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Год публикации: Все года 2018 2019 2020

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MRI-derived radiomics model for baseline prediction of prostate cancer progression on active surveillance 01.12.2021
  • Sushentsev N.
  • Rundo L.
  • Blyuss O.
  • Gnanapragasam V.J.
  • Sala E.
  • Barrett T.
  • Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-92341-6 0 Ссылка

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    SARS-CoV-2-mediated dysregulation of metabolism and autophagy uncovers host-targeting antivirals 01.12.2021
  • Gassen N.C.
  • Papies J.
  • Bajaj T.
  • Emanuel J.
  • Dethloff F.
  • Chua R.L.
  • Trimpert J.
  • Heinemann N.
  • Niemeyer C.
  • Weege F.
  • Hönzke K.
  • Aschman T.
  • Heinz D.E.
  • Weckmann K.
  • Ebert T.
  • Zellner A.
  • Lennarz M.
  • Wyler E.
  • Schroeder S.
  • Richter A.
  • Niemeyer D.
  • Hoffmann K.
  • Meyer T.F.
  • Heppner F.L.
  • Corman V.M.
  • Landthaler M.
  • Hocke A.C.
  • Morkel M.
  • Osterrieder N.
  • Conrad C.
  • Eils R.
  • Radbruch H.
  • Giavalisco P.
  • Drosten C.
  • Müller M.A.
  • Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-021-24007-w 0 Ссылка

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    CAR-engineered NK cells; a promising therapeutic option for treatment of hematological malignancies 01.12.2021
  • Marofi F.
  • Saleh M.M.
  • Rahman H.S.
  • Suksatan W.
  • Al-Gazally M.E.
  • Abdelbasset W.K.
  • Thangavelu L.
  • Yumashev A.V.
  • Hassanzadeh A.
  • Yazdanifar M.
  • Motavalli R.
  • Pathak Y.
  • Naimi A.
  • Baradaran B.
  • Nikoo M.
  • Khiavi F.M.
  • Stem Cell Research and Therapy 10.1186/s13287-021-02462-y 0 Ссылка

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    Important gender differences in psychosomatic and school-related complaints in relation to adolescent weight status 01.12.2021
  • Brooks S.J.
  • Feldman I.
  • Schiöth H.B.
  • Titova O.E.
  • Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-93761-0 0 Ссылка

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    A paradigm shift in cell-free approach: the emerging role of MSCs-derived exosomes in regenerative medicine 01.12.2021
  • Moghadasi S.
  • Elveny M.
  • Rahman H.S.
  • Suksatan W.
  • Jalil A.T.
  • Abdelbasset W.K.
  • Yumashev A.V.
  • Shariatzadeh S.
  • Motavalli R.
  • Behzad F.
  • Marofi F.
  • Hassanzadeh A.
  • Pathak Y.
  • Jarahian M.
  • Journal of Translational Medicine 10.1186/s12967-021-02980-6 0 Ссылка

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    The mystery of claustral neural circuits and recent updates on its role in neurodegenerative pathology 01.12.2021
  • Nikolenko V.N.
  • Rizaeva N.A.
  • Beeraka N.M.
  • Oganesyan M.V.
  • Kudryashova V.A.
  • Dubovets A.A.
  • Borminskaya I.D.
  • Bulygin K.V.
  • Sinelnikov M.Y.
  • Aliev G.
  • Behavioral and Brain Functions 10.1186/s12993-021-00181-1 0 Ссылка

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    Prokineticin-2 prevents neuronal cell deaths in a model of traumatic brain injury 01.12.2021
  • Bao Z.
  • Liu Y.
  • Chen B.
  • Miao Z.
  • Tu Y.
  • Li C.
  • Chao H.
  • Ye Y.
  • Xu X.
  • Sun G.
  • Zhao P.
  • Liu N.
  • Liu Y.
  • Wang X.
  • Lam S.M.
  • Kagan V.E.
  • Bayır H.
  • Ji J.
  • Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-021-24469-y 0 Ссылка

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    A paradigm shift in cell-free approach: the emerging role of MSCs-derived exosomes in regenerative medicine 01.12.2021
  • Moghadasi S.
  • Elveny M.
  • Rahman H.S.
  • Suksatan W.
  • Jalil A.T.
  • Abdelbasset W.K.
  • Yumashev A.V.
  • Shariatzadeh S.
  • Motavalli R.
  • Behzad F.
  • Marofi F.
  • Hassanzadeh A.
  • Pathak Y.
  • Jarahian M.
  • Journal of Translational Medicine 10.1186/s12967-021-02980-6 0 Ссылка

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    The mystery of claustral neural circuits and recent updates on its role in neurodegenerative pathology 01.12.2021
  • Nikolenko V.N.
  • Rizaeva N.A.
  • Beeraka N.M.
  • Oganesyan M.V.
  • Kudryashova V.A.
  • Dubovets A.A.
  • Borminskaya I.D.
  • Bulygin K.V.
  • Sinelnikov M.Y.
  • Aliev G.
  • Behavioral and Brain Functions 10.1186/s12993-021-00181-1 0 Ссылка

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    Prokineticin-2 prevents neuronal cell deaths in a model of traumatic brain injury 01.12.2021
  • Bao Z.
  • Liu Y.
  • Chen B.
  • Miao Z.
  • Tu Y.
  • Li C.
  • Chao H.
  • Ye Y.
  • Xu X.
  • Sun G.
  • Zhao P.
  • Liu N.
  • Liu Y.
  • Wang X.
  • Lam S.M.
  • Kagan V.E.
  • Bayır H.
  • Ji J.
  • Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-021-24469-y 0 Ссылка

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    Morphometric analysis and redox state of the testicles in nandrolone decanoate and swimming treated adult male rats 01.12.2021
  • Sretenovic J.
  • Joksimovic Jovic J.
  • Srejovic I.
  • Zivkovic V.
  • Mihajlovic K.
  • Labudovic-Borovic M.
  • Trifunovic S.
  • Milosevic V.
  • Lazic D.
  • Bolevich S.
  • Jakovljevic V.
  • Milosavljevic Z.
  • Basic and Clinical Andrology 10.1186/s12610-021-00134-8 0 Ссылка

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    Morphometric analysis and redox state of the testicles in nandrolone decanoate and swimming treated adult male rats 01.12.2021
  • Sretenovic J.
  • Joksimovic Jovic J.
  • Srejovic I.
  • Zivkovic V.
  • Mihajlovic K.
  • Labudovic-Borovic M.
  • Trifunovic S.
  • Milosevic V.
  • Lazic D.
  • Bolevich S.
  • Jakovljevic V.
  • Milosavljevic Z.
  • Basic and Clinical Andrology 10.1186/s12610-021-00134-8 0 Ссылка

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    Burden and attitude to resistant and refractory migraine: a survey from the European Headache Federation with the endorsement of the European Migraine & Headache Alliance 01.12.2021
  • Sacco S.
  • Lampl C.
  • Maassen van den Brink A.
  • Caponnetto V.
  • Braschinsky M.
  • Ducros A.
  • Little P.
  • Pozo-Rosich P.
  • Reuter U.
  • Ruiz de la Torre E.
  • Sanchez Del Rio M.
  • Sinclair A.J.
  • Martelletti P.
  • Katsarava Z.
  • Cakciri G.
  • Djamandi P.
  • Grabova S.
  • Halili G.
  • Kruja J.
  • Kuqo A.
  • Naco D.
  • Quka A.
  • Stefanidhi L.
  • Vyshka G.
  • Zekja I.
  • Bruera O.
  • Gómez D.
  • Guitian B.
  • Roma J.C.
  • Chen I.L.
  • Bashirova S.
  • Linkov M.
  • Van Den Abbeele D.
  • Vanderschueren G.
  • Araujo R.
  • Arruda R.
  • Catharino A.
  • Ciriaco J.
  • Dalla Corte A.
  • Dornas R.
  • Felsenfeld B.
  • Fonseca Taufner A.
  • Fragoso Y.
  • Hurtado R.
  • Isoni Martins D.
  • Londero R.
  • Melo L.
  • Mignoni K.S.
  • Sgobbi De Souza P.V.
  • Souza M.N.
  • Osman S.
  • Baltzer V.
  • Pacheco Mosquera L.F.
  • Dubroja I.
  • Hucika Z.
  • Lisak M.
  • Lovrencic-Huzjan A.
  • Lušic I.
  • Mahovic Lakusic D.
  • Mikulenka P.
  • Rehulka P.
  • Amin F.M.
  • Antic S.
  • Fakhril-Din Z.
  • Moeller-Hansen J.
  • Munksgaard S.
  • Nan A.M.
  • Pellesi L.
  • Schytz H.
  • Vides M.
  • Braschinsky K.
  • Krikmann Ü.
  • Roos C.
  • Cauchie A.
  • Christian L.
  • Guégan-Massardier E.
  • Demarquay G.
  • Gilles G.
  • Mawet J.
  • Kuhn E.
  • Lanteri Minet M.
  • Bustuchina Vlaicu M.
  • Moisset X.
  • Muresan M.
  • Najjar-Ravan M.
  • Giraud P.
  • Simonin S.
  • De Gaalon S.
  • Chakhava G.
  • Demuria M.
  • Gegelashvili G.
  • Kapanadze N.
  • Antonakakis A.
  • Gaul C.
  • Förderreuther S.
  • Huhn J.I.
  • Ibragimov S.
  • Kamm K.
  • Raffaelli B.
  • Czaniera R.
  • Journal of Headache and Pain 10.1186/s10194-021-01252-4 0 Ссылка

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    Inhaled iloprost improves gas exchange in patients with COVID-19 and acute respiratory distress syndrome 01.12.2021
  • Tsareva N.A.
  • Avdeev S.N.
  • Kosanovic D.
  • Schermuly R.T.
  • Trushenko N.V.
  • Nekludova G.V.
  • Critical Care 10.1186/s13054-021-03690-7 0 Ссылка
    Structured Q1 headache services as the solution to the ill-health burden of headache: 1. Rationale and description 01.12.2021
  • Steiner T.J.
  • Jensen R.
  • Katsarava Z.
  • Stovner L.J.
  • Uluduz D.
  • Adarmouch L.
  • Al Jumah M.
  • Al Khathaami A.M.
  • Ashina M.
  • Braschinsky M.
  • Broner S.
  • Eliasson J.H.
  • Gil-Gouveia R.
  • Gómez-Galván J.B.
  • Gudmundsson L.S.
  • Herekar A.A.
  • Kawatu N.
  • Kissani N.
  • Kulkarni G.B.
  • Lebedeva E.R.
  • Leonardi M.
  • Linde M.
  • Luvsannorov O.
  • Maiga Y.
  • Milanov I.
  • Mitsikostas D.D.
  • Musayev T.
  • Olesen J.
  • Osipova V.
  • Paemeleire K.
  • Peres M.F.P.
  • Quispe G.
  • Rao G.N.
  • Risal A.
  • de la Torre E.R.
  • Saylor D.
  • Togha M.
  • Yu S.Y.
  • Zebenigus M.
  • Zewde Y.Z.
  • Zidverc-Trajković J.
  • Tinelli M.
  • Journal of Headache and Pain 10.1186/s10194-021-01265-z 1 Ссылка

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    A proposal for a new morphological classification of the popliteus muscle tendon with potential clinical and biomechanical significance 01.12.2021
  • Olewnik Ł.
  • LaPrade R.F.
  • Paulsen F.
  • Gonera B.
  • Kurtys K.
  • Podgórski M.
  • Aragonés P.
  • Sanudo J.R.
  • Polguj M.
  • Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-93778-5 0 Ссылка

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    Alcohol control policies add to secular trends in all-cause mortality rates in young adults 01.12.2021
  • Tran A.
  • Manthey J.
  • Lange S.
  • Jiang H.
  • Štelemėkas M.
  • Liutkutė-Gumarov V.
  • Meščeriakova-Veliulienė O.
  • Petkevičienė J.
  • Radišauskas R.
  • Telksnys T.
  • Rehm J.
  • Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-94562-1 0 Ссылка

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    A proposal for a new morphological classification of the popliteus muscle tendon with potential clinical and biomechanical significance 01.12.2021
  • Olewnik Ł.
  • LaPrade R.F.
  • Paulsen F.
  • Gonera B.
  • Kurtys K.
  • Podgórski M.
  • Aragonés P.
  • Sanudo J.R.
  • Polguj M.
  • Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-93778-5 0 Ссылка

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    Alcohol control policies add to secular trends in all-cause mortality rates in young adults 01.12.2021
  • Tran A.
  • Manthey J.
  • Lange S.
  • Jiang H.
  • Štelemėkas M.
  • Liutkutė-Gumarov V.
  • Meščeriakova-Veliulienė O.
  • Petkevičienė J.
  • Radišauskas R.
  • Telksnys T.
  • Rehm J.
  • Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-94562-1 0 Ссылка

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    A proposal for a new morphological classification of the popliteus muscle tendon with potential clinical and biomechanical significance 01.12.2021
  • Olewnik Ł.
  • LaPrade R.F.
  • Paulsen F.
  • Gonera B.
  • Kurtys K.
  • Podgórski M.
  • Aragonés P.
  • Sanudo J.R.
  • Polguj M.
  • Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-93778-5 0 Ссылка

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