Репозиторий Университета

Репозиторий Университета

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Год публикации: Все года 2018 2019 2020

Название Дата публикации Коллектив авторов Журнал DOI Индекс цитирования Ссылка на источник
Optical coherence tomography for examination of glaucoma surgery site 01.01.2018
  • Avetisov S.
  • Petrov S.
  • Volzhanin A.
  • Vestnik oftalmologii 0 Ссылка

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    Compensating the Descemet's membrane defect (a clinical case study) 01.01.2018
  • Voronin G.
  • Mamikonyan V.
  • Trufanov S.
  • Narbut M.
  • Vestnik oftalmologii 0 Ссылка

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    Ocular thrombotic microangiopathy in atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome (a clinical case study) 01.01.2018
  • Smirnova T.
  • Sheludchenko V.
  • Kozlovskaya N.
  • Kazaryan E.
  • Andzhelova D.
  • Sherstneva L.
  • Velieva I.
  • Kuchieva A.
  • Akaeva M.
  • Vestnik oftalmologii 0 Ссылка

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    Clinical manifestations of orbital lesion in granulomatosis with polyangiitis 01.01.2018
  • Ismailova D.
  • Grusha Y.
  • Abramova Y.
  • Novikov P.
  • Danilov S.
  • Vestnik oftalmologii 0 Ссылка

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    Immunogenic lipid markers of atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetic patients on program haemodialysis 01.01.2018
  • Archakova T.
  • Nedosugova L.
  • Nikitina N.
  • Melnichenko A.
  • Sobenin I.
  • Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 0 Ссылка

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    Influence of cataract phacoemulsification on eye hydrodynamics in patients with prior trabeculectomy 01.01.2018
  • Avetisov S.
  • Erichev V.
  • Petrov S.
  • Volzhanin A.
  • Vestnik Oftalmologii 0 Ссылка

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    Infection in the clinic of internal diseases 01.01.2018
  • Dvoretsky L.
  • Yakovlev S.
  • Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 0 Ссылка

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    Abscess of the spleen in a patient with infectious endocarditis 01.01.2018
  • Dvoretsky L.
  • Yakovlev S.
  • Sergeeva E.
  • Kolendo S.
  • Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 0 Ссылка

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    24-Hour Profile of Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Excretion of Electrolytes, and Locomotor Activity in Wistar-Kyoto and SHR Rats Under Conditions of Free-Run Rhythm 01.01.2018
  • Blagonravov M.
  • Medvedeva E.
  • Bryk A.
  • Goryachev V.
  • Rabinovich A.
  • Letoshneva A.
  • Demurov E.
  • Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 0 Ссылка

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    Intraoperative prevention of dacryocystitis relapse 01.01.2018
  • At'kova E.
  • Zhukov O.
  • Krakhovetskiy N.
  • Yartsev V.
  • Reznikova L.
  • Vestnik oftalmologii 0 Ссылка

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    Toxicity of yessotoxin in experiment in vivo 01.01.2018
  • Bagryantseva O.
  • Gmoshinskii I.
  • Evstratova A.
  • Trushina E.
  • Mustafina O.
  • Soto K.
  • Shipelin V.
  • Shumakova A.
  • Panova A.
  • Khotimchenko S.
  • Health Risk Analysis 0 Ссылка

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    Prevention of infections in patients with antineutrophil cytoplasm antibody-associated vasculitis: Potential role of hydroxychloroquine 01.01.2018
  • Novikov P.
  • Bulanov N.
  • Zykova A.
  • Moiseev S.
  • Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 1 Ссылка
    Opportunities of early treatment of acute respiratory viral infection in children 01.01.2018
  • Gеppe N.
  • Krylova N.
  • Eliseeva T.
  • Tyurina E.
  • Yablokova E.
  • Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii 0 Ссылка

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    The national cancer control program: Pediatric oncology 01.01.2018
  • Rykov M.
  • Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii 1 Ссылка

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    Impulsivity and risk-taking in adult video gamers 01.01.2018
  • Bogacheva N.
  • Voiskounsky A.
  • Communications in Computer and Information Science 0 Ссылка

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    The endemicity of an area in terms of micronutrient deficiencies as a criterion for compounding a basic vitamin-mineral complex for the periconceptional period 01.01.2018
  • Shikh E.
  • Makhova A.
  • Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) 0 Ссылка

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    Uterine scar incompetency after the cesarean section. Choice of surgical intervention method 01.01.2018
  • Ishchenko A.
  • Davydov A.
  • Aleksandrov L.
  • Pashkov V.
  • Khokhlova I.
  • Dzhibladze T.
  • Gorbenko O.
  • Bryunin D.
  • Ptashinskaya V.
  • Tarasenko Y.
  • Tairova M.
  • Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii 1 Ссылка

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    The coagulation system in children with inflammatory bower disease: Disorders and treatment approaches 01.01.2018
  • Gorelov A.
  • Kanshina A.
  • Yablokova E.
  • Alyeshina N.
  • Astrina O.
  • Voprosy Prakticheskoi Pediatrii 0 Ссылка

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    Quality of life of mothers and commonwealth to breastfeeding 01.01.2018
  • Aminova A.
  • Gumbatova Z.
  • Pestova A.
  • Lakhova S.
  • Abdullayeva G.
  • Voprosy Detskoi Dietologii 0 Ссылка

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    Influence of the biomechanics of walking on the formation of foot pathologies 01.01.2018
  • Zhukova Y.
  • Achkasov Y.
  • Polukarov N.
  • Gridin L.
  • Osadchuk M.
  • Puzin S.
  • Voprosy Prakticheskoi Pediatrii 0 Ссылка

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