Репозиторий Университета

Репозиторий Университета

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Год публикации: Все года 2018 2019 2020

Название Дата публикации Коллектив авторов Журнал DOI Индекс цитирования Ссылка на источник
HPTLC based approach for bioassay-guided evaluation of antidiabetic and neuroprotective effects of eight essential oils of the Lamiaceae family plants 30.01.2020
  • Romero Rocamora C.
  • Ramasamy K.
  • Meng Lim S.
  • Majeed A.
  • Agatonovic-Kustrin S.
  • Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 10.1016/j.jpba.2019.112909 0 Ссылка

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    Scorpion toxins interact with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors 01.10.2019
  • Kasheverov I.
  • Oparin P.
  • Zhmak M.
  • Egorova N.
  • Ivanov I.
  • Gigolaev A.
  • Nekrasova O.
  • Serebryakova M.
  • Kudryavtsev D.
  • Prokopev N.
  • Hoang A.
  • Tsetlin V.
  • Vassilevski A.
  • Utkin Y.
  • FEBS Letters 10.1002/1873-3468.13530 1 Ссылка

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    Ultrasonic dopplerography for the evaluation of endothelial function in the conduct of pharmacological vascular samples in an experiment 13.08.2018
  • Soldatov V.
  • Malorodova T.
  • Pokrovskaya T.
  • Pokrovskii M.
  • Kulchenkova T.
  • Ksenofontov A.
  • Filippova O.
  • International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 1 Ссылка

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    Cognitive and motor training for patients with moderate cognitive impairment and mild dementia 01.01.2018
  • Naumenko A.
  • Preobrazhenskaya I.
  • Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika 1 Ссылка

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    Mystery of childbearing in myasthenia gravis: Factors affecting the course of the disease during pregnancy and the risks of development of transient neonatal myasthenia. A unique case of the birth of a healthy child in a couple of patients with myasthenia 01.01.2018
  • Shcherbakova N.
  • Khrushcheva N.
  • Ogurtcova N.
  • Shabalina A.
  • Kostyreva M.
  • Nevrologicheskii Zhurnal 0 Ссылка

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    The effects of acute hyperhomocysteinemia induced by DL-homocysteine or DLhomocysteine thiolactone on serum biochemical parameters, plasma antioxidant enzyme and cardiac acetylcholinesterase activities in the rat 01.01.2018
  • Kornjača D.
  • Živković V.
  • Krstić D.
  • Čolović M.
  • Durić M.
  • Stanković S.
  • Mutavdžin S.
  • Jakovljeví V.
  • Durí D.
  • Archives of Biological Sciences 0 Ссылка

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