Репозиторий Университета

Репозиторий Университета

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Год публикации: Все года 2018 2019 2020

Название Дата публикации Коллектив авторов Журнал DOI Индекс цитирования Ссылка на источник
Numerical modeling of continuous-flow left ventricular assist device performance 01.11.2019
  • Telyshev D.
  • Petukhov D.
  • Selishchev S.
  • International Journal of Artificial Organs 10.1177/0391398819852365 0 Ссылка

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    Non-invasive coronary CT angiography-derived fractional flow reserve: A benchmark study comparing the diagnostic performance of four different computational methodologies 01.10.2019
  • Carson J.
  • Pant S.
  • Roobottom C.
  • Alcock R.
  • Javier Blanco P.
  • Alberto Bulant C.
  • Vassilevski Y.
  • Simakov S.
  • Gamilov T.
  • Pryamonosov R.
  • Liang F.
  • Ge X.
  • Liu Y.
  • Nithiarasu P.
  • International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 10.1002/cnm.3235 1 Ссылка

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    Influence of aging-induced flow waveform variation on hemodynamics in aneurysms present at the internal carotid artery: A computational model-based study 01.10.2018
  • Xu L.
  • Liang F.
  • Zhao B.
  • Wan J.
  • Liu H.
  • Computers in Biology and Medicine 4 Ссылка

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    A familial case of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with a mutation in the PTF1A gene 01.01.2018
  • Svetlova G.
  • Kuraeva T.
  • Sechko E.
  • Peterkova V.
  • Problemy Endokrinologii 0 Ссылка

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    Problems of the differential diagnosis of MODY3 in obesity 01.01.2018
  • Sechko E.
  • Andrianova E.
  • Ivanova O.
  • Kuraeva T.
  • Problemy Endokrinologii 0 Ссылка

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    Modern methods of mathematical modeling of blood flow using reduced order methods 01.01.2018
  • Simakov S.
  • Computer Research and Modeling 4 Ссылка

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    Influence of pulmonary hypertension on clinical course and prognosis of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 01.01.2018
  • Avdeev S.
  • Gajnitdinova V.
  • Tsareva N.
  • Merzhoeva Z.
  • Russian Journal of Cardiology 0 Ссылка

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    Dynamic of cerebrovascular disorders in patients with carotid stenosis 01.01.2018
  • Pyshkina L.
  • Abieva A.
  • Yasamanova A.
  • Darvish N.
  • Kamchatnov P.
  • Kabanov A.
  • Tyazhelnikov A.
  • Silina E.
  • Shurygin S.
  • Osmaeva Z.
  • Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova 0 Ссылка

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