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Год публикации: Все года 2018 2019 2020

Название Дата публикации Коллектив авторов Журнал DOI Индекс цитирования Ссылка на источник
Introducing Anatomically Correct CT-Guided Laparoscopic Right Colectomy with D3 Anterior Posterior Extended Mesenterectomy: Initial Experience and Technical Pitfalls 01.10.2018
  • Gaupset R.
  • Nesgaard J.
  • Kazaryan A.
  • Stimec B.
  • Edwin B.
  • Ignjatovic D.
  • Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques 1 Ссылка

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    Heat-driven size reduction of biodegradable polyelectrolyte multilayer hollow capsules assembled on CaCO<inf>3</inf> template 01.10.2018
  • Trushina D.
  • Bukreeva T.
  • Borodina T.
  • Belova D.
  • Belyakov S.
  • Antipina M.
  • Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 6 Ссылка

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    Oncobox bioinformatical platform for selecting potentially effective combinations of target cancer drugs using high-throughput gene expression data 01.10.2018
  • Sorokin M.
  • Kholodenko R.
  • Suntsova M.
  • Malakhova G.
  • Garazha A.
  • Kholodenko I.
  • Poddubskaya E.
  • Lantsov D.
  • Stilidi I.
  • Arhiri P.
  • Osipov A.
  • Buzdin A.
  • Cancers 5 Ссылка

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    Effect of everolimus on skin lesions in patients treated for subependymal giant cell astrocytoma and renal angiomyolipoma: final 4-year results from the randomized EXIST-1 and EXIST-2 studies 01.10.2018
  • Franz D.
  • Budde K.
  • Kingswood J.
  • Belousova E.
  • Sparagana S.
  • de Vries P.
  • Berkowitz N.
  • Ridolfi A.
  • Bissler J.
  • Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 5 Ссылка

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    Live fast, die young? A review on the developmental trajectories of ADHD across the lifespan 01.10.2018
  • Franke B.
  • Michelini G.
  • Asherson P.
  • Banaschewski T.
  • Bilbow A.
  • Buitelaar J.
  • Cormand B.
  • Faraone S.
  • Ginsberg Y.
  • Haavik J.
  • Kuntsi J.
  • Larsson H.
  • Lesch K.
  • Ramos-Quiroga J.
  • Réthelyi J.
  • Ribases M.
  • Reif A.
  • European Neuropsychopharmacology 19 Ссылка

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    The burden of disease in Russia from 1980 to 2016: A systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2016 29.09.2018
  • Starodubov V.
  • Marczak L.
  • Varavikova E.
  • Bikbov B.
  • Ermakov S.
  • Gall J.
  • Glenn S.
  • Griswold M.
  • Idrisov B.
  • Kravchenko M.
  • Lioznov D.
  • Loyola E.
  • Rakovac I.
  • Vladimirov S.
  • Vlassov V.
  • Murray C.
  • Naghavi M.
  • The Lancet 6 Ссылка

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    Near-infrared photopolymerization assisted by upconversion nanophosphors for biomedical applications 26.09.2018
  • Savelyev A.
  • Semchishen V.
  • Nechaev A.
  • Khaydukov K.
  • Demina P.
  • Generalova A.
  • Khaydukov E.
  • EPJ Web of Conferences 0 Ссылка

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    Upconversion nanoparticles with anti-Stokes luminescence as bioimaging agents 26.09.2018
  • Demina P.
  • Khaydukov E.
  • Sholina N.
  • Rocheva V.
  • Khochenkov D.
  • Akasov R.
  • Generalova A.
  • EPJ Web of Conferences 0 Ссылка

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    Upconversion nanoparticles: On the way from diagnostics to theranostics 26.09.2018
  • Generalova A.
  • Mironova K.
  • Sholina N.
  • Rocheva V.
  • Nechaev A.
  • Grebenik E.
  • Guller A.
  • Zvyagin A.
  • Deyev S.
  • Zubov V.
  • Khaydukov E.
  • EPJ Web of Conferences 0 Ссылка

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    Deep tumor imaging by upconversion nanoparticles 26.09.2018
  • Sholina N.
  • Demina P.
  • Khochenkov D.
  • Generalova A.
  • Nechaev A.
  • Khaydukov E.
  • EPJ Web of Conferences 1 Ссылка

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    Nanohybrid scaffolds with luminescent remote control 26.09.2018
  • Sochilina A.
  • Savelyev A.
  • Sholina N.
  • Karimov D.
  • Nechaev A.
  • Khaydukov E.
  • Generalova A.
  • EPJ Web of Conferences 0 Ссылка

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    Radioactive (<sup>90</sup>Y) upconversion nanoparticles conjugated with recombinant targeted toxin for synergistic nanotheranostics of cancer 25.09.2018
  • Guryev E.
  • Volodina N.
  • Shilyagina N.
  • Gudkov S.
  • Balalaeva I.
  • Volovetskiy A.
  • Lyubeshkin A.
  • Sen A.
  • Ermilov S.
  • Vodeneev V.
  • Petrov R.
  • Zvyagin A.
  • Alferov Z.
  • Deyev S.
  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 10 Ссылка

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    Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 22.09.2018
  • Griswold M.
  • Fullman N.
  • Hawley C.
  • Arian N.
  • Zimsen S.
  • Tymeson H.
  • Venkateswaran V.
  • Tapp A.
  • Forouzanfar M.
  • Salama J.
  • Abate K.
  • Abate D.
  • Abay S.
  • Abbafati C.
  • Abdulkader R.
  • Abebe Z.
  • Aboyans V.
  • Abrar M.
  • Acharya P.
  • Adetokunboh O.
  • Adhikari T.
  • Adsuar J.
  • Afarideh M.
  • Agardh E.
  • Agarwal G.
  • Aghayan S.
  • Agrawal S.
  • Ahmed M.
  • Akibu M.
  • Akinyemiju T.
  • Akseer N.
  • Al Asfoor D.
  • Al-Aly Z.
  • Alahdab F.
  • Alam K.
  • Albujeer A.
  • Alene K.
  • Ali R.
  • Ali S.
  • Alijanzadeh M.
  • Aljunid S.
  • Alkerwi A.
  • Allebeck P.
  • Alvis-Guzman N.
  • Amare A.
  • Aminde L.
  • Ammar W.
  • Amoako Y.
  • Amul G.
  • Andrei C.
  • Angus C.
  • Ansha M.
  • Antonio C.
  • Aremu O.
  • Ärnlöv J.
  • Artaman A.
  • Aryal K.
  • Assadi R.
  • Ausloos M.
  • Avila-Burgos L.
  • Avokpaho E.
  • Awasthi A.
  • Ayele H.
  • Ayer R.
  • Ayuk T.
  • Azzopardi P.
  • Badali H.
  • Badawi A.
  • Banach M.
  • Barker-Collo S.
  • Barrero L.
  • Basaleem H.
  • Baye E.
  • Bazargan-Hejazi S.
  • Bedi N.
  • Béjot Y.
  • Belachew A.
  • Belay S.
  • Bennett D.
  • Bensenor I.
  • Bernabe E.
  • Bernstein R.
  • Beyene A.
  • Beyranvand T.
  • Bhaumik S.
  • Bhutta Z.
  • Biadgo B.
  • Bijani A.
  • Bililign N.
  • Birlik S.
  • Birungi C.
  • Bizuneh H.
  • Bjerregaard P.
  • Bjørge T.
  • Borges G.
  • Bosetti C.
  • Boufous S.
  • Bragazzi N.
  • Brenner H.
  • Butt Z.
  • The Lancet 209 Ссылка

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    Complete revascularization via left snuffbox approach in a nonagenarian patient with acute myocardial infarction 12.09.2018
  • Berezhnoi K.
  • Kokov L.
  • Vanyukov A.
  • Kim Y.
  • Cardiology Journal 3 Ссылка
    Rational Surface Design of Upconversion Nanoparticles with Polyethylenimine Coating for Biomedical Applications: Better Safe than Brighter? 10.09.2018
  • Guller A.
  • Nadort A.
  • Generalova A.
  • Khaydukov E.
  • Nechaev A.
  • Kornienko I.
  • Petersen E.
  • Liang L.
  • Shekhter A.
  • Qian Y.
  • Goldys E.
  • Zvyagin A.
  • ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2 Ссылка

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    Reflection-mode continuous-wave 0.15 λ -resolution terahertz solid immersion microscopy of soft biological tissues 10.09.2018
  • Chernomyrdin N.
  • Kucheryavenko A.
  • Kolontaeva G.
  • Katyba G.
  • Dolganova I.
  • Karalkin P.
  • Ponomarev D.
  • Kurlov V.
  • Reshetov I.
  • Skorobogatiy M.
  • Tuchin V.
  • Zaytsev K.
  • Applied Physics Letters 21 Ссылка

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    Personalized prescription of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in unresectable metastatic cholangiocarcinoma 06.09.2018
  • Poddubskaya E.
  • Baranova M.
  • Allina D.
  • Smirnov P.
  • Albert E.
  • Kirilchev A.
  • Aleshin A.
  • Sekacheva M.
  • Suntsova M.
  • Experimental Hematology and Oncology 6 Ссылка

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    Synthesis, antibacterial and antitumor activity of methylpyridinium salts of pyridoxine functionalized 2-amino-6-sulfanylpyridine-3,5-dicarbonitriles 02.09.2018
  • Grigor’ev A.
  • Shtyrlin N.
  • Gabbasova R.
  • Zeldi M.
  • Yu. Grishaev D.
  • Gnezdilov O.
  • Balakin K.
  • Nasakin O.
  • Shtyrlin Y.
  • Synthetic Communications 3 Ссылка

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    Changes in the dentoalveolar system in children with chronic kidney disease 01.09.2018
  • Morozova N.
  • Mamedov A.
  • Morozova O.
  • Maslikova E.
  • Elovskaya A.
  • Pediatriya - Zhurnal im G.N. Speranskogo 0 Ссылка

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    Mantle Cell Lymphoma Case Report 01.09.2018
  • Podzolkov V.
  • Vargina T.
  • Pokrovskaya A.
  • Safronova T.
  • Abramova A.
  • Case Reports in Oncology 0 Ссылка

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