Atropine use for the prevention of myopia progression
01.01.2018 |
Avetisov S.
Fisenko V.
Zhuravlev A.
Avetisov K.
Vestnik Oftalmologii |
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© 2018, Media Sfera. All rights reserved. Given the prevalence of myopic refraction (from 50 to 84% in Asian countries and 35 to 49% in European countries and the United States in young people), the development of methods for monitoring and preventing myopia continues to be an urgent task. One of the directions of pharmacological intervention on the progression of myopia is associated with the use of a non-selective M-cholinoreceptors antagonist — atropine. The review presents the results of studies on various aspects of the potential for topical application of atropine to control the progression of myopia (experimental and clinical data on the mechanism of action, the effectiveness of clinical use, the possible side effects of various concentrations of the drug).The heterogeneity of the data presented does not yet lead to the conclusion that the long-term instillations of atropine are effective in prevention of progressive myopia. In addition, the wide application of this method, for example, in the territory of the Russian Federation, is limited by approved official instruction for the local application of the atropine solution in ophthalmology.
Determining the prescription of brain injuries based on the changes of the nucleolus organizer in astrocytes
01.01.2018 |
Morozov Y.
Koludarova E.
Gornostaev D.
Kuzin A.
Dorosheva Z.
Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertiza |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. The well apparent signs of the proliferative reaction and activity of the nucleolus organizer in astrocytes within the zone of injury and at its periphery are considered to be the indicators of the participation of these cells in all the phases of the inflammatory and reparative processes associated with the brain injury. The objective of the present study was the evaluation of the changes in the number of the nucleoli in the nuclei of astrocytes during the acute post-traumatic period following the craniocerebral injury. A total of 26 cases of death of the men and women at the age from 36 to 50 years caused by the craniocerebral trauma were available for the examination. The tissue samples were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, based on the use of the Perls’ Prussian blue staining protocol or by means of the AgNOR staining technique. The astrocytes in the regions immediately adjacent to the sites of brain injury were shown to undergo areactive necrosis during the first hours after the damage had been inflicted. The evaluation of the changes in the astrocytes required taking into consideration the influence of autolysis on the character of the signs being identified. The increase of the number of points in the astrocytes in which RNA replication occurs within days 2—4 after the injury can be accounted for by the accumulation of the granules containing silver in the cell nuclei. The cross reactions between hemosiderin and RNA await further investigations. It is concluded that the methods employed in this study may be of diagnostic significance for the purposes of forensic medical histology if used in the combination with other specialized techniques for determining the prescription of the craniocerebral injuries. The combination of the morphological and functional studies opens up the promising prospects for the investigations into the necrotic and proliferative processes in astrocytes associated with brain injuries of different origin.
The morphological characteristic of the cerebellar cortex in the case of a burning injury
01.01.2018 |
Morozov Y.
Dorosheva Z.
Gornostaev D.
Koludarova E.
Pigolkin Y.
Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertiza |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. The objective of the present study was the development of the additional forensic medical criteria for the diagnostics of the intravitality and prescription of the burning injury making use of the morphological changes in the cerebellar cortex. A total of 82 cases of the death from the second- and third a, b-degree flame burns in 63 men and 19 women at the age from 20 to 65 years were available for the analysis. The condition of the cerebellar cortex was evaluated within 0 to 72 hours after the trauma had been inflicted. The routine histological staining technique using hematoxylin and eosin were employed as well as the Nisslin staining carried out in the combination with the immunohistochemical reaction based on the application of the antibodies against the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). In the case of death during the acute period after the burning injury, the histological study revealed a characteristic complex of the morphological features including the acute swelling of neurons, the increasing expansion of perivascular and pericellular spaces, as swell as hyperoxyphilia of microglia. The astrocytes of cortical II—III layers proved highly sensitive to tissue hypoxia as appears from their reaction with anti-GFAP antibodies. It is concluded that the results of the evaluation of the blood supply of the cerebral hemisphere cortex with the use of immunohistochemical methods may be helpful as the additional criteria for the purpose of forensic medical documentation of intravitality and prescription of the burning injury.
The analysis of the results of the medical criminalistics expertises of the blood stains performed at the bureau of forensic medical expertise of the Moscow health department during the period from 2011 till 2015
01.01.2018 |
Zotova N.
Leonova E.
Nagornov M.
Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertiza |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. The objective of the present study was the analysis of the results of the medical criminalistics expertises of the blood stains with reference to their different characteristics including the occurrence across the years, variability, the forms and parameters of the traumatizing impacts, the properties of the objects with which the injuries were inflicted, etc. The majority of the data necessary for the analysis were extracted from the archive materials of the Medical and Criminalistic Department of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise of the Moscow Health Department for the period from 2011 till 2015. A total of 5749 expertises performed during this time included 107 analyses of blood stains, 98 trace-evidence and 9 situational analyses. The specific features of such expertises include a large number of objects carrying blood stains available for the analysis. In the majority of the cases, such objects are stained with blood of several types differing in the mechanisms of their formation. 3D-scanning of the scene of the event with the subsequent three-dimensional computer-assisted simulation of the actions of each participant of the accident is considered to be the most promising method for the medical criminalistic expertise of the blood stains. The application of this approach is believed to make the work of the forensic medical experts significantly easier.
Modern methods of treatment of amblyopia
01.01.2018 |
Dolzhich A.
Bubnova I.
Aslamazova A.
Vestnik Oftalmologii |
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© 2018, Media Sfera. All rights reserved. Throughout the history of pediatric ophthalmology, pathophysiological state has always played an important role. It’s characterized by reduced central vision, often paired with disruption of binocular vision, which is interpreted as amblyopia. Central vision is necessary for social integration, so its disorders cause great quality of life changes in patients limiting their professional activities and complicating everyday life. Despite large number of proposed methods of treatment, amblyopia still remains a pressing problem and its prevalence has not changed significantly over the years.
Differential diagnosis of ascites in internal medicine: Clinical case
01.01.2018 |
Tikhonov I.
Zharkova M.
Maevskaya M.
Zozulya V.
Leschenko V.
Nekrasova T.
Arslanyan M.
Musina N.
Tatarkina M.
Rzaev R.
Puzakov K.
Ivashkin V.
Malikova M.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Ascites and hydrothorax may be the symptoms of congestive heart failure and do not always reflects presense of the decompensated liver cirrhosis. Clinical examination of patient with chronic hepatitis C which cyanosis of the lips, cervival veins pulsation, a triple heart rhythm indicated on pathology of the heart (constrictive pericarditis), which was confirmed by instrumental methods. Congestive heart failure has lead to the congestive liver in a young female patient. Regression of all the symptoms of heart failure occurred after surgical treatment (pericardectomy).
Modern achievements in the diagnosis and treatment of the refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease
01.01.2018 |
Ivashkin V.
Maev I.
Trukhmanov A.
Rumyantseva D.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Purpose of the review to present up-to-date data on the causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment of the refractory form of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Refractory GERD is the preservation of typical symptoms of the disease and/or incomplete healing of the esophageal mucosa against the background of taking a standard dose of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) once a day for 8 weeks. The reasons for the lack of response to the treatment are divided into related to the patient, related to therapy, and not related to GERD. Diagnostic approaches include x-ray examination of the esophagus and stomach, endoscopy with biopsy, 24-hour Impedance-pH monitoring, esophageal manometry. Depending on the reasons for the lack of response to the therapy, treatment may include lifestyle changes, doubling the dose of PPI, replacing PPI with another, adding H2-receptor antagonists, prokinetics, antacids, alginates and adsorbents. If conservative treatment is ineffective, it is possible to consider alternative methods, such as surgical treatment. Refractory GERD is a serious clinical problem. The absence of an answer to 8-week therapy with PPI requires a thorough differential diagnosis using additional examination methods. The identification of the causes of refractory to the therapy allows to optimize the approaches to its overcoming and to choose the optimal treatment.
Undifferentiated sarcoma of the pericardium after radiation therapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma
01.01.2018 |
Fomin V.
Kogan E.
Chichkova N.
Komarov R.
Fominykh E.
Shchedrina I.
Morosova N.
Karseladze A.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Primary sarcomas of the pericardium are extremely rare malignant tumors of the heart. The incidence of sarcoma increases after radiation therapy in the field of breast. The specific features of this case report are the difficulties in diagnostics of undifferentiated spindle-cell sarcoma of the pericardium and the connection between the disease and the radiation therapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Pharmacotherapy of chronic pancreatitis in terms of current clinical recommendations
01.01.2018 |
Maev I.
Bideeva T.
Kucheryavyy Y.
Andreev D.
Bueverov A.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. The article reflects the main positions of the latest Russian and pan-European clinical recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis (CP), devoted to the pharmacotherapy of this disease. The main objectives of pharmacotherapy for CP are to reduce or arrest pain abdominal syndrome and prevent or compensate for functional pancreatic insufficiency.
Variety of lung involvement in autoimmune liver diseases
01.01.2018 |
Akulkina L.
Brovko M.
Sholomova V.
Rozina T.
Yanakayeva A.
Frantsuzevich L.
Lebedeva M.
Fomin V.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. The primary autoimmune liver diseases conventionally include primary biliary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis and autoimmune hepatitis. Despite of primary autoimmune affection of different parts of the hepatobiliary system, in the recent decades, a lot of data has emerged indicating the presence of extrahepatic manifestations of these diseases, in particular, lung lesions, such as nodular and interstitial changes with possible progression and development of fibrosis and respiratory failure. In case of lungs disease, both pulmonary parenchyma and lung vessels, pleura, and intrathoracic lymph nodes can be involved. The most sensitive and specific procedure to assess the extent of the lung lesions and their evolution is high-resolution computed tomography. Due to the possibility of long-term asymptomatic course of the pulmonary disease with development of irreversible changes in patients with autoimmune liver diseases, it seems reasonable to conduct screening studies aimed at early detection and treatment of lung lesions in this population.
Immunoglobulinopathies in patients with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
01.01.2018 |
Chernova N.
Soboleva N.
Mariina S.
Sidorova Y.
Sinitsyna M.
Dvirnyk V.
Badmazhapova D.
Vinogradova Y.
Zvonkov E.
Savchenko V.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Contex. Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) is a rare form of non-Hodgkins lymphoma, characterized by generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly and dysproteinemia. Hypergammaglobulinaemia is revealed in 50-83% pts with AITL. However, the characteristics of immunoglobulinopathies observed in AITL are scarce. Objective: The aim of the study was to characterize quantitative and qualitative immunoglobulinopathies in patients with AITL at the onset of the disease. Patients and methods. 55 patients with newly diagnosed AITL were enrolled in the study, the male/female ratio was 30/25; median age was 61 (29-81) years. Diagnosis was based on standard WHO criteria. Immunochemical studies of blood serum included serum protein electrophoresis/immunofixation, nephelometric quantification of total immunoglobulins, serum free light chain assay. Results. Quantitative and qualitative immunoglobulinopathies were determined in 49 (89,1%) of 55 pts. Quantitative immunoglobulinopathies were revealed in 47 (85.5%) of 55 cases, qualitative - in 14 (25,5%). Combination quantitative and qualitative immunoglobulinopathies was observed in 12 (21,8%) of 55 pts. The detected immunoglobulinopathies were divided into 4 groups: polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia, hypogammaglobulinaemia, oligoclonal gammapathy, and monoclonal gammapathy. Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia was marked in 41 (74.5%) of 55 pts, elevated level of IgG was determined in 27 (49,15%) of 55 cases, IgM - in 18 (32,7%) and IgA - in 21 (38.2%). Interestingly, polyclonal IgE hypergammaglobulinaemia was detected in 12 (48,0%) of 25 cases of performed studies. Hypogammaglobulinaemia was detected in 8 (14,5%) of 55 cases. Oligoclonal gammapathy was determined in 4 (7.3%) of 55 pts. Monoclonal gammapathy was revealed in 11 (20,0%) of 55 cases. The amount of monoclonal immunoglobulin varied from 2.6 to 14.1 g/l. Monoclonal immunoglobulin Gk was detected in 5 of 11 pts, Gλ - in 2, Mλ - in 2, Mk - in 2. Monoclonal gammapathy was accompanied by polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia in 9 of 11 cases, hypogammaglobulinaemia - in 2. Conclusions. Quantitative and qualitative immunoglobulinopathies are observed in most patients at the onset of AITL. Quantitative abnormalities were determined more often than qualitative. Monoclonal gammapathy can be a manifestation of lymphoproliferation and other concomitant disorders. The prognostic value of immunochemical parameters is still unclear and requires dynamic observation and study.
Body composition in adolescents with bronchial asthma combined with overweight
01.01.2018 |
Kuzina E.
Spivak E.
Golubeva A.
Achkasov E.
Mozzhukhina L.
Voprosy Detskoi Dietologii |
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© 2018 Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective: To give a characteristic of body composition in adolescents with atopic bronchial asthma combined with overweight, and to determine the impact of its disorders on the degree of disease control. Patients and methods: Bioimpedance analysis of the body composition was performed in 168 adolescents aged 12-17 years, including 68 patients with mild bronchial asthma in the remission stage and in combination with overweight, 50 overweight adolescents without asthma and 50 healthy same-age peers. Bioimpedance characteristics were compared with the degree of controlling the symptoms of disease. Results: As has been found, adolescents with atopic bronchial asthma combined with overweight are characterised by significant changes in the body composition, which is manifest by higher fat tissue (on average 156.8 ± 21.3% with respect to the norm), total body water and extracellular fluid (127.0 ± 8.1% and 112.3 ± 5.9%, respectively), lower active cell (to 92.8 ± 10.2%) and skeletal muscle mass (to 96.9 ± 6.2%). The degree of the above disorders of body composition was higher in patients with incomplete asthma control. Conclusion: Disorders of body composition in adolescents with bronchial asthma reflect a decreased physical activity, shifts in water-electrolyte balance and protein deficiency. Worsening of body composition is associated with loss of asthma control.
Multispectral imaging technique for skin grafts' functional state assessment
01.01.2018 |
Makarov V.
Pominova D.
Ryabova A.
Saveleva T.
Ignateva I.
Reshetov I.
Loschenov V.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering |
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© COPYRIGHT SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only. The development of express method for assessing the state of skin graft by the spectroscopic properties of tissue components involved in the healing of the affected skin or healing of skin grafts was carried out in present work. The proposed method for assessing the state of the skin by the spectroscopic properties of tissue components (using photosensitizers, fluorescent dyes (methylene blue and IcG) and nanophotosensitizers aluminum phthalocyanine nanoparticles (NP-AlPc) applied locally) will evaluate the physiological condition of the skin and assess the degree and rate of engraftment or rejection while also controlling several biochemical and physiological parameters in the entire graft, or the whole area of the skin lesions. Such parameters include the oxygenation of hemoglobin in the tissue microvasculature; the blood supply level; blood flow and lymph flow; assessment of intracellular metabolism; assessment of the cellular respiration type (aerobic/anaerobic).To assess the extent of inflammation the spectrally sensitive to biological environment nanoparticles of aluminum phthalocyanine (NP-AlPc) were also used.
Differences between cerebrovascular effects of 5-hydroxyadamantane-2-one, nimodipine and S-amlodipine nicotinate in the hemorrhagic and ischemic model damage of rat brain
01.01.2018 |
Mirzoyan R.
Gan'shina T.
Kim G.
Kurdyumov I.
Maslennikov D.
Kurza E.
Gorbunov A.
Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya |
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© 2018 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved. The cerebrovascular effects of 5-hydroxyadamantane-2-one (100 mg/kg, i.v.), nimodipine (0.03 mg/kg, i.v.), and S-amlodi- pine nicotinate (0.1 rag/kg, i.v.) were compared and found to differ significantly. While G ABA-ergic 5-hydroxyadaman- tan-2-one and slow calcium channels blocker nimodipine cause a pronounced increase in cerebral blood supply under conditions of global transient ischemia of the brain, their activity in modeling hemorrhagic stroke is significantly lower. At the same time, S-amlodipine nicotinate equally improves cerebral circulation in both hemorrhagic and ischemic brain damage, i.e., the cerebrovascular effect of S-amlodipine nicotinate in the hemorrhagic stroke model is superior to that of nimodipine and 5-hydroxyadamantan-2-one. This is due to a distinguishing feature of the of S-amlodipine nicotinate action, which, in contrast to 5-hydroxyadamantan-2-one and nimodipine, has a binary vasodilating effect on cerebral vessels: (i) blocking slow calcium channels and (ii) stimulating GABAA-receptors.
Local antibacterial therapy in the combination treatment of patients with HPV-associated diseases of the cervix uteri
01.01.2018 |
Kononova I.
Kareva E.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) |
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© Bionika Media Ltd. Objective. To investigate the clinical efficacy of Elgyna in the medical treatment of human papillomavirus (HPV)- associated cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (CIN). Subject and methods. The results of antibacterial therapy prior to destructive treatment were comparatively analyzed in 53 patients with severe dysbiosis in HPV-associated CIN. A study group included 27 patients who took the combined drug Elgyna as one vaginal tablet twice daily (6 administrations); a comparison group of 27 patients received the combined drug Tergynan as one vaginal tablet twice daily (6 administrations). A control group comprised 20 women with the visually unchanged cervix. All the women underwent standard examinations and vaginal microbiocenosis estimation by RT-PCR assay using the Femoflor test. Results. The use of the combined drug Elgyna during medical treatment before destruction was found to normalize molecular biological parameters at the local level and contributes to a significant reduction in the time of epithelialization and a decline in the number of recurrences. Conclusion. HPV-associated cervical neoplasias are accompanied by the development of pronounced dysbiotic processes in the vagina with the predominant involvement of obligate anaerobes. Taking into account the properties of the combined drug Elgyna that provides a normalizing effect on the parameters of biocenosis in accelerating healing and in preventing a recurrence of the process, it is appropriate to prescribe the drug before destructive treatments.
Galectin-3 in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy and metabolic syndrome
01.01.2018 |
Drapkina O.
Shepel R.
Deeva T.
Kaburova A.
Arterial Hypertension (Russian Federation) |
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© 2018 All-Russian Public Organization Antihypertensive League. All Rights Reserved. objective. To investigate the serum levels of galectin-3 in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS) and in patients with combination of MS and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), as well as to define the role of this marker of fibrosis in MS. design and methods. The study included 43 patients with MS (33 patients had LVH), and 33 patients of comparable age without MS (LVH was diagnosed in 10). The level of serum galectin-3 was determined by enzyme immunoassay kits Platinum ELISA. Results. The average level of galectin-3 in the MS group was significantly higher (1,89 ± 1,71 ng/ml), compared to the group without MS (1,03 ± 0,22 ng/ml, p = 0,006). The study showed a positive correlation between the level of galectin-3 and LVH (r = 0,323, p = 0,004). The mean value of galectin-3 in patients with no evidence of LVH was 1,2 ± 0,76 ng/ml, in patients with LVH — 2,1 ± 2,02 ng/ml. conclusions. In patients with MS the level of galectin-3 was higher than in patients without MS, and in patients with MS and concomitant LVH it was higher than in patients without LVH. In patients with MS and LVH increased galectin-3 levels may indicate the severity of myocardial fibrosis and help for prognosis evaluation.
Prognostic factors for the response to tocilizumab therapy in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis without systemic manifestations: A cohort study
01.01.2018 |
Alexeeva E.
Dvoryakovskaya T.
Isaeva K.
Sleptsova T.
Denisova R.
Soloshenko M.
Lomakina O.
Fetisova A.
Rudnickaya M.
Vankova D.
Alshevskaya A.
Moskalev A.
Mamutova A.
Voprosy Sovremennoi Pediatrii - Current Pediatrics |
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© 2018 Publishing House of the Union of Pediatricians. All rights reserved. Background. To assign genetically engineered biologic drugs, we need data on the predictors for response to therapy. Prognostic factors for the response to tocilizumab in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) without systemic symptoms are poorly studied. Objective. Our aim was to reveal early predictors for the response to tocilizumab therapy in patients with JIA without systemic symptoms. Methods. A retrospective cohort study enrolled patients with JIA without systemic symptoms who received tocilizumab therapy between July 2009 and August 2017. We assessed the association between the initial demographic, clinical, and laboratory parameters in patients and the best response (according to the ACR90 criteria) to treatment after a year. Results. The study included 95 (girls 85%) patients; the mean age was 10.3 (6.0; 13.6). During the first year of therapy, 71 (75%), 55 (58%), 38 (40%), and 22 (23%) patients achieved the improvement according to ACR30/50/70/90 criteria, respectively; 22 (23%) patients reached disease inactive stage according to the Wallace criteria. When performing multivariate analysis, the following improvement predictors were revealed based on the ACR90 criteria after a year of treatment: decrease in serum C-reactive protein level during the first month of therapy [odds ratio (OR) 1.024; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.007-1.051], decrease in disease activity score on the visual analogue scale according to the parent/patient assessment (OR 1.048; 95% CI 1.005-1.105), early onset of the disease (OR 0.38; 95% CI 0.16-0.72), persistent oligoarthritis according to the ILAR (OR 9.9; 95% CI 1.5-109.3). During the first year of tocilizumab administration, neutropenia was registered in one patient, leukopenia - in three cases, and urticaria - in one case. Conclusion. The variant of JIA, the age at the disease onset, and the disease course pattern in the first month of tocilizumab therapy are the predictors of treatment efficacy throughout the year.
Irritable bowels syndrome with concomitant diseases of the stomach and esophagus (Overlap syndrome ): Clinical and immunomorphological characteristics
01.01.2018 |
Svistunov A.
Osadchuk M.
Kireeva N.
Burdina V.
Osadchuk A.
Lasareva A.
Medical News of North Caucasus |
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© 2018 Stavropol State Medical University. All rights reserved. Based on the indices of the functioning of the diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES) of the digestive tract, the features of the formation of irritable bowel syndrome with extraintestinal manifestations are studied. We estimated the role of the endocrine cells of the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon and the antrum of the stomach producing motilin (MT), vasointestinal hormone (VIH) and somatostatin (SS), in the onset and course of irritable bowel syndrome with extraintestinal manifestations. The relationship between the patient's psychological status, his neuroendocrine system and extraintestinal manifestations of the disease is demonstrated.
Unverricht-Lundborg disease in an adult female patient: A clinical case
01.01.2018 |
Karlov V.
Zhidkova I.
Mishina E.
Vlasov P.
Margosyuk N.
Tingaeva L.
Perepelova E.
Perepelov V.
Gladov B.
Trukhanov S.
Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika |
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© 2018 Ima-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved. We have considered it appropriate to publish this case due to the rarity of progressive myoclonus epilepsy; diagnostic difficulties, particularly in the early stages of the disease (the female patient has been long followed up for diagnosed juvenile myoclonic epilepsy); the relative role of a genetic study because it has not brought results in this case, and, finally, a problem with therapy, and a significant contribution to the achievement of certain success of currently available antiepileptic drugs, levetiracetam in particular.
Normal temporomandibular joint structure and function determined by ultrasound
01.01.2018 |
Bekreev V.
Ivanov S.
Burenchev D.
Gruzdeva T.
Yurkevich R.
Gharamyan B.
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology |
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© 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology. All rights reserved. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine ultrasound criteria of normal temporomandibular joint structure and function. Materials and methods. Prospective study was conducted upon normal 16 TMJs of 9 patients (4 male, 5 female with mean age of 22.9 years) without clinical or radiological signs of disc displacement. All the patients underwent high-resolution ultrasound (Samsung SONO ACE R3, 12 MHz linear probe) and MR imaging of TMJs with the mouth closed and during the maximal mandibular range of motion. Both examinations were performed and interpreted independently by blinded expert operators. Results. Mouth opening range varied from 4.4 cm to 5.4 cm, average amount was defined as 4.94 ± 0.39 cm. Also average heights of the front, middle and rear parts of disc were measured (0,42 ± 0,07 cm; 0,35 ± 0,07 cm and 0,41 ± 0,05 cm, respectively). Structure of the TMJ disc can be defined as fine-grained, hypoechoic and homogeneous. The average height of lower joint space was defined as 0,12 ± 0,03 cm. Average amount of maximal parasagittal mandible condyle movement was defined as 14.7 ± 1.38 mm. Conclusion. Obtained results of ultrasound criteria of normal temporomandibular joint structure and function correspond to the provisions of normal human anatomy and the norm values established for the MRI of the TMJ. Thus, ultrasound criteria of normal temporomandibular joint can be used for assessment of TMJ internal degenerative diseases.