Репозиторий Университета

Репозиторий Университета

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Год публикации: Все года 2018 2019 2020

Название Дата публикации Коллектив авторов Журнал DOI Индекс цитирования Ссылка на источник
Clinical types (classification) of the right ventricle arrhythmogenic dysplasia: Specifics of diagnostics and management 01.01.2018
  • Lutokhina Y.
  • Blagova V.
  • Nedostup V.
  • Shestak G.
  • Zaklyazminskaya V.
  • Russian Journal of Cardiology 0 Ссылка

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    Coenzyme Q10 in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases: Current state of the problem 01.01.2018
  • Zozina V.
  • Covantev S.
  • Goroshko O.
  • Krasnykh L.
  • Kukes V.
  • Current Cardiology Reviews 3 Ссылка

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    An overtraining syndrome as functional cardiovascular disorder due to physical overload 01.01.2018
  • Badtieva V.
  • Pavlov V.
  • Sharykin A.
  • Khokhlova M.
  • Pachina A.
  • Vybornov V.
  • Russian Journal of Cardiology 0 Ссылка

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    An attributive component of the condition of people with the diagnosis of “ischemic heart disease. Effort angina” 01.01.2018
  • Kasimovskaya N.
  • Fattakhutdinova E.
  • Khuziakhmetov A.
  • Kutlin N.
  • Kostina Y.
  • Kochetkov I.
  • Electronic Journal of General Medicine 5 Ссылка

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    Myocarditis as a legitimate phenomenon in non-compaction myocardium: Diagnostics, management and influence on outcomes 01.01.2018
  • Blagova O.
  • Pavlenko V.
  • Varionchik N.
  • Nedostup V.
  • Sedov V.
  • Kogan
  • Zaydenov V.
  • Kupriyanova G.
  • Donnikov
  • Kadochnikova V.
  • Gagarina N.
  • Mershina
  • Sinitsyn V.
  • Polyak
  • Zaklyazminskaya V.
  • Russian Journal of Cardiology 2 Ссылка

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    Myocardial micro-alternation index: Influence of age, gender and prevalence of normal values in screening of the population 01.01.2018
  • Ivanov G.
  • Bulanova N.
  • Nikolaeva M.
  • Schelykalina S.
  • Nikolaev D.
  • Halabi G.
  • Medical News of North Caucasus 0 Ссылка

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