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Год публикации: Все года 2018 2019 2020

Название Дата публикации Коллектив авторов Журнал DOI Индекс цитирования Ссылка на источник
Extracellular Matrix Determines Biomechanical Properties of Chondrospheres during Their Maturation In Vitro 01.01.2018
  • Omelyanenko N.
  • Karalkin P.
  • Bulanova E.
  • Koudan E.
  • Parfenov V.
  • Rodionov S.
  • Knyazeva A.
  • Kasyanov V.
  • Babichenko I.
  • Chkadua T.
  • Khesuani Y.
  • Gryadunova A.
  • Mironov V.
  • Cartilage 1 Ссылка

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    Terahertz emission from InGaAs with increased indium content 01.01.2018
  • Yachmenev A.
  • Khabibullin R.
  • Ilyakov I.
  • Glinskiy I.
  • Kucheryavenko A.
  • Shishkin B.
  • Akhmedzhanov R.
  • Zaytsev K.
  • Ponomarev D.
  • Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 0 Ссылка

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    Relationship of remodeling of carotid arteries and left ventricular geometry in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis 01.01.2018
  • Murkamilov I.
  • Aitbaev K.
  • Sarybaev A.
  • Fomin V.
  • Gordeev I.
  • Rayimzhanov Z.
  • Redjapova N.
  • Yusupov F.
  • Kardiologiya 1 Ссылка

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    Synthesis and Antifungal Activity of β -Hydroxysulfides of 1,3-Dioxepane Series 01.01.2018
  • Pavelyev R.
  • Vafina R.
  • Balakin K.
  • Gnezdilov O.
  • Dobrynin A.
  • Lodochnikova O.
  • Musin R.
  • Chmutova G.
  • Lisovskaya S.
  • Nikitina L.
  • Journal of Chemistry 0 Ссылка

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    Ways to standardise of fetometry in Russia: Intergrowth-21<sup>st</sup> project and its implementation 01.01.2018
  • Kholin A.
  • Gus A.
  • Khodzhaeva Z.
  • Baev O.
  • Ryumina I.
  • Villar J.
  • Kennedy S.
  • Papageorghiou A.
  • Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) 0 Ссылка

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    The dopaminergic dysfunction and altered working memory performance of aging mice lacking gamma-synuclein gene 01.01.2018
  • Kokhan V.
  • Kokhan T.
  • Samsonova A.
  • Fisenko V.
  • Ustyugov A.
  • Aliev G.
  • CNS and Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 0 Ссылка

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    Virtual autopsy as a screening test before traditional autopsy: The verona experience on 25 Cases 01.01.2018
  • Cirielli V.
  • Cima L.
  • Bortolotti F.
  • Narayanasamy M.
  • Scarpelli M.
  • Danzi O.
  • Brunelli M.
  • Eccher A.
  • Vanzo F.
  • Ambrosetti M.
  • El-Dalati G.
  • Vanezis P.
  • De Leo D.
  • Tagliaro F.
  • Journal of Pathology Informatics 1 Ссылка

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    Hepatitis B vaccination coverage of healthcare professionals in Greece 01.01.2018
  • Psarrou A.
  • Moisoglou I.
  • Meimeti E.
  • Dounias G.
  • Kikemeni A.
  • Siakavellas S.
  • Leon G.
  • Katsarou M.
  • Lagiou M.
  • Izotov B.
  • Drakoulis N.
  • Farmacia 0 Ссылка

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    Static droplet array for culturing single live adherent cells in an isolated chemical microenvironment 01.01.2018
  • Hassanzadeh-Barforoushi A.
  • Law A.
  • Hejri A.
  • Asadnia M.
  • Ormandy C.
  • Gallego-Ortega D.
  • Ebrahimi Warkiani M.
  • Lab on a Chip 4 Ссылка

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    Diagnosis of IgG4 - related ophthalmic disease in a group of patients with various lesions of the eye and orbits 01.01.2018
  • Vasilyev V.
  • Safonova T.
  • Socol E.
  • Probatova N.
  • Kokosadze N.
  • Pavlovskaya A.
  • Kovrigina A.
  • Radenska-Lopovok S.
  • Gorodetsky V.
  • Rodionova E.
  • Palshina S.
  • Aleksandrova E.
  • Shornikova N.
  • Gaiduk I.
  • Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 0 Ссылка

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    Important problems in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis (based on the Russian consensus 2017) 01.01.2018
  • Vinnitskaya E.
  • Sandler Y.
  • Bakulin I.
  • Parfenov A.
  • Nikitin I.
  • Ilchenko L.
  • Bueverov A.
  • Lopatkina T.
  • Ignatova
  • Syutkin V.
  • Raikhelson K.
  • Khomeriki S.
  • Gudkova R.
  • Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 0 Ссылка

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    Molecular and cell mechanisms of the stress-protective activity of adaptogenic phytopreparation kardecaim on the background of emotional stress 01.01.2018
  • Alekseeva E.
  • Malyshev I.
  • Shantanova L.
  • Nikolaev S.
  • Kareva E.
  • Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya 0 Ссылка

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    Arbidol: A quarter-century after. Past, present and future of the original Russian antiviral 01.01.2018
  • Balakin K.
  • Filosa R.
  • Lavrenov S.
  • Mkrtchyan A.
  • Nawrozkij M.
  • Novakov I.
  • Russian Chemical Reviews 0 Ссылка

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    Pharmacoeconomic analysis of therapy with reslizumab in severe eosinophilic asthma 01.01.2018
  • Kulikov A.
  • Makarova E.
  • Avdeev S.
  • Aisanov Z.
  • Arkhipov V.
  • Emel'Yanov A.
  • Il'ina N.
  • Kurbacheva O.
  • Matveev N.
  • Nenasheva N.
  • Fedosenko S.
  • Pulmonologiya 0 Ссылка

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    Synthesis and biological activity of 16,33-O,O-diformyl-16,17-dihydro-16(S),17(R)-dihydroxyoligomycin A and 33-O-formyloligomycin A 01.01.2018
  • Omelchuk O.
  • Belov N.
  • Tsvetkov V.
  • Korolev A.
  • Dezhenkova L.
  • Grammatikova N.
  • Lysenkova L.
  • Bekker O.
  • Danilenko V.
  • Shchekotikhin A.
  • Macroheterocycles 2 Ссылка

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    Features of primary hippocampal cultures formation on scaffolds based on hyaluronic acid glycidyl methacrylate 01.01.2018
  • Mishchenko T.
  • Mitroshina E.
  • Kuznetsova A.
  • Shirokova O.
  • Khaydukov E.
  • Savelyev A.
  • Popov V.
  • Zvyagin A.
  • Vedunova M.
  • Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine 0 Ссылка

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    Transparent PEG-fibrin gel as a flexible tool for cell encapsulation 01.01.2018
  • Shpichka A.
  • Revkova V.
  • Aksenova N.
  • Yusubalieva G.
  • Kalsin V.
  • Semenova E.
  • Zhang Y.
  • Baklaushev V.
  • Timashev P.
  • Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine 0 Ссылка

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    Atomic force microscopy of tissue sections is a useful complementary tool in biomedical morphological studies 01.01.2018
  • Timashev P.
  • Koroleva A.
  • Konovalov N.
  • Kotova S.
  • Solovieva A.
  • Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine 0 Ссылка

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    The impact of technology acquisition &amp; exploitation on organizational innovation and organizational performance in knowledge-intensive organizations 01.01.2018
  • Fartash K.
  • Davoudi S.
  • Baklashova T.
  • Svechnikova N.
  • Nikolaeva Y.
  • Grimalskaya S.
  • Beloborodova A.
  • Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 9 Ссылка

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    Testing the mediating role of open innovation on the relationship between intellectual property rights and organizational performance: A case of science and technology park 01.01.2018
  • Davoudi S.
  • Fartash K.
  • Zakirova V.
  • Belyalova A.
  • Kurbanov R.
  • Boiarchuk A.
  • Sizova Z.
  • Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 12 Ссылка

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