The residency program “General Practice (Family Medicine)” is 2-year full-time program which goal is to train a qualified general practitioner (family doctor) possessing a system of cross- functional professional competencies and being able and ready for independent professional work in primary health care and emergency medical care.
The objectives of the residency program are:
- to form basic fundamental medical knowledge in the specialty;
- to train a general practitioner (family doctor) possessing clinical thinking, being well-versed in a complex pathology, having in-depth knowledge of related disciplines;
- to form skills in the development of new technologies and techniques in the field of their professional interest; to form general practitioner (family doctor) competencies in the fields of preventive, diagnostic, medical, psychological and pedagogical, organizational and management activities.
The program correlates with the other programs offered by the University, by including the following disciplines (modules) to the basic and variable components of the programme: Public health and healthcare; Pedagogics; Medical emergency; Pathology; Teaching practice.
The study program provides topics in evidence-based medicine which includes scientific methods in theory and their implementation in practice. Upon request, students together with teachers participate in research, the results of which are published in the academic and research publications.
Graduates of the program having successfully accomplished the program will possess cross-functional and professional competencies in medical treatment of patients in primary health care and emergency medical care conditions.
Quality Management documents can be found here.
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