An attributive component of the condition of people with the diagnosis of “ischemic heart disease. Effort angina”
01.01.2018 |
Kasimovskaya N.
Fattakhutdinova E.
Khuziakhmetov A.
Kutlin N.
Kostina Y.
Kochetkov I.
Electronic Journal of General Medicine |
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© 2018 by the authors; licensee Modestum Ltd., UK. Objective: The article is devoted to the study of attributive components of people diagnosed with Ischemic heart disease. Effort angina. The results of empirical studies of the attributive process are discussed in the article. Now more and more researchers, both domestic and foreign, are beginning to consider attribution as one of the principles of human existence. Attributive processes initially began to be developed in line with the cognitive orientation of social psychology. Currently, they are actively considered in the framework of the psychology of social cognition. Method: We conducted a study on 24 subjects with an average cholesterol level of 7.426 mmol / l (concomitant diseases-hypertension, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome), who underwent treatment in the Central City Clinical Hospital in the rehabilitation department with the diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease. Effort Angina. Initially, we conducted the survey of subjects in order to identify their subjective judgment about the cause of the disease. They were asked a question: “In your opinion, what is the cause of your heart disease?” Results: The results of the survey conducted testify that only a small percentage of the subjects believe that they could exert any influence on their health and, for example, to reduce environmental or biological factors. One would assume that such results may be a specific demonstration of the fact that an individual gains experience that it is precisely human health that is difficult to correct and change and simply does not solve it due to the complexity of the problem. However, data obtained in the course of other experiments and studies [19] show that a person is inclined to explain what is happening by circumstances or situational causes, rather than personal ones. The results obtained with the help of T. Dembo’s cognitive self-assessment technique indicate that women believe that they actually have much less physical exertion and their daily routine is more correct than people who are close to them, in their opinion, think about it. We can assume that introjects are more often peculiar to women than men that are related to housekeeping, which sometimes requires considerable physical activity and time. When a woman has to, at the insistence of a doctor, reduce her physical activity and somehow comply with the daily regimen, she feels discomfort because of which she believes that she “does nothing at all”, although her relatives continue to persuade her to have a rest. Here it is appropriate, in our opinion, to raise the problem of accepting oneself and, as a sequence, to take adequate care of oneself. Significant differences in the self-attributive and reflexive components were also discovered in the emotional sphere of the female subjects. In their opinion, they experience low intensity of negative emotions, such as fear and anger, but at the same time they believe that their close relatives radically disagree. This situation can be explained either by the fact that they assume that they have negative emotions more strongly than they would like (and what they admit to this in the study), or they are judged by the words of relatives who can also make their judgments by interpreting the facts with varying degrees of adequacy. Conclusion: In conclusion, it should be noted that during the analysis we encountered at least two facts that require further empirical research. Firstly, we identified three types of explanations (attributions) in the subjects’ answers: adverbial, subjective and personal, and the latter type of causal attribution is not expressed clearly in the subjects of the study. This poses new questions: does a particular type of situation contribute to this perception, or are there any other factors (including personal ones) playing the role here. Secondly, the following questions arise: how exactly does a subject choose only one alternative from a variety of explanatory reasons. All these questions will be understood as a part of our further research.
Modern methods of diagnosing addiction to psychoactive substances: Neurophysiological aspects
01.01.2018 |
Salakhova V.
Belinskaya D.
Erofeeva M.
Ulyanova I.
Zotova L.
Khammatova R.
Mizonova O.
Electronic Journal of General Medicine |
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© 2018 by the authors; licensee Modestum Ltd., UK. Objective: The study of the features of the higher mental functions of the brain in patients suffering from addiction to psychoactive substances is very important for narcology. It is necessary not only to uncover the mechanisms of addiction, a complete understanding of the neurophysiological processes that determine the nature of the development and severity of the disease, but also to solve practical problems related to the development of treatment methods and the implementation of preventive measures. Method: In the study of patients, a specially designed map was used containing information on the hereditary and demographic characteristics, on the course of the disease, as well as on the socio-cultural status of patients. To determine the functional state of cortical activity in the process of perception of unconscious signals, a special technique was used. The obtained results were subjected to dispersive analysis and the significance of differences was calculated according to Student’s t-criterion. Results: An analysis of premorbid personality traits made it possible to establish the prevalence of instability, pathological conformity, and hysteroidal features in patients. It should be noted that a large percentage of the surveyed had a hereditary burden of alcoholism, mainly in the line of the father. Curiosity, passive submission, imitation of friends were among the motives of the first drug use. All patients in the process of addiction formed the following features: increased excitability, increasing effective disorders (depression, dysphoria), aggravated by exacerbation of craving for the drug, a decline in morals and ethics (egoism, deceit, indifference to one’s fate, hedonism, loss of sense of duty), disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere (emotional instability, hypersensitivity, vulnerability). Conclusion: The analysis of the duration of latent periods and magnitude of the amplitudes of the late positive R3OO wave in patients with heroin addiction revealed clear differences between the data obtained upon presentation of an unconscious neutral and motivationally significant word. Patients who use psychoactive substances, using the method of recording induced potentials of the brain, which is a sensitive indicator of the activity of brain structures in relation to the substance used, revealed a clear diffuse activation of the cerebral cortex in response to an unconscious verbal stimulus related to the motivation prevailing in patients, in particular to “heroin”. Such activation, as well as the difficult dying out of the developed reactions to an unconscious stimulus, indicate certain neurophysiological foundations of the mechanism underlying the changes in the motivational sphere and the stability of the pathological craving for the psychoactive substance.
Raising awareness about stroke symptoms among children and adolescents
01.01.2018 |
Cher I.
Orlova A.
Silina E.
Sinelʼnikova T.
Egiian M.
Dadaeva V.
Latysheva K.
Lebedeva J.
Akarachkova E.
Profilakticheskaya Meditsina |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Studies aimed at raising awareness of various diseases among the population are becoming more relevant now. Different educational programs for the rapid recognition of stroke symptoms can be aimed at educating children and adolescents. Objective - to investigate the results of STOP-STROKE lessons at Moscow schools. Subject and methods. The Youth Council, Moscow Healthcare Department (MHD), in collaboration with the ORBI foundation gave open STOP-STROKE lessons among the pupils of Moscow schools. The investigation included the results of educating 29,653 4-10-form pupils who completed a specially designed questionnaire before and after the lecture that explained the main symptoms of stroke, as well as the actions to be taken when the latter was suspected. The lecture included the mnemonic test UDAR (blow) (U for smile, D for movement, A for aphasia, D for decision). Results. It was found that after education, there was better knowledge about stroke symptoms (aphasia, facial muscle weakness, and limb weakness) and actions to be taken when stroke was suspected. There was a significant increase in the number of children who correctly identified the three symptoms of the disease. Conclusion. The investigation demonstrated the effectiveness of the program. After being educated, the children can more quickly call for an ambulance if stroke occurs in a family member. Further investigations are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of these lectures, including in the long-term.
Forensic expertise as a tool for criminalistics prognostication
01.01.2018 |
Kovalev A.
Vladimirov V.
Savchuk S.
Romanenko G.
Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertiza |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. The objective of the present study was the criminalistics evaluation of the changes in the structure of the illegal drug market and the volume of drug sales that took place during the recent years. One of the most challenging problems associated with the new situation is the extensive distribution of synthetic cannabimimetics that constitutes one of the most serious threats to the public security. The criminological analysis of the forensic expert practice provided materials for the criminalistics characteristic of the recent events at the criminal drug market in several regions of this country as of 2014 with special reference to the cases of mass poisoning of the young people attributable to the use of the new psychoactive agents. The authors emphasize the important role of forensic medical and other forensic expertises for the identification and comprehensive evaluation of all the factors and circumstances associated with the current situation and characterizing the level of social unsafety under the conditions of the illegal trafficking of the new psychoactive substances. It is concluded that the further improvement of the criminal legislation is urgently needed to strengthen the responsibility for the participation in the subversive and terrorist activities.
Improving the economic performance of Russia’s energy system based on the development of alternative energy sources
01.01.2018 |
Chikunov S.
Gutsunuk O.
Ivleva M.
Elyakova I.
Nikolaeva I.
Maramygin M.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy |
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© 2018, Econjournals. All rights reserved. An upward trend in conventional energy consumption and the exhaustibility of its resources, volatility of the prices for hydrocarbons in the global energy market update the development of scientific approaches to justification of the commercial efficiency of alternative energy in the Russian Federation. Integrated economic performance and environmental safety coefficients for generating companies in Russia were calculated through taxonomic analysis. Trends in the expenditure level for energy production in the context of alternative and conventional energy resources were forecasted by means of neural modeling technologies. Using an integrated assessment method, global priorities for the use of energy resources in Russia that would enhance the national energy system operation efficiency were identified. A forecasting integrated model of the Russian energy system development was elaborated, taking into account the commercial efficiency of alternative energy. Measures to stimulate energy production based on the use of alternative energy sources were proposed. Practical implementation of the research findings would contribute to Russia’s energy system restructuring and meeting the energy needs of the national economy to the fullest extent possible.
Validation of the Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs Pain scale (LANSS) in Russia
01.01.2018 |
Yusupova D.
Suponeva N.
Zimin A.
Zaytsev A.
Bennett M.
Belova N.
Gushcha A.
Chechotkin A.
Gatina G.
Polekhina N.
Bundhun P.
Ashrafov V.
Piradov M.
Nervno-Myshechnye Bolezni |
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© ABV-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved. Background. Objectivization of the characteristics of neuropathic pain is an important component of differential diagnosis in various diseases. Scales and questionnaires are topical diagnostic tools for assessing subjective symptoms for patients and health professionals. Objective to development and validation of the Russian version of the the Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs Pain Scale (LANSS). Materials and methods. The study included two stages: linguocultural ratification and assessment of the psychometric properties of the developed Russian version. Results. The study showed a high level of reliability, validity and sensitivity of the developed Russian-language version of the scale. Conclusion. By the results of the study, the official validated Russian-language version of the scale is presented and recommended for use in work with Russian-speaking patients.
Immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sites using single-drilling bur and two loading procedures: Follow-up results
01.01.2018 |
Bettach R.
Taschieri S.
Mortellaro C.
Del Fabbro M.
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery |
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Copyright © 2018 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Modern clinical protocols in implantology aim at shortening the treatment time and reducing duration and discomfort of the surgical phase, while maintaining optimal treatment outcomes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate clinical outcomes of implants immediately placed in extraction sites, using a single drilling step for implant site preparation. One-hundred thirty-three patients (mean age 55.3 ± 12.7 [SD] years, range 20 – 83 years) were treated at 2 clinical centers. Two-hundred sixty-one implants were inserted in fresh postextraction sockets. One-hundred sixty-five implants were immediately loaded (IL) and 96 underwent delayed loading (DL). Implant survival, peri-implant bone level change and patients’ satisfaction were assessed after at least 3 years of function. No patient dropout occurred. The mean follow-up was 63.61 ± 11.52 months (range 39.71 – 85.71 months) from prosthesis delivery. Two IL and 1 DL implant failed in 3 patients. Implant survival was 98.8% and 99% for IL and DL group, respectively. The mean marginal bone loss after 1 year was 0.48 ± 0.40 mm and 0.52 ± 0.34 mm for IL and DL group. No biological nor mechanical complications occurred. All patients demonstrated full satisfaction. The present protocol with single burs for site preparation produced satisfactory clinical outcomes independent of the loading timing. Further long-term comparative studies are needed to confirm the present findings.
The specific immunophenotypic features of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
01.01.2018 |
Demyashkin G.
Kastyro I.
Sidorin A.
Borisov Y.
Vestnik Otorinolaringologii |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. We have undertaken the retrospective analysis of the medical histories of 119 patients presenting with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and the biopsy specimens obtained from them; the wereinvestigated with the use of the histological (staining of the micropreparations with hematoxylin and eosin) and immunehistochemical (monoclonal murine antibodies against Pan-cytokeratin, СК 5/6, EBV, CK7, CK19, p16) techniques. The study has demonstrated the presence of non-differentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma in 97 patients, diffuse large-cell B-lymphoma in 18 ones, melanoma of the nasopharyngeal mucous membrane in 2, and nasopharyngeal rhabdosarcoma in 1 patient. The immunohistochemical study revealed co-expression of the markers of Epstein—Barr virus, Pan-cytokeratin, and СК 5/6 in the non-differentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Association of obesity in shift workers with the minor allele of a single-nucleotide polymorphism (rs4851377) in the largest circadian clock gene (NPAS2)
01.01.2018 |
Dorokhov V.
Puchkova A.
Arsen’ev G.
Slominsky P.
Dementienko V.
Sveshnikov D.
Putilov A.
Biological Rhythm Research |
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© 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. A growing body of evidence has hinted at the involvement of the largest gene of the circadian clock family, NPAS2, in the regulatory mechanisms underlying the link between metabolic diseases and circadian rhythm disruption. We tested whether one of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in NPAS2 (rs4851377) is associated with obesity and alternations of sleep times in 126 male rotational shift workers (bus drivers). We confirmed positive association of Body Mass Index (BMI) with the difference between free and working days in sleep times, but this difference was smaller in the homozygotes for the minor allele. Moreover, BMI above 30 (obesity) was revealed in the majority of these homozygotes and in the minority of homozygotes for the major allele (11 of 21 or 52.4% and 3 of 40 or 7.5%, respectively). Further studies are required to replicate these results and to elucidate the mechanisms linking NPAS2ʹpolymorphism in with obesity in shift workers.
Evaluation of nephrocerebral risk with the use of cystatin C in patients with chronic kidney disease
01.01.2018 |
Murkamilov I.
Sabirov I.
Fomin V.
Murkamilova J.
Aitbaev K.
Rayimzhanov Z.
Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psihiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Objective. To study a role of cystatin C in the nephrocerebral risk in chronic kidney disease at the initial stage of the disease. Material and methods. One hundred and twenty-eight patients (63 men and 65 women) with chronic kidney disease (CKD) were examined at the pre-dialysis stage of the disease. All patients underwent a complex clinical and laboratory examination with determination of the lipid spectrum, uric acid, fibrinogen, calcium and cystatin C, and subsequent calculation of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). To assess structural changes in carotid arteries, ultrasound dopplerography was performed. Depending on the thickness of the intima-media (TIM), the entire sample is divided into CKD groups with no signs of carotid atherosclerosis (SC), n=70 and on CKD with SC, n=58. Results. Patients of the second group (CKD with SC), had higher body mass index (p<0.05), systolic (p<0.05) and central (p<0.05) arterial pressure (BP) and blood cystatin C (p<0.05). In the same group, there was a significant decrease in the concentration of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p<0.05) compared with those of the first group (CKD). The age of patients and the content of cystatin C (p<0.05) influenced the increase in TIM. Significant positive correlations between cystatin C content and TIM, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p<0.05), and a negative correlation cystatin C content and GFR were noted in patients of the second group. Conclusion. The increase in the level of cystatin C in blood plasma in CKD indicates the development of structural changes in the carotid arteries, the increase in the levels of systolic and central arterial pressure, the decrease in the concentration of HDL cholesterol, which is associated with significant inhibition of GFR.
Myocarditis as a legitimate phenomenon in non-compaction myocardium: Diagnostics, management and influence on outcomes
01.01.2018 |
Blagova O.
Pavlenko V.
Varionchik N.
Nedostup V.
Sedov V.
Zaydenov V.
Kupriyanova G.
Kadochnikova V.
Gagarina N.
Sinitsyn V.
Zaklyazminskaya V.
Russian Journal of Cardiology |
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© 2018, Silicea-Poligraf. All rights reserved. Aim. To evaluate the prevalence of myocarditis in adult patients with non-compaction myocardium (NCM) of the left ventricle (LV), and its influence on the disease course, results of treatment and outcomes. Material and methods. To the study, 103 adult patients included, with NCM, 61 males, mean age 45,6±14,9 y. o. (from 18 to 78). Mean end diastolic LV size was 6,0±0,8 сm, EF LV 38,8±14,5%. Diagnosis of NCM had been done by echocardiography, multispiral computed tomography (n=81) and magnetic resonance tomography (n=39). DNA-diagnostics was performed by NGS method with further Senger sequencing. Pathogenic mutations were found in 9% of patients in the genes MYH7, MyBPC3, LAMP2, DES, DSP, TTN. The investigation also included anticardiac antibodies, genome of cardiotropic viruses by PCR, coronary arteriography (n=26), scintigraphy (n=25). Morphological assessment of the myocardium was done in 19 patients (12 endomyocardial biopsies), 1 intraoperation biopsy, 3 explanted hearts, incl. 2 after biopsy, and 5 autopsies. Mean follow-up 12 [2; 32] months. Results. Myocarditis was found in 53,4%, incl. virus-positive in 32,7% of those, with morphology done for 19 patients (active myocarditis in 10, borderline in 6; with minimal signs of activeness in 3). Viral genome in myocardium found in 8 patients (42,1%). The prevalence of myocarditis 44,4% in an arrhythmic variant of NCM, 12,5% in chronic ischemic, 57,5% in dilation cardiomyopathy, 50,0% in NCM patients with other cardiomyopathies. Special cases were acute/subacute myocarditis in NCM (10,7% of all), acute necrosis (infarction) in 4,9%. Comorbidity with myocarditis in NCM led to significantly more severe LV dysfunction (CHF FC 2 [1; 3] v 1,75 [0; 2], p<0,01, EF 33,8±13,5 v 44,7±13,6%, p<0,001), more prevalent non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (67,3% v 29,3%, p<0,01), proper shocks (38,9% v 0, p<0,05), deaths (16,4 and 4,2%, OR 5,75, 95% CI 1,21-27,43, p<0,05) and transplantation (7,3% v 2,1%, p>0,05). Only in myocarditis patients, as a result of basis (antiviral, immune suppression) and cardiotropic therapy there was significant increase of EF (in acute myocarditis from 25,4±7,9 to 38,6±9,5%, p<0,01), decrease of LV size and pulmonary systolic pressure. Conclusion. Myocarditis is typical phenomenon developing in patients with the primary, i. e. genetically verified NCM. The nature of myocarditis in NCM varies (primary infectious-autoimmune, secondary as a response on genetic/ischemic damage of cardiomyocytes), however regardless of this, it leads to significant worsening of structural and functional parameters, increase of the life-threatening arrhythmias rate, and outcomes (death + transplantation, proper shocks), demanding for active basic therapy.
Specific features of self-perception and anxiety of a woman with pathology of pregnancy
01.01.2018 |
Babieva N.
Sidyacheva N.
Mudrak S.
Kalinin I.
Zolotkova E.
Buyanova V.
Mikhailova I.
Electronic Journal of General Medicine |
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© 2018 by the authors; licensee Modestum Ltd., UK. Objective: The purpose of the article is to describe the empirical research of self-perception and emotional state of a woman with a pathology of pregnancy. At present, reproductive problems, both in women and men, are quite widespread in the world. According to the WHO data there are about 80 million couples in the world who have some difficulties in conception, carrying and giving birth to children. The reproductive health impairment is becoming one of the main problems of modern society, and consequently, the number of psychological problems also increases, because the inability to conceive or carry a baby safely, provided that there is a conscious desire to have children, is one of the most difficult life situations. Method: The leading method to investigate this problem is diagnostic and static methods that allow us to identify the presence of specific features in self-perception and emotional state of a woman during her pregnancy, focusing specifically on the psychological characteristics of women with pregnancy pathologies. Results: Based on the results of the empirical research, the hypothesis put forward about the presence of the specific features in self-perception and anxiety levels of pregnant women without pathologies and women with pathology of pregnancy was confirmed. Women with pregnancy pathology are less likely to feel self-confidence, they have lowered self-acceptance, but compared to women without pathology of pregnancy, the subjects often blame themselves for the situation that happened, they start to be responsive to their health and react to any bodily changes. Conclusion: Psychological support and guidance of pregnant women at maternity welfare centers (level I) should focus on the formation of personal and social perception of the concepts “I am pregnant” and “My child”; at antenatal clinics of maternity hospitals (II level)-to focus on the formation of rational ideas about the emerged pathology of pregnancy.
Interim results of the international multicenter prospective observational study to evaluate the epidemiology, humanistic and economic outcomes of treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) (MOSAIC)
01.01.2018 |
Chulanov V.
Isakov V.
Zhdanov K.
Bakulin I.
Burnevich E.
Latarska-Smuga D.
Infektsionnye Bolezni |
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© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective. To study clinico-epidemiological characteristics of patients with CHC and to evaluate clinical, economic and other parameters related to their treatment. Patients and methods. The study is conducted in 10 countries in Central and Eastern Europe involving 1.500-2000 patients with chronic HCV infection, aged 18 years and older not current receiving treatment for hepatitis and seeking for care in a routine clinical visit to physician. After enrollment, patients are observed until the end of HCV treatment. The study includes three consecutive phases. At the phase 1 epidemiological data for the patients seeking for care is being collected at the single visit. Patients for whom antiviral IFN-containing treatment is planned to be started within 12 weeks from the first visit were included into the second phase. During phase 2 patients are being assessed on-treatment for HRQoL changes over time, the impact of HCV and treatment on work productivity, activities of daily living and resource utilization. Interim results presented in this paper reflect epidemiologic characteristics of HCV patients collected during the first phase of MOSAIC study on the territory of Russia. Results. Data from 492 patients were collected in 15 study centers in Russia. 441 patients (377 treatment naïve, 64 experienced) entered the study, 51 patients were considered non-participants. 161 patients did not start treatment within 12 weeks after enrollment. Patients were of white race, 57% males and 43% females, aged between 19 and 74 years, with median age 37.0 (IQR 31-47 years). Median time since HCV diagnosis was 2.0 years. 30 (6.8%) patients had clinically compensated liver cirrhosis, 40% of patients had unknown cirrhosis status. The most common viral genotypes were Gt1 and Gt3 – 55.6% and 37.6% of patients, respectively. Among patients with known viral load HCV RNA level at enrollment was ≤ 800.000 IU/ml in 53% of patients and > 800.000 IU/ml in 47% of patients. Twelve (4.3%) treated patients had extra-hepatic symptoms of liver disease, no association was found between liver cirrhosis and presence of extra-hepatic manifestations (p = 0.3534). 14.5% of patients were treatment experienced, 88.9% of them had only one course of antiviral therapy in the past. Relapse was the most common reason of therapy failure observed in 50% (32/64) patients.17.5% of HCV patients have concomitant diseases; the most common are cardiovascular diseases (5,7%), other liver diseases (5%) and diabetes mellitus (2,9%), the latter is associated with the presence of liver cirrhosis (p = 0.0125). Among studied parameters (gender, age, HCV genotype and pre-treatment status) age was an only significant predictor of liver cirrhosis development, odds increase with every 10 years of increment (OR 2.005 [95% CI 1.407; 2.858], ROC 0.732, p = 0.0001). Conclusion. Epidemiology of patients with HCV infection was investigated in the first phase of MOSAIC international observational study on the territory of Russia and described in the present article. Сlinical, humanistic and economic burden of anti-HCV treatment based on MOSAIC data will be presented in future publications.
Efficacy and safety of collagen biomaterial local application in complex treatment of the diabetic foot syndrome (final results of the multicenter randomised study)
01.01.2018 |
Stupin V.
Silina E.
Gorskij V.
Gorjunov S.
Zhidkih S.
Komarov A.
Sivkov A.
Gabitov R.
Zolotareva L.
Sinel'nikova T.
Barancevich E.
Bogomolov M.
Korejba K.
Bogdanov E.
Krivihin V.
Bakunov M.
Eliseeva M.
Krivihin D.
Khirurgiia |
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AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of collagen biomaterial application during the 4-week follow-up of patients with diabetic foot syndrome.MATERIAL AND METHODS: 75 patients with diabetic foot (Wagner II (69.3%) and III (30.7%)) aged 30-80 years were included in the multicenter study, among them were 50.7% with the wound unhealed for 1.5-6 months and 49.3% over 6-48 months. Patients were randomized into 2 groups: 1) standard therapy (n=37), 2) the additional use of the collagen material Collost (n=38). Observation period was at least 4 weeks for each patient. The size of ulcers, results of general and biochemical blood tests, oximetry, microbiological testing, ultrasound of lower extremities vessels as well as a detailed medical history, social and functional status, level of cardiovascular comorbidity and ongoing therapy were estimated.RESULTS: Additional use of a collagen biomaterial has led to a significant reduction ulcers of all sizes from 13.5 to 2.1 cm2 (in the comparison group - from 12.5 to 7 cm2). The best dynamics have been registered in Wagner II (4.4-fold average wound area regress in Collost group, from 8.8 to 2.0 cm2; average wound area regress by 1.8 times, from 10 to 5.6 cm2 in the comparison group) than in Wagner III group (in the main group from 55 to 21.3 cm2; in the control group from 36 to 32.4 cm2) and in ulcers existing less than 6 months. Treatment with biological material Collost within standard therapy after 4 weeks led to increase of complete epithelialization by 2.6% (21.1% as compared to 14.7%), while decreasing the frequency of ineffective treatment by 4.1 (7.9% in primary and 32.4% in the comparison group).CONCLUSION: We have proved the efficacy and safety of collagen biomaterial topical application in a diabetic foot syndrome treatment.
Elaboration of a bacterial cellulose matrix for the immobilisation of Escherichia coli cells
01.01.2018 |
Gromovykh T.
Feldman N.
Tikhonova O.
Lutsenko S.
Timashev P.
Bardakova K.
Churbanov S.
Kiselyova O.
Kraeva M.
Grinevich A.
International Journal of Nanotechnology |
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© Copyright 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. This paper is concerned with the studies of a natural nanomaterial which is bacterial cellulose synthesised by Gluconacetobacter hansenii producer strain. It covers different fields of bacterial cellulose use, including medicine. The research has proved that bacterial cellulose matrices with immobilised cells have high potential as immobilisers of cells, including making probiotics of prolonged action. The matrices consisted of bacterial cellulose films were prepared by static cultivation of G. hansenii GH-1/2008 strain in the liquid medium. We have developed methods of washing out end toxins and producer cells of the films in the solutions of sodium bicarbonate, sodium dodecyl sulphate, and sodium hydroxide. The LAL-test has revealed that washing the films with sodium dodecyl sulphate is more efficient. By means of electron scanning and atomic force microscopy (AFM), we have determined that bacterial cellulose matrices have a layered structure, smooth surface, and adhesion of E. coli test strain cells. The adhesive capacity, the energy of adhesion and contact angle is higher for 50 um thick films than for 20 um thick ones. The bacterial cellulose matrices obtained by the biosynthesis of G. hansenii strain can be recommended for the immobilisation of different producer cells.
Clinical cases of multiple sclerosis in children with cerebral palsy
01.01.2018 |
Sivertseva S.
Bykova O.
Bakhtiyarova K.
Prilenskaya A.
Sivertsev M.
Kandala N.
Bazhukhin D.
Smirnova N.
Guseva M.
Boyko A.
Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psihiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved. The careful differential diagnosis is very important in pediatric cases of multiple sclerosis (MS). It has special difficulties if MS started in patients with residual neurological pathology. Two cases of development of MS in children with cerebral palsy (CP) are presented. The clinical features and diagnostic difficulties in such comorbid situations are discussed.
Assessing genetic and morphological variation in populations of Eastern European Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
01.01.2018 |
Diakova A.
Schepetov D.
Oyun N.
Shatalkin A.
Galinskaya T.
European Journal of Entomology |
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© 2018 Czech Academy of Sciences. The population structures of different species of Calliphoridae flies are highly diverse at different locations. We investigated populations of the Eastern European L. sericata using chaetotaxy and eight microsatellite loci. Our results strongly indicate that a panmictic population of L. sericata exists in the area studied, possibly with a high rate of intra-population gene flow. Analysis of chaetotaxy also supports the panmictic population hypothesis.
The risk factors and epidemiologic characteristics of stroke in women in the Tyumen Region
01.01.2018 |
Lebedeva D.
Brynza N.
Njamcu A.
Akarachkova E.
Orlova A.
Profilakticheskaya Meditsina |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Stroke is now one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, in this connection, various programs are being implemented to prevention this disease and to improve diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Female gender is a proven unmodifiable risk factor for stroke. Objective - to analyze literature data on the risk factors of stroke in women and to identify the epidemiological features of the disease in women in the Tyumen Region. Material and methods. To achieve literature was sought in the databases Pubmed and Library the 2007 - 2016 statistical materials of the Healthcare Department of the Tyumen Region were used. Results. The review of the literature demonstrated significant differences in the epidemiological parameters of stroke and analyzed in detail its age-related characteristics in women, the possible biological mechanisms of differences, and the role of hormone replacement therapy. The authors' own study did not reveal a higher incidence of stroke in women than that in men even in the oldest age groups. Conclusion. For personalized stroke prevention and treatment, there is a need for further investigations with a thorough analysis of the burden of gender-related risk factors.
The role of probiotics and microbiota in digestion, nutrient and hormone metabolism, and hormonal background maintenance
01.01.2018 |
Gurevich K.
Nikityuk D.
Nikonov E.
Zaborova V.
Veselova L.
Zolnikova O.
Profilakticheskaya Meditsina |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. The review gives the definition and conditions of assigning a biological agent to probiotics, the mechanisms of action of probiotics and microbiota on the activity of the central nervous system, as well as the main biologically active amines synthesized by the microbiota. It considers the neuroendocrine effects of probiotics and microbiota and their role in the pathogenesis of obesity and diabetes. The authors summarize the studies that prove the impact of the microbiota on metabolic processes via synthesis of vitamins B and D and the ensuing prospects for their therapeutic application.
Misdiagnosed case of transthyretin amyloidosis in a fully investigated patient
01.01.2018 |
Naumova E.
Nikitin S.
Druzhinin D.
Varshavskiy V.
Nervno-Myshechnye Bolezni |
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© 2018 ABV-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved. The DNA analysis revealed a transthyretin amyloidosis with a rare Phe53Leu mutation in a woman of 62 y.o. with the late onset progressive generalized axonal sensomotor neuropathy, dry eye syndrome, and an episode of severe unintentionally weight loss. The same mutation was found in her healthy 34 y.o. son, but not in a 42 y.o. daughter. The Congo red staining were negative in nerve and salivar gland biopsies samples. The reassessment of the transthyretin amyloidosis “red flags” showed that the patient fulfilled the criteria of the disease and the absence of amyloid deposition was not the ground to reject the hereditary cause of the condition. The reasons of the misdiagnosis are discussed.