Can I change the date of my exam?
It is possible to change the date of the exam if a student has a valid reason for it. In this case they have to send application in personal account and upload the evidence confirming the reason.

The application should be submitted prior to the exam or within three days from the date of the exam. If the reason is valid, the attempt will not be wasted.

Remember that Educational Department has a right to reject the application if it is impossible to fullfill the request. Examples:
"I want to shift my exam to Sunday"
"Please shift my exam to the next semester"
"I need the exam to be sheduled tomorrow as soon as possible"

Please note that the order for expelling a student is preparing quick enough, so if it is third attempt for the exam, the evidence of valid reason to miss it should be submitted as soon as possible. In case you submitted the valid reason in proper time but the order for expelling have already been issued, please contact Sechenov MFC.