
General Medicine


Field of study: Clinical Medicine
Level: Specialist's Degree
Code within the Russian education system: 31.05.01
Certificate, degree or qualification: Medical Doctor
Language of study: Russian, English
Mode of study: full-time
Duration: 6 years

Programme Overview

The specialist’s degree programme in General Medicine (hereinafter “the Programme”) is designed to prepare a qualified physician, M.D. possessing a system of universal professional competencies, capable and ready for independent occupational practice.

An objective and qualification tasks of the Programme are based on the Federal State Education Standard of Higher Education for the specialty General Medicine (FSES GM) and the Professional Standard for a Physician, M.D. The Federal State Education Standard of Higher Education for the specialty General Medicine (hereinafter “the Standard”) is developed with due regard to the results of international medical research and current trends in global healthcare. It states that the field of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the Programme includes the protection of health of citizens by ensuring the provision of medical care in accordance with the established requirements and standards in the field of health care. The Standard is a complex of requirements imposed on the relevant educational level – specialist’s degree. The Standard provides equality of educational system in Russia, the continuity and variability of the main education programmes. It ensures the possession of a set of competencies established by the state as a result of education.

The Programme will develop general cultural, general professional and professional competencies which will allow a graduate to carry out independent practice as a physician, M.D. Successful graduates will be able to solve the following professional tasks:

medical activities:

prevention of the occurrence of diseases among the population through preventive and anti-epidemic measures;

conducting preventive medical examinations, periodic health examination, dispensary observation;

the collection and medical-statistical analysis of information on the health indicators of the population of different age and sex groups, characterizing their health status;

diagnosis of diseases and pathological conditions of patients;

diagnosis of emergency conditions;

pregnancy diagnosis;

examination of temporary disability and participation in other types of medical expertise;

provision of primary medical and sanitary care in outpatient and day care settings;

rendering primary medical and health care in case of sudden acute diseases, conditions, exacerbation of chronic diseases that are not accompanied by a threat to the patient’s life and do not require emergency medical care;

participation in the provision of emergency medical care in conditions requiring urgent medical intervention;

emergency medical care, including participation in medical evacuation;

participation in the conduct of medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment;

formation of motivation among the population, patients and their family members, aimed at preserving and strengthening their health and the health of those around them;

patient education on basic hygiene measures of a health-improving nature, contributing to the prevention of the onset of diseases and health promotion;

organizational and management activities:

application of the basic principles of the organization of medical care in medical organizations and their structural units;

creation in medical organizations of favorable conditions for the stay of patients and the work of medical personnel;

keeping medical records in medical organizations;

organization of medical expert consultation;

participation in the organization of the assessment of the quality of care for patients;

compliance with basic information security requirements;

research activities:

analysis of scientific literature and official statistical reviews, participation in the conduct of statistical analysis and public presentation of the results;

participation in solving individual research, scientific and applied tasks in the field of health care for diagnosis, treatment, medical rehabilitation and prevention.

Curriculum and its Structure

Number of academic years: 6
Number of semesters: 12
Total number of credits: 360
Number of credits per semester: 30

Curriculum for the student cohort 2018-2024: download
Annotations of all disciplines for the student cohort 2018-2024: download

The Curriculum of the Programme developed by the University in accordance with the FSES GM requirements and the Professional Standard uses a competence-based approach which determines that upon completion of the Programme graduates shall demonstrate full mastering of all the competencies necessary for successful independent practice as a Physician, M.D. Successful mastering of the Programme supposes consistent passing of disciplines of the Curriculum developed on the principle of increasing complexity and consistent study of fundamental natural sciences, normal human life, general pathology, general principles of diagnosis of various diseases, private clinical disciplines, health organization principles, etc. The applied teaching methods ensure the process of gradual mastering of the curriculum's disciplines based on the principle of increasing complexity, which makes it possible to effectively develop the necessary competencies among the students. The knowledge and skills acquired within each discipline serve as a basis for the study of subsequent disciplines of the curriculum, and also ensure the graduates' readiness for further training, either in residency or at graduate school (PhD). Each discipline involves theoretical component and practical skills training.

The Curriculum consists of the list, workload (in credits and (or) academic hours), sequence and allocation of subjects within the periods of study, as well as disciplines (modules), practices, research work (if any), other types of learning activities, an interim assessment and a final (state) examination of students.

The Curriculum also reflects in academic hours the scope of a student's work in cooperation with a teacher (by type of educational activities) and self-study.

For interim assessment (for each discipline (module), practice, research work (if any)), as well as for the final (state) examination the form of assessment is specified within the Curriculum.

The Curriculum of the Programme has the Basic component which is regulated by the FSES GM and is mandatory for students and the Variable component which is regulated by the University.

The Basic component of the Programme provides for the formation of students ' competencies established by the FSES GM, and includes the following:

- disciplines, practices, research work (if any) established by the FSES GM;

- disciplines, practices, research work (if any) established by the University;

- final (state) examination.

The Variable component of the Curriculum is aimed at expanding and deepening the competencies established by the FSES GM, as well as formation of students' competencies established by the University in addition to the competencies established by the educational standard. It includes disciplines, practices (if any), research work (if any) established by the University to the extent established by the University. The content of the variable part is formed in accordance with specialization of an educational programme.

The Variable component contains 2 parts: disciplines regulated by the University and mandatory for students, as well as a wide list of disciplines from which students can choose (Electives).

In accordance with technical regulations, procedures and deadlines of the University (no later than the beginning of the relevant academic year (semester)), students admitted to the Programme are able to select a set of Elective disciplines from the whole list of approved Elective disciplines. The selected disciplines will form their individual education pathway and become a mandatory part of their individual curriculum. If a student fails to select an elective discipline, it will be assigned by the University.

The list of disciplines of the Variable component incl. Electives is reviewed annually by the Educational and Methodological Council of the Faculty of Medicine in coordination with relevant departments and submitted to the Central Methodological Council and further to the University Academic Council within the approval (re-approval) procedure of the Programme Curriculum.

Responsible Departments and Individuals

Vice-rector for Academic Affairs (Prof. Tatyana M. Litvinova)
- responsible for departments and academic staff implementing the programme and supervising students.

Faculty of Medicine (Dean - Prof. Marina A. Kinkulkina)
- responsible for development and implementation of the Curriculum and content of the programme.

Organizational Structure for General Medicine.jpg

International accrediation

Given the constantly growing number of international students at Sechenov University we become highly involved in their future careers and opportunities. Thus Sechenov University is aimed at international accreditation of its educational programmes as the key element of broadening our graduates' career pathways. Today Sechenov University is known globally for its academic and research excellence with it's educational programmes accredited in many countries. In particular the General Medicine programme accredited in:

- Bahrain
- Europe. AMSE/ASIIN (The Association of Medical Schools in Europe)
- India
- Israel
- Jordan
- Malaysia
- Mongolia
- Namibia
- Palestine
- Saudi Arabia
- Sri Lanka
- Syria
- Vietnam
- USA. Medical Council of California
