive care unit of the Infectious Clinical Hospital №2 of Moscow in 44 patients with severe course are presented. Treatment, clinical laboratory and instrumental investigations were carried out in accordance with our intensive care protocol, which took into account the current WHO recommendations. Results. From 2013 to 2017 there were nine deaths from falciparum malaria reported in patients from African countries (6) and India (3). In Russia, due to the lack of effective drugs of artemisinin group, quinine with tetracycline or doxycycline is used for etiotropic therapy of patients with complicated form of falciparum malaria. In the management of such patients, the basis for treatment was the prevention of is-chemic, reperfusion injuries of organs and hemorrhagic complications. In the infectious clinical hospital №2 of Moscow, since 2007, the intensive care unit has developed and tested a protocol for intensive therapy in patients with severe and complicated forms of falciparum malaria, including preventive methods of extracorporeal hemocorrection with prolonged veno-venous hemodiafiltration therapy and plasmapheresis, as a result of which the mortality rate decreased from 84 to 6.8% Conclusion. The country's lack of anti-malarial drugs, the insufficient awareness of the population about the risk of infection and measures to prevent malaria, late referral of cases for medical care and errors of clinical diagnosis and treatment annually lead to fatal outcomes. In such situation, the experience of optimizing the treatment of severe falciparum malaria is particularly useful, allowing decreasing the mortality.
Modern methods of mathematical modeling of blood flow using reduced order methods
01.01.2018 |
Simakov S.
Computer Research and Modeling |
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© 2018 Sergey S. Simakov. The study of the physiological and pathophysiological processes in the cardiovascular system is one of the important contemporary issues, which is addressed in many works. In this work, several approaches to the mathematical modelling of the blood flow are considered. They are based on the spatial order reduction and/or use a steady-state approach. Attention is paid to the discussion of the assumptions and suggestions, which are limiting the scope of such models. Some typical mathematical formulations are considered together with the brief review of their numerical implementation. In the first part, we discuss the models, which are based on the full spatial order reduction and/or use a steady-state approach. One of the most popular approaches exploits the analogy between the flow of the viscous fluid in the elastic tubes and the current in the electrical circuit. Such models can be used as an individual tool. They also used for the formulation of the boundary conditions in the models using one dimensional (1D) and three dimensional (3D) spatial coordinates. The use of the dynamical compartment models allows describing haemodynamics over an extended period (by order of tens of cardiac cycles and more). Then, the steady-state models are considered. They may use either total spatial reduction or two dimensional (2D) spatial coordinates. This approach is used for simulation the blood flow in the region of microcirculation. In the second part, we discuss the models, which are based on the spatial order reduction to the 1D coordinate. The models of this type require relatively small computational power relative to the 3D models. Within the scope of this approach, it is also possible to include all large vessels of the organism. The 1D models allow simulation of the haemodynamic parameters in every vessel, which is included in the model network. The structure and the parameters of such a network can be set according to the literature data. It also exists methods of medical data segmentation. The 1D models may be derived from the 3D Navier - Stokes equations either by asymptotic analysis or by integrating them over a volume. The major assumptions are symmetric flow and constant shape of the velocity profile over a cross-section. These assumptions are somewhat restrictive and arguable. Some of the current works paying attention to the 1D model's validation, to the comparing different 1D models and the comparing 1D models with clinical data. The obtained results reveal acceptable accuracy. It allows concluding, that the 1D approach can be used in medical applications. 1D models allow describing several dynamical processes, such as pulse wave propagation, Korotkov's tones. Some physiological conditions may be included in the 1D models: gravity force, muscles contraction force, regulation and autoregulation.
Ursodeoxycholic acid: Efficacy and safety in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (Meta-Analysis)
01.01.2018 |
Pavlov C.
Varganova D.
Semenistaya M.
Kuznetsova E.
Usanova A.
Svistunov A.
Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk |
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© 2018 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved. Background: Non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD) is a widely spread disease that needs an effective and safe treatment strategy. One of pharmacological treatments for people with NAFLD is ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). The use of UDCA is pathogenetically justified because of its cytoprotective, antiapoptotic, antioxidant, and hypoglycemic properties. Aim: Our meta-analysis (M-A) aimed to assess the benefits and harms of UDCA in people with NAFLD. Material and methods: We identified trials through electronic searches in the Cochrane Hepato-Biliary (CHB) Controlled Trials Register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, SCI, LILACS, eLibrary (May 2018). We considered for inclusion randomised clinical trials (RCTs) assessing URSO versus placebo/no intervention in adult participants with NAFLD. We allowed co-interventions in the trial groups if they were similar. We followed Cochrane methodology, CHB Group methodology using Review Manager 5 and Trial Sequential Analysis to perform meta-analysis (M-A), assessed bias risk of the trials, quality of evidence using GRADE. Results: Four RCT, at high bias risk, low quality of evidence, provided data for analysis: 254 participants at different stages of NAFLD received oral UDCA (median of 18 months), 256 - placebo/no intervention; age 18 to 75 years. We found no evidence of effect on mortality (there were no deaths) and on histological parameters such as steatosis (MD -0.13; CI -0.40-0.13; participants 323; trials 3; I2=43%), fibrosis (MD 0.00; CI -0.00-0.22; participants 323; trials 3; I2=0%), and inflammation (MD -0.05; CI -0.20-0.10; participants 325; trials 3; I2=0%). Also we found no evidence for significant influence of UDCA on occurrence of serious adverse events (RR 1.45, 95% CI 0.65-3.21; participants 292; trials 2; I2=0%), adverse events (RR 1.52, 95% CI 0.73-3.16; participants 510; trials 4; I2=36%) neither with traditional M-A (random-effects), nor with TSA SAE (CI 0.56-2.91; participants 292; trials 2; I2=0%, D2=0%), AE (CI 0.77-2.21; participants 510; trials 4; I2=0%, D2=0%). There was no evidence of effect on cytolysis, but beneficial effect of UDCA on cholestasis (GGTP) (data from two trials only) (p<0.0001). We found no data on quality of life. All the trials were funded by the industry. Conclusion: Based on the small number of trials at high risk of bias, low quality, despite the safety profile observed with our M-A, we can neither recommend nor reject the use of UDCA for people with NAFLD. Further trials with low risk of bias and high quality are required to assess the benefits and harms of UDCA.
Immunological effects of a rituximab biosimilar (acelbia, biocad) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
01.01.2018 |
Avdeeva A.
Cherkasova M.
Kusevich D.
Rybakova V.
Nasonov E.
Nauchno-Prakticheskaya Revmatologiya |
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© 2018 Ima-Press Publishing House.All right reserved. Objective: to study changes of acute-phase reactants (erythrocyte sedimentation rate – ESR, C-reactive protein – CRP), autoantibodies (IgM/IgA rheumatoid factors – RF, anti-citrullinated protein antibodies), immunoglobulin classes G, M, and A, and CD19+ B-lymphocytes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 12 and 24 weeks after initiation of therapy with a rituximab (RTM) biosimilar at a total dose of 1200 mg. Subjects and methods. Examinations were made in 20 patients with a reliable diagnosis of RA (including 18 women; median age, 61.5 [54; 66.5] years; disease duration, 39.5 [20; 84] years; DAS28, 5.6 [4.9; 6.8]). All the patients received two intravenous infusions of RTM (Acellbia®) 600 mg at a 2-week interval during therapy with methotrexate, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and glucocorticoids. Clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed immediately before therapy and then 12 and 24 weeks after the first infusion of the drug. Results and discussion. DAS28, ESR, and CRP level in respondents significantly decreased 12 and 24 weeks after RTM administration. The serum IgM RF concentration in the respondents was found to be significantly reduced at weeks 12 and 24 and amounted to 79.7 and 87.1% of baseline, respectively. The IgA RF level significantly decreased by 72 and 85% of baseline at weeks 12 and 24 of RTM therapy, respectively, in patients with a good response, and by 59.7 and 67.5% at weeks 12 and 24 in patients with a satisfactory response. The serum concentration of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in the respondents remained high throughout the follow-up. All the patients achieved CD19+ B-cell depletion at week 12 of therapy (absolute levels, 0); there was an increase in the level of CD19+ B-lymphocytes at week 24 (0.0030 [0.0003; 0.0270] 109/l). In both in the good and satisfactory response groups, the mean immunoglobulin levels remained within normal limits. Conclusion. The analysis of the efficiency of two infusions of the RTM biosimilar at a total dose of 1200 mg following 24 weeks of therapy initiation suggests that the drug is able to cause reductions in disease activity, laboratory signs of inflammatory activity, autoantibody concentrations, and complete B-lymphocyte depletion.
Prospects for anti-B-cell therapy in rheumatology
01.01.2018 |
Nasonov E.
Nauchno-Prakticheskaya Revmatologiya |
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© 2018 Ima-Press Publishing House.All right reserved. Impaired B-cell immunological tolerance plays a central role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune rheumatic diseases and autoimmune diseases of another nature. B-cells link innate and acquired immunity: they express Toll-like receptors that respond to danger signals; act as antigen-presenting cells; induce an antigen-specific immune response; determine the development of immunological memory; and synthesize a wide range of cytokines that regulate (stimulate or suppress) an immune response and inflammation. In autoimmune diseases, there are metabolic and B-cellular signaling disturbances that lead to defects in B-regulatory, T-regulatory, follicular T-helper, and dendritic cells. B-cells synthesize organ-nonspecific and organ-specific autoantibodies that are biomarkers for autoimmune diseases and play an important role in their immunopathogenesis. Anti-B-cell therapy that causes B-cell depletion in blood and target organs is effective in a wide range of autoimmune diseases. Its efficiency is determined by various mechanisms, such as suppression of pathogenic autoantibody synthesis; modulation of the function of B-cells (antigen presentation, cytokine synthesis, and costimulation), T-lymphocytes and dendritic cells. Further study of a strategy for targeted anti-B-cell therapy, mechanisms of action, and new targets is important for the progress of modern rheumatology to improve the treatment strategy of autoimmune rheumatic diseases.
The impact of optical radiation of femtosecond duration on human glial cells
01.01.2018 |
Ilatovskaia D.
Porozov Y.
Demchenko P.
Meglinski I.
Khodzitsky M.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering |
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© 2018 Copyright SPIE. The paper presents the results of the studies of influence of optical radiation with wavelengths of 520 and 780 nm on human glial cells (U251) at the range of exposure times ∼ 1-15 min. It was found that after the first minute of irradiation at the wavelength of 780 nm, the relative number of apoptotic cells significantly increased. The result corroborates the concept of biological hazard of optical radiation for tumor cells, and suggests that the approach has a great potential in clinical application for the treatment of human glioma.
Cognitive functions, emotional status, MRI measurements in treatment-naive middle-aged patients with uncomplicated essential arterial hypertension
01.01.2018 |
Parfenov V.
Ostroumova T.
Ostroumova O.
Borisova E.
Perepelov V.
Perepelova E.
Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psihiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Objective. To study cognitive functions, anxiety and depression levels, 24-hour blood pressure (BP) profile, cerebral blood flow (CBF) perfusion in treatment-naive middle-aged patients with uncomplicated essential arterial hypertension (EAH) depending on the white matter hyperintensities (WMH) burden. Material and methods. Forty-one hypertensive patients (mean age 46.2±4.6 years) and 41 healthy volunteers (mean age 50.3±6.7 years) were enrolled to the study. All subjects underwent brain MRI (MAGNETOM Skyra 3.0T, T1, T2 FSE, T2 FLAIR, T1 MPRAGE, ASL), Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA), 10-word learning task, verbal fluency test, trail making test, Stroop color and word test, anxiety and depression assessment with Hamilton rating scales, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). Results. WMH were found in 22 (53.7%) hypertensive patients and in 3 (7.3%) healthy volunteers (p=0.0002). Hypertensive patients had the significantly lower CBF compared to controls (p<0.001). Conclusion. WMH were identified in treatment-naive middle-aged patients with uncomplicated mild to moderate EAH. There was an association between WMH and lower CBF in the cortical plate of frontal lobes, SBP variability and worse cognition. Cerebral hypoperfusion can cause cognitive impairment even in the earliest stages of EAH, which increases due to emotional disorders.
Subcutaneous adiponecrosis of a newborn
01.01.2018 |
Kholodnova N.
Mazankova L.
Turina I.
Volter A.
Makarova L.
Tsilinskaya O.
Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii |
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© The authors team, 2018.All Rights Reserved. This is the first report of a clinical case of subcutaneous adiponecrosis of a newborn with acute early neonatal period from a mother with risk factors in the form of diabetes, hypoglycemia during pregnancy, chronic infections, emergency surgical delivery due to acute fetal hypoxia. The article contains algorithm of the differential diagnostics of diabetic embryo-fetopathy and metabolic disorders in a newborn from a mother with diabetes.
Perioperative blood saving strategies in obstetrics and gynecology
01.01.2018 |
Moiseyev S.
Rogachevskiy O.
Payanidi Y.
Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii |
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© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. Preoperative anemia is common in clinical practice, particularly in women of reproductive age, and it worsens the outcomes of operative treatment. Red blood cell hemotransfusions can be used for management of anemia developing in the perioperative period, however, they have only a short-term effect and can lead to serious complications. Introduction of blood saving strategies can prevent the development and progression of perioperative anemia and hence avoid hemotransfusions. The review considers modern perioperative blood saving strategies based on recent guidelines of the European and American societies of anesthesiologists.
Possibilities of reproduction after treatment for early endometrial cancer
01.01.2018 |
Pronin S.
Matsneva I.
Novikova E.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) |
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© Bionika Media Ltd. Objective. To investigate whether early endometrial cancer can be treated and whether fertility can be preserved in young women, by using a hormonal combination: levonorgestrel intrauterine hormonal system (LNG-IUS; Mirena 52 mg of LH) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (Zoladex 3.6 mg). Subjects and methods. The investigation covered 79 patients. The case histories of 37 patients with atypical hyperplasia and 42 with stage IA (T1aNxMo) endometrial cancer were analyzed. The patients’ mean age was 33 years. The investigation was conducted at the Academician V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Results. Primary treatment was completed in 67 (84.8%) patients and in 12 (15.2%) during hormonal treatment. After completion of special treatment, 8 (11.9%) of the 67 women had 10 pregnancies that resulted in childbirth and spontaneous miscarriage in 8 and 2 cases, respectively. Recurrences and incurable disease were stated in 3 (4.2%) and 9 (12.8%) cases, respectively. Repeated hormone therapy cycles were not performed because the patients had refused organ-sparing treatment. All the 12 (17.1%) patients were successfully operated on. Conclusion. The proposed treatment regimen is a highly effective medical treatment in patients with precancer and early endometrial cancer. Independent hormone therapy is undoubtedly the best alternative to hysterectomy today in this group of patients who want to preserve reproductive function.